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A history of the first century of one of Berkeley's oldest neighborhoods, the area south of Dwight Way in Southside. An interview with Jean Davis, who lived at 2227 Parker from 1892 until her death in 1981, is featured. Photos and maps are included.
I'd made it onto a hit list before I'd even made it into diapers. I wasn't aware of him, but he was always very aware of me. He figured out who I was long ago. He saw me coming before I ever exited my mother, and he hated me...hated me because he feared me. He didn't see an infant, he saw a problem. He didn't see an innocent child, he saw a threat. He wanted nothing more than for me to meet my demise, so he meticulously constructed and executed a plan to end me. The thing name isn't the only one he knows...I'm not the only one on his are you.
On the night of October 12, 1913, a beautiful and popular high school sophomore was murdered in the peaceful community of Hagerstown, Maryland. Upon discovering that her mentally-disturbed sixteen-year-old son Emil was the killer, Gretchen Heider was forced to make a choice. She could turn her son over to the authorities. Or she could conceal the truth. Unfortunately Gretchen Heider made the wrong decision. However she had made her catch-22 choice out of love for her son. The murders continued. Eight years later Gretchen Heider was faced with a similar dilemma. Would she be able to save her son from a society ill-equipped to deal with the mentally-disturbed? This is the story of Emil Heider.
Meet Thomas Rosanoff: med student and researcher. Meet his subjects: three homeless men who believe they are God. Ever since his girlfriend ended things, Thomas’s life has been on a downward spiral. A gifted medical student, he has spent his entire adulthood struggling to escape the legacy of his father, an esteemed psychiatrist who used him as a test subject when he was a boy. Thomas lived his entire childhood watched over by researchers lurking behind one-way glass. But now the tables have turned. Thomas is the researcher, and he’s convinced an experiment he has concocted will cure three homeless men of their delusional claims. When the experiment careens out of control, however, Thomas is forced to confront the voices echoing in his own head and the ghosts of his own past. An explosively imaginative tour de force, The Shoe on the Roof questions our definitions of sanity and madness while exploring the magical reality that lies just beyond the world of scientific fact.
The New York Times bestselling and critically acclaimed memoir from cultural icon and culinary standard bearer Alice Waters recalls the circuitous road and tumultuous times leading to the opening of what is arguably America's most influential restaurant. When Alice Waters opened the doors of her "little French restaurant" in Berkeley, California in 1971 at the age of 27, no one ever anticipated the indelible mark it would leave on the culinary landscape—Alice least of all. Fueled in equal parts by naiveté and a relentless pursuit of beauty and pure flavor, she turned her passion project into an iconic institution that redefined American cuisine for generations of chefs and food lovers. In Coming to My Senses Alice retraces the events that led her to 1517 Shattuck Avenue and the tumultuous times that emboldened her to find her own voice as a cook when the prevailing food culture was embracing convenience and uniformity. Moving from a repressive suburban upbringing to Berkeley in 1964 at the height of the Free Speech Movement and campus unrest, she was drawn into a bohemian circle of charismatic figures whose views on design, politics, film, and food would ultimately inform the unique culture on which Chez Panisse was founded. Dotted with stories, recipes, photographs, and letters, Coming to My Senses is at once deeply personal and modestly understated, a quietly revealing look at one woman's evolution from a rebellious yet impressionable follower to a respected activist who effects social and political change on a global level through the common bond of food.