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The Great Apostasy Considered in the Light of Scriptural and Secular History is a 1909 book by James E. Talmage that summarizes the Great Apostasy, Mormon doctrine, from the viewpoint of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). Talmage wrote his book with the intention that it be used as a teaching tool within the LDS Church's Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association and the Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association. The book is "in many ways quite derivative" of B. H. Roberts's 1893 Outlines of Ecclesiastical History. Both writers borrowed heavily from the writings of Protestant scholars who argued that Roman Catholicism had apostatized from true Christianity. Talmage's book has been described as "the most recognizable and noted work on the topic" of Latter-day Saint views of the Great Apostasy.
Those who say "Rapture before Tribulation" are in effect saying "peace and safety"! And therefore, you being a foolish virgin, with not enough oil to light your lamp for the breaking of the first six seals, shall these same seal judgments come upon you for your destruction, "...suddenly like birth pangs upon a woman with child and they shall not escape", I Thessalonians 5:3. Can you put your finger on the order of events Christ gives us in Matthew 24:3-31? See also the Apostasy and the "man of lawlessness", both come before the rapture. Read: II Thessalonians 2:3. See order of events: Daniel chapter 12, Revelation chapters 6, 7, 13 and 14. Remember, there is only one harvest or rapture. Make ready ye saints in this; "The Laodicean Apostate Church". We must pass through the tribulation for the trying of our faith; for the separating of the wheat from the tares, or the five wise from among the five foolish virgins. Do you have enough oil to endure unto the end? Or will your lamp go out? Try some of my oil; For "my cup runneth over!" Please! Read on... After the Rapture, then comes the Wrath of God on the Foolish Virgins! Next: Tormenting wrath on Anti-Christ followers of all nations, as the elements become increasingly toxic. Then Anti-Christ armies suffer greatly! Now comes all the armies of all nations to join satan, the beast and the false prophet, to battle Israel and God's armies from heaven; for "The Last Great Battle" "The Battle of Armageddon!" Next: "The Millennium," "The Second Death", "Lake of Fire..."
The idea that 'professing' Christians may prove not to be true Christians is a deeply disturbing one. In this modernised abridgement of John Owen's famous work, Dr R. J. K. Law makes its powerful teaching readily accessible to modern readers.
The theory goes like this: Just a few centuries after Christ's death, around the time the Roman Empire converted to Christianity, the true Faith suffered a catastrophic falling-away, so obscured by worldliness and pagan idolatry, kicking off the Dark Ages of Catholicism, that Christianity required a complete reboot. This theory is popular]] but it's also fiction. This idea of a "Great Apostasy" is one of the cornerstones of American Protestantism, along with Mormonism, the Jehovah's Witnesses, and even Islam. Countless millions today profess a faith built on the assumption that the early Church quickly became broken beyond repair, and needed restoration to the "pure" teaching of Jesus and the apostles. Amid imperial intrigue, military menace, and bitter theological debate, a hero arises in the form of a homely little monk named Athanasius, who stands against the world to prove that there could never be a Great Apostasybecause Jesus promised his Church would never be broken With the touch of a master storyteller, Rod Bennett narrates the drama of the early Church's fight to preserve Christian orthodoxy, while powerful forces try to smash it.
The study of God, His nature, and His Word are all essential to the Christian faith. Now those interested in Christian theology have a newly revised and updated reference tool in the 25th Anniversary Edition of The Moody Handbook of Theology. In this classic and timeless one-volume resource, Paul Enns offers a comprehensive overview of the five dimensions of theology: biblical, systematic, historical, dogmatic, and contemporary. Each section includes an introduction, chapters on key points, specific studies pertinent to that theology, books for further study, and summary evaluations of each dimension. Charts, graphs, glossary, and indexes add depth and breadth. Theology, once the domain of academicians and learned pastors, is now accessible to anyone interested in understanding the essentials of what Christians believe. The Moody Handbook of Theology is a concise doctrinal reference tool for newcomers and seasoned veterans alike.
Can you lose your salvation? All believers have wrestled with this question at some point in their spiritual walks. So what answers does God provide to challenging questions like: Am I really saved? Am I going to heaven? How can I know for sure? Renowned pastor and author John MacArthur believes every Christian should enjoy the reality and security of being saved without a doubt. Drawing from a background rich in Bible study and teaching, John examines key scriptures, tackles tough questions, and sheds light on the true nature of salvation. Throughout, you’ll be encouraged to embrace the perfect grace found in Jesus Christ. Saved without a Doubt includes a guide for both personal and group study, which features discovery questions, suggestions for prayer, and activities, all designed to connect life-changing truths with everyday living.
The apostles understood the Gospel as they learned from and personally lived alongside Jesus, and these lessons became the heart of their message to an unsaved world. But what does their perspective mean for modern Christians, and how can we read the Bible through their unique lens today? Following the release of his bestselling book The Gospel According to Jesus, Dr. MacArthur noticed that Christians were looking for practical advice, spiritual counsel, and accessible explanations of the Bible. And, most of all, they wanted help understanding their experiences within Christianity. Dr. MacArthur realized that by examining scripture from the perspective of the apostles themselves, even more Christians could come to know the Gospel as Jesus' earliest followers did. In his characteristic compelling style, Dr. MacArthur examines some of the key passages from the Epistles and Acts that reveal how the apostles first shared the gospel and how they unfolded the truths of salvation to the early church. Dr. MacArthur doesn't shy away from answering some of the difficult questions that he's been asked over the years, including: What is cheap grace? Have some Christians adopted a "no-lordship" theology? What must a person do to be considered righteous by God? How should we call people to faith? Do our works have any effect on our salvation? The Gospel According to the Apostles is a book for every Christian who wants to experience, understand, and fall in love with the same gospel that Jesus preached.
Many Christians think of end times prophecy as a gigantic, intimidating puzzle -- difficult to piece together and impossible to figure out. But every puzzle can be solved if you approach it the right way. Paul Benware compares prophecy to a picture puzzle. Putting the edge pieces together first builds the 'framework' that makes it easier to fit the other pieces in their place. According to Benware, the framework for eschatology is the biblical covenants. He begins his comprehensive survey by explaining the major covenants. Then he discusses several different interpretations of end times prophecy. Benware digs into the details of the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, the judgements and resurrections, and the millennial kingdom. But he also adds a unique, personal element to the study, answering questions as: -Why study bible prophecy? -What difference does it make if I'm premillenial or amillenial? If what the Bible says about the future puzzles you, Understanding End Times Prophecy will help you put together the pieces and see the big picture.
Are we on the verge of a great apostasy in the church? "For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths." --2 Timothy 4:3-4 Jesus Christ is coming back. It is certainly a Christian's greatest hope during these difficult times. The Bible warns us that the last days will be tumultuous--wars and rumors of wars will spread (Matthew 24:6). In our age, the world seems to be spinning out of control, creating fear, confusion, and uncertainty. In addition to violence, pestilence, and epidemics, the Bible predicts a great "falling away" from God in the end times. Bible teachers call that "the great apostasy." Are we seeing evidence today in the church of this massive rejection of sound and wholesome teaching? Bestselling authors Mark Hitchcock and Jeff Kinley team up to examine the evidence from the teachers of our time. Are today's teachers allowing people to follow their own desires by telling them what they want to hear, as the Bible clearly predicts? Are major portions of the church ready to abandon sound and wholesome teaching? Together, Mark and Jeff explore alarming trends among today's church leaders and they are simply stunned by what they discover. The great apostasy is coming, but is it closer than we imagine? What does that mean for the future? Let Mark and Jeff be your steady guides to the difficult days ahead.