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Doreen Virtue has presented her Angel Therapy Practitioner™ course since 1996, helping thousands learn the skills of spiritual healing and psychic readings in concert with the angels and archangels. Now, she has amassed the tools, secrets, and exercises that she teaches her students in this comprehensive handbook. Within these pages, Doreen provides you with a thorough overview of the angelic realm and the methods of Angel Therapy, outlining how to communicate with Heaven for yourself and on behalf of others. In addition, she offers compas-sionate guidance and practical action steps for lightworkers who want to take up a spiritually based career. Doreen says, “My prayer is that this book will be a re-source to awaken you to your clear connection with the Divine and lead you upon the path of your life purpose. Whether you’re a professional healer or just want to polish your natural spiritual gifts, this handbook is a vital reference tool that you can turn to again and again.
Dr. Doreen Virtue's life changed dramatically when angels miraculously warned her and then intervened during a carjacking. After her angelic encounter, Doreen began asking the angels for additional guidance. They answered her requests with very clear and loving words. She writes of how the angelic guidance affected her work as a psychotherapist: "I began helping my counselling clients to hear their own angels. Very quickly, I discovered that the healing power of the angels exceeds any form of 'man-made' therapy I had ever witnessed. The angels have wonderful gifts from God to impart to us." In Angel Therapy, Doreen delivers The Angelic Realm's messages of comfort and guidance that can help you with troubling emotions such as depression, boredom, confusion, and anger; and issues associated with careers, relationships, parenting, and much more.
International best-selling author Doreen Virtue is a doctor of psychology and lifelong clairvoyant who has written extensively about angels, psychic development, and mind-body-spirit topics. Now three of her most popular books are collected in this single volume: • In Angel Therapy, Doreen delivers the angelic realm’s messages of comfort and guidance that can help you with troubling emotions such as depression, boredom, confusion, and anger; and issues associated with careers, relationships, parenting, and much more. Allow the angels’ words to heal your thoughts and beliefs, transforming them into empowering and loving viewpoints. • In Healing with the Angels, Doreen teaches esoteric and practical methods that can help you work more closely with your angels. You’ll read transcripts of Doreen’s angel-reading sessions and learn what the angels have to say about life after death, the future of our planet, and finding your Divine purpose. Also included is an exploration of the fascinating world of elementals and nature angels, as well as powerful angel affirmations and prayers for healing and manifesting. • Archangels & Ascended Masters is a thoroughly researched book in a lively encyclopedia format, listing 77 divinities from Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Asian, Babylonian, Tibetan, Buddhist, Celtic, Theosophical, New Age, Catholic, Cabalistic, Jewish, and Christian roots. Doreen carefully studied and wrote about the history of each of the deities, what role they serve today, how they can help us with specific life problems, and how to call upon each one. The Essential Doreen Virtue Collection is the perfect read for anyone who is looking to learn more about the angels and spirituality, as well as for those who want to finally have their favorite Doreen books together in one handy volume!
Flower Therapy is the art of working with flowers, flower essences, and angels for healing, manifestation, and abundance. With flowers as your allies, your dreams really can come true, and you’ll see that nature truly has the ability to heal! In this book, Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves give in-depth information about 88 common flowers, illustrated with gorgeous, full-color photographs. You’ll find out about the flowers’ energetic and healing properties, discover which angels are connected to each one, and learn to associate different species with the various chakras (beyond simply categorizing them by color). In addition, there’s a loving, channeled message of guidance and support directly from each flower’s energy. Doreen and Robert also share with you new and exciting ways to work with Flower Therapy: Create custom bouquets for dear friends. Gather wildflowers to heal and deepen your spirituality. Or choose the perfect blooms for your garden to enhance your connection to the angels. They discuss flower essences, picking fresh blossoms, and purchasing floral arrangements. You’ll even be guided through energetic clearing methods and receive detailed instructions about how to perform a Flower Therapy reading. While flowers have an energy that must be experienced, it’s not necessary for you to gather any in order to do so. The photos inside, which have been infused with healing energy, are all you need to begin your journey. So, whether you have a green thumb or not, Flower Therapy can start making a difference in your day . . . and bring blessings into your life!
When Doreen Virtue visited Santorini Island in Greece recently, she was contacted by a powerful group of angels calling themselves the "angels of Atlantis." Doreen was then taken on an amazing spiritual adventure, where she uncovered the ancient secrets of the healing temples of the lost civilizations of Atlantis. Doreen found that her previous healing work with the angels, as well as the thousands of case studies of angelic healing that she’d amassed over the years, dovetailed perfectly with the messages from the angels of Atlantis. Part spiritual adventure story and part reference book, Angel Medicine is a three-part work that relates the exciting story of Doreen’s recovery of memories of Atlantean healing methods along with messages from the Egyptian and Greek prophet and deity Hermes and the angels. The second and third parts of the book reveal the scientific studies, case studies, methods, and charts supporting the importance of love and light in healing. Whether you want to heal yourself or someone else, you’re sure to gain additional faith and understanding from reading Angel Medicine.
How the Angels Can Assist You in Every Area of Your Life. Healing with the Angels is an inspirational work that reveals how to work with the angels to improve your physical, mental, and emotional health. The author's case studies show how depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, and other common maladies can be lifted with angel therapy. Topics...
This easy-to-use deck is appropriate for beginners as well as those experienced with divination cards. Angel Therapy is a powerful healing and guidance process that involves working with your guardian angels and the archangels (particularly Michael and Raphael). These oracle cards and the enclosed guidebook give you action steps to take that will initiate healing; help you release fears and emotional blocks; and give you messages about your life purpose, relationships, manifestations, and more. Each card features a gorgeous painting of angels and a message or answer for you, and is suitable for both children and adults. The guidebook walks you through the steps for giving an oracle reading for yourself or others, and outlines the extended meanings behind each card.
Dr. Doreen Virtue shows that we are all equally gifted in our ability and potential to communicate with God and the angels.
Legions of loving and trustworthy archangels watch over us, and you can develop an even closer relationship with them by learning their names and specialties. In this uplifting nondenominational book, Doreen Virtue guides you in connecting with her 15 favorite archangels; and you’ll read true stories from people who received protection, miraculous healings, and amazing guidance from these beloved heavenly beings. Archangels want to help each and every one of you live healthier and happier lives. As unlimited beings, archangels can assist everyone simultaneously, and this fascinating book will teach you which archangels to call upon for various situations. Whether you’re new to working with angels, or someone who has believed in angels all your life, you’ll want to refer to Archangels 101 again and again.
When a group of powerful fairies contacted Doreen Virtue, her life became an enchanting story of healings, manifestation, and true love. Healing with the Fairies is Doreen's very personal story of how the fairies helped her deal with a divorce and prepare herself for a spiritually based relationship. In this truly inspired book, you'll read how the fairies introduced Doreen to her lifelong soulmate, a man who she later discovered was the boy-next-door she'd had a childhood crush on. You'll also learn, along with Doreen, about the fairies' incredible powers of manifestation. Doreen shares what the dolphins, mermaids, dragonflies, and other members of the elemental kingdom taught her. You'll see that the fairies have the ability to help you create and attract miracles, and this book can teach you how to work with them to empower and heal your entire life!