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In 2017, over 2 million people applied for Social Security Disability. Of those 2 million plus, 65% were denied. If you are thinking about applying for Social Security Disability, or have been denied already, this book will:simplify the law so that you can understand what is going on with your case at every stage, explain the difference between Title 2 and Title 16 benefits, explain what Social Security's definition of disability is, give you concrete actions that you can take to help your case. Most importantly, this book will give you the confidence you need to WIN your benefits.
Social Security disability is an enormous program, with hundreds of thousands of people participating each year. Consequently, it's easy for both participants and first-time applicants to get lost in the system's bureaucracy.Nolo's Guide to Social Security Disability is an essential book for anyone dealing with a long-term or permanent disability. Written both for first-time applicants and those who already receive Social Security disability, Dr. David Morton's book demystifies the program in plain English, thoroughly explaining:* what Social Security disability is* what benefits are available to disabled children* how to prove a disability* how age, education and work experience affect benefits* whether or not one can work while receiving benefits* how to appeal a denial of benefits* how to respond to a Continuing Disability Review* and much more
Qualify for Social Security disability benefits, quickly and easily This comprehensive and compassionate book covers both SSDI and SSI, shows you how to prove a disability, and explains how your age, education, and work experience affect your chances. Parents will find special information about benefits available to children with a disability. Learn how to: • find the disability criteria for your medical condition • prove the severity of your disability • appeal if you’re denied benefits • work part time while keeping your benefits • prepare for a Continuing Disability Review • and more. Plus, this book is packed with filled-in samples of all the forms you’ll need, including the SSDI and SSI disability applications. This new edition includes: • a new discussion of getting disability for long COVID • explanations of Social Security’s updated medical listings for digestive and skin disorders.
Qualify for Social Security disability benefits, quickly and easily This comprehensive and compassionate book covers both SSDI and SSI, shows you how to prove a disability, and explains how your age, education, and work experience affect your chances. Parents will find special information about benefits available to children with a disability. Learn how to: find the disability criteria for your medical condition prove the severity of your disability appeal if you’re denied benefits work part time while keeping your benefits prepare for a Continuing Disability Review, and more. Plus, this book is packed with filled-in samples of all the forms you’ll need, including the SSDI and SSI disability applications. This new edition includes: a new discussion of getting disability for Post-Acute COVID Syndrome (PACS) explanations of Social Security’s updated medical listings for back pain, musculoskeletal disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, Raynaud’s phenomenon, polymyositis, and dermatomyositis. With Downloadable Disability Listings Find out if your medical condition qualifies under one of Social Security’s 200 disability listings (details inside).
A complete guide to Social Security disability benefits—everything you need to know, from qualifying and applying for your benefits to appealing the denial of a claim. Written by a former Social Security Administrative & doctor, this book provides a unique behind-the-scenes look at how, the SSA decides who is disabled and deserves benefits.
UPDATED FOR 2014! Co-authored by a former Social Security Judge, this book is a how-to manual for (non-blind) disabled adult claimants who are applying for Social Security Disability or SSI benefits and whose claims are at the initial application level. A recent study revealed that about 6 of every 10 disability applications were denied at the initial level. Even worse, only about 1 in 4 of those denied claims ever was won on appeal. In other words, if you don't win at the initial level, there's only about a 1 in 4 chance you ever will! You need to make your strongest case at the initial application level, where your chances of winning are best. But how? First, you need to understand the process. Most of what claimants do at the initial application stage is answer questions on forms. Unassisted and virtually blindfolded, most applicants answer Social Security's questions incorrectly, inadequately, incompletely, or inappropriately. Too often, this leads to an undeserved denial. This book shows how to respond to each question on Social Security's 4 major forms, so you can maximize your chances of winning at the initial application level, when your chances of winning are greatest. Second, you need to take action. Many claimants take a wait-and-see approach: They wait until Social Security denies the claim at least once before they try to understand the process or get help. But by then, it's often too late. For those claimants, the best chance of winning is gone. And they may have damaged their claims beyond repair by giving inaccurate, uninformed, or incomplete answers. We wrote The Wilborn Method to help disabled people understand and complete Social Security's forms so they maximize their chances of winning at the initial application level. A self-help Social Security disability book should show you what you have to do to win your case! That is what this book does. We explain the disability process and the rules for proving you're disabled. We start with 11 chapters explaining the basics you need to know as you start the disability claim process. Then we guide you, question-by-question, through Social Security's 4 major forms. We answer three questions you must ask yourself when you read the questions on Social Security's forms: 1) Why is Social Security asking these specific questions? 2) How will Social Security use the answers? and 3) How much detail does Social Security need? We show you how to answer each question so you give a complete and accurate picture of your impairments, your limitations, your education, and your work history. We explain which of Social Security's questions aren't really asking what they appear to be asking, and we explain how to avoid getting trapped in wrong or inconsistent answers. For Social Security, the third party witness questionnaire can be a rich source of contradictions-contradictions that often are used to deny claims. We discuss ways to make this questionnaire work for you, instead of against you. To prove you're disabled, you must have medical evidence. We explain what your doctors should and should not do to help prove you're disabled. We even have two forms you can use to get useful and meaningful opinions from your doctors. The value of our guidance doesn't end at the initial application level. If you have to appeal your case, these forms stay in the record for as long as your case is appealed! At the hearing level, Social Security's judges look carefully at the answers on the initial level forms. They use careless or uninformed answers on these forms to deny disability claims. Giving inadequate answers on Social Security's initial level forms hurts more than your chances of winning early-it also can cripple your chances of winning later. Whether or not you hire a representative to help you, if you follow the instructions in The Wilborn Method, you'll avoid common mistakes that may harm your case. You'll also give the necessary details to improve your chances of winning quickly.
More people are denied SSI and Social Security Disability than are allowed benefits the first time they apply. This includes children and adults. Appeals can take a year or more. In a simplified step by step guide Mike Davis gives disability applicants the crucial information they need to know and exactly what to do to make the best case the first time around. A former SSI and Social Security Disability Claims Examiner, the author has worked on over 4000 cases over a seven-year period. "Too often I have had to deny a claim when I thought there was a genuine disability, but the case was not complete enough to render a favorable decision. What I have tried to do in this book is give the reader the information needed to present his or her case fully, accurately, and in the best possible light. I believe this will increase the chances of a favorable decision dramatically." Here is the inside scoop on what the decision-makers are really looking for and how you can help them to get it.
This publication informs advocates & others in interested agencies & organizations about supplemental security income (SSI) eligibility requirements & processes. It will assist you in helping people apply for, establish eligibility for, & continue to receive SSI benefits for as long as they remain eligible. This publication can also be used as a training manual & as a reference tool. Discusses those who are blind or disabled, living arrangements, overpayments, the appeals process, application process, eligibility requirements, SSI resources, documents you will need when you apply, work incentives, & much more.
Last year 2.5 million disability applications were filed. The Social Security Administration approved a paltry 32%. How do you get benefits the first time you apply? How do you avoid a 2 year wait for a disability hearing? You need to read GIMME MY SSA DISABILITY! a detailed, step-by-step guide that tells you how to file your SSDI application, what medical information you need to prove your case, and how the SSA makes their disability decision. This is not a 300 page book that will take you 2 months to read. It's a concise, step-by-step, instructional manual with all the information you need to get SSDI benefits now.