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In today’s super-accelerated business environment and increasingly global marketplace, organizations are recognizing that leaders need to break down barriers among employees and stakeholders to stay competitive. For leaders, the traditional approach of directing and controlling must give way to one of facilitating and persuading to get things done. What traits do collaborative leaders exhibit, and what are the challenges they can expect to face along the way? In this issue of TD at Work, you will learn: • what collaborative leadership is • how to create a collaborative environment • when to use collaborative leadership• the future of collaborative leadership.
In The Collaborative Leader, L. Michael Hall and Ian McDermott answer key questions about leadership. What is collaboration? How does it relate to leadership? How do you do it effectively? How do you pull people together, inspire them with a meaningful vision, and organise them so that a team spirit emerges and peak performance is achieved? The Collaborative Leader is a practical guide to collaborating with others and leading collaboratively. That means learning how to win the hearts and minds of those who we lead. Packed with practical and immediate action points, the book will show you how to turn around a non-collaborative group or environment immediately. You will find assessment questions throughout, step-by-step processes on collaboration, and an invitation to action at the end of each chapter: a personal challenge to step up to the collaborative level of leadership. Learn the core competencies that facilitate a healthy, joyful, and productive collaboration. The foundation of collaborative leadership is self-collaboration. The leader who cannot effectively collaborate cannot effectively lead. If you are to walk your talk, you need to demonstrate collaborative skills yourself, and this book will show you the 'how to's' for developing the critical success elements of leadership. The best collaborators are those who have lots of fun collaborating. The goal can be serious. The collaboration can be fun. Learn how it's possible by understanding the structure and processes of collaboration. Whether you're responsible for team or organisational development, you'll find plenty here to inspire you to transform your leadership into collaborative leadership.
This book is a practical exploration of what it takes to form and focus the collaborative relationships necessary to accomplish important public missions, particularly education. Its aim is to help practitioners improve their capacity and performance, and to begin a dialog involving practitioners, educators, and scholars that will generate more and better answers, models, and theories aimed at advancing the art of collaboration to the status of a science and a system that can be studied, taught, learned, and improved. Chapters 1 through 4 look at the context, reasons, and complexities of collaboration from a number of perspectives and pose a variety of arguments for doing collaboration. Chapters 5 through 9 attempt to respond to these arguments with explorations of how to do collaboration. Chapter 5 lays the groundwork for developing explanatory models of collaboration and connects collaboration to systems change. Chapter 6 introduces the 12 phases of collaboration's life cycle with a tool and framework to both assist practitioners and invite applied study. Chapter 7 introduces content skills and attributes that contribute to effective collaboration. Chapter 8 integrates practice and theory in a descriptive model of collaborative systems. Finally, chapter 9 provides a few items of advice for those readers looking for pithy guidance right away. (RT)
Team Being is a book about creative collaboration—what it is, how it works and how to maximize chances of doing it well. The book is built upon years of experience working with thousands of nascent teams from education, business and government where participants were expected to generate results in formations from two to twenty-five people. The book shares complex insights on collaboration combining direct observations of creative teams in action, extensive reviews of ground-breaking research in the field and insights from leaders of professional creative teams. Team Being goes beyond other teamwork books incorporating compelling insights and perspectives from psychodynamics, neuroscience and quantum physics, all of which help to illuminate the often-hidden forces at work in collaborative environments. The more aware leaders are of these forces, the more empowered they are to lead teams by influence rather than blind authority. Learning how to work well with others is an inconvenience, not unlike what grammar is to writing. Teamwork is an essential skill for the 21st century work force, but there is currently no natural, convenient or effective place to learn it in most institutions of education.
Collaborative leadership is about delivering results across boundaries. The nature of that boundary is important, whether it's a formal contract or an informal agreement between two parties to work together for a common aim. And leaders need to be clear about where the boundary lies and how to use the different capabilities on either side of it to build a positive and efficient relationship. As the poet Robert Frost once put it, 'Good fences make good neighbours'.Getting value from difference is at the heart of the collaborative leader's task. But that is not without its challenges. As in many marriages, it is often this difference - in skills, experience, resources or culture - that attracts organisations to work together in the first place. Then, as time goes by, people start to rail against that very difference and try to remove it wherever it causes frustration in the joint operation. An often-heard criticism is 'Why can't they be more like us?'. But of course the truth is that if they were, you'd have lost the very reason that brought the two of you together.So, collaborative leaders have to pull off a tricky balancing act - on the one hand, respecting and valuing the differences of a partner, while on the other, smoothing out some of those differences in the interests of making the relationship work more efficiently. At the same time, leaders have to learn to share control, and to trust a partner to deliver, even though that partner may operate very differently from themselves. Collaborative leadership is a sophisticated art - but mastering this complexity lies at the heart of business success now and in the future.
"David Archer and Alex Cameron are founding Directors of Socia Ltd, a company which has an international reputation advising leaders of large organizations on how to get more from their business critical relationships. Their clients include leaders from sectors such as central government, transport, oil & gas and finance who face particularly significant collaboration challenges."--Cubierta.
This updated bestseller shows educators how they can improve student learning by building successful collaborative relationships with colleagues, students, and the community.
Collaboration Begins with You Everyone knows collaboration creates high performing teams and organizations—and with today's diverse, globalized workforce it's absolutely crucial. Yet it often doesn't happen because people and groups typically believe that the problem is always outside: the other team member, the other department, the other company. Bestselling author Ken Blanchard and his coauthors use Blanchard's signature business parable style to show that, in fact, if collaboration is to succeed it must begin with you. This book teaches people at all levels—from new associates to top executives—that it's up to each of us to help promote and preserve a winning culture of collaboration. The authors show that busting silos and bringing people together is an inside-out process that involves the heart (your character and intentions), the head (your beliefs and attitudes), and the hands (your actions and behaviors). Working with this three-part approach, Collaboration Begins with You helps readers develop a collaborative culture that uses differences to spur contribution and creativity; provides a safe and trusting environment; involves everyone in creating a clear sense of purpose, values, and goals; encourages people to share information; and turns everyone into an empowered self-leader. None of us is as smart as all of us. When people recognize their own erroneous beliefs regarding collaboration and work to change them, silos are broken down, failures are turned into successes, and breakthrough results are achieved at every level.
Numerous management techniques that promote camaraderie and collaboration among managers and supervisors inside a commercial organization are referred to as "collaborative management." The idea behind this style of management is to provide managers the flexibility to combine their talents with the strengths of other team members, enabling them to jointly balance out any potential weaknesses. Theoretically, this technique should improve the efficiency of every aspect of the business operations, which will benefit employee morale, vendor relationships, and even how clients regard the organization. Even when the precise tactics change, any kind of collaborative management diverges slightly from more traditional management practices. One of the most obvious approaches to corporate management is the team approach. Although each manager still has specific duties and obligations, it is recommended that they communicate with one another about issues relating to the regular operations of the departments they are in charge of. In order to address issues before they have an opportunity to negatively affect other areas of the operation, this suggests that managers meet more frequently to brainstorm solutions to issues that are forming in one department or area of the company.