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As the direct descendants of the first human beings, African people are the supreme witnesses of Creation itself, and senior authorities regarding the earthly Creations. African people bear supreme witness to humanity, and the most effective methods of being human: the biology and chemistry of life, the physiological and metaphysical aspects of earthly existence, and the science of the cosmic Creations--observing all that is above and what exists there, beyond the sky. By definition humanity is African: the first human beings were African and the first defining innovations of humanity were birthed in Africa. Since history is necessarily a study of the origins of humanity, and the first humans were African, history then must initiate at the emergence of humankind, which took place in Africa. The records left and maintained by the oldest humans on earth--written, memorized, or otherwise--provide amazing clues as to the initial Creation and subsequent development of humankind. As each successive generation works to strengthen the collective memory of their own people's past before conquer, the struggle to remember memories and to keep traditions intact becomes even more evident. As with every epic turn of events, the conquered are forced to decide if they will remain as such or not. This paper explores the ways in which the African worldview provides a critical and otherwise impossible analysis of human history, by exploring the oldest contributions of the first human beings--who were African. I argue that the ancient Kemetic worldview--Mdw Ntr--provides a prototypical blueprint for every African's self-liberation, creating a context through which contemporary freedom struggles can ultimately be assessed and achieved. In particular, this paper examines how the ancient Kemetic worldview has, since its inception, presented a working method of thinking and doing--seeing with Sia--which not only inspired successive African generations, but also the freedom struggles of contemporary African communities. Mdw Ntr is both a theory and a methodology: it encompasses a way of seeing reality, while also providing exact methods for how to go about this process. I propose that the notion of Sia--or "exceptional clarity"--is an actionable blueprint exemplified in the Shabaka Text and The Great Hymn to Aten. Both texts provide a methodology for achieving Sia; both texts speak to the fundamental processes of Mdw Ntr; and both texts exhibit a working model for self-liberation through the ancient Kemetic worldview. In order for human beings to manifest power--to be empowered--they must ultimately think with "exceptional clarity" and speak their intentions into existence. To be effective, one cannot speak without thinking, or do without first thinking and speaking. According to the ancient Kemites, thinking is the first step in speaking and also doing. Thinking initiates all actions: the more exceptional the clarity, the better. Hence, self-liberation emerges and subsequently, the collective liberation of African people.
Ancient Kemet (Egypt) and its religious insight are a valuable technology. The praxis, ethical framework and rituals of the Ancient Kemetic people were vast and comprehensive. There is value in revisiting and resurrecting the Ancient Kemetic path. The endeavor will empower all people in the present. The historical reality which places Ancient Kemet in the context of 4000-3500BC has been verified and validated by numerous Egyptologists, Archeologists and Anthropologists. Religious aspects of Ancient Kemet have been recovered and are again being given the opportunity to be revisited and updated to the context of the 21st century. The spiritually guided ethical compass and esoteric cosmogonies of the Ancient Kemetians bolster the academic scholarship on ancient and indigenous wisdom traditions. The book visits the historical narrative of the Kemetic timeline, the foundational Kemetic cosmogony (creation narrative) and the ethical compass of the Kemetic path. The text is meant to be a springboard to deepen and further inquiry into the subject. The Ancient Kemetic historical narrative, the spiritual path and the ancient ethical lens are an awakening and refreshing addition to the religions of the Eastern, Western and Northern geographical regions of the earth which dominate our worldview.
Ancient Kemet on Trial: a Meticulous look at the True origin of Kemetic (Egyptian) culture and religion. Nile Valley civilization is not the oldest known civilization, nor was it the most advanced civilization, in fact, this book challenges those very premises by showing which civilization gave birth to the culture, religion, and philosophy of the Nile Valley civilization.
The Art of Prayer is the penultimate resources for students of the Kemetic Legacy who are seeking a way to connect with NTR (NeTeR) through worship and praise. Once fully armed with all the information needed to engage in prayer on a ritualistic basis, students of the Kemetic Legacy can use this text as a guide to move away from intellectual study and begin truly practicing and living the culture and religion of our ancient Kemetic Ancestors. This book includes information such as: What ritual do I follow to rid my house of spirits? What is the Medu NTR incantation to properly send a loved one to the afterlife (Duat)? How do I bless my food using a Kemetic prayer and ritual? How do I invoke the qualities of a specific Neteru (force of nature) so that it may manifest within me? What are the sacred times for prayer and why? What is the significance of prayer from a Kemetic perspective? and more.The foundational prayer that is taught in Art of Prayer is the Duau, which is a daily ritual prayer that should be performed four times a day when one is in a purified state. The accompanying DVD also gives clarity regarding the postures of the prayer and the pronunciations of the Medu NTR. The book will explain how to wab (purify) before each ritual prayer. There are also details about Senemeh, which are personal prayers that do not require ritual purification, as well as details on the background of prayer within the Legacy using the ancient wisdom texts as a guide.
Finding Our Way Through the Desert: Jacob H. Carruthers and the Restoration of an African Worldview offers a critical examination of the ideas and work of Carruthers, a key architect of the African-centered paradigm and a major contributor to its application to the study of Nile Valley culture and civilization. Herein, Kamau Rashid explicates some of Carruthers’s principal contributions, the theoretical and practical implications of his work, and how Carruthers’s work is situated in the stream of Black intellectual genealogy. Essential to this book are Carruthers’s concerns about the vital importance of Black intellectuals in the illumination of new visions of future possibility for African people. The centrality of African history and culture as resources in the transformation of consciousness and ultimately the revitalization of an African worldview were key elements in Carruthers’s conceptualization of two interrelated imperatives—the re-Africanization of Black consciousness and the transformation of reality. Composed of three parts, this book discusses various themes including Black education, disciplinary knowledge and knowledge construction, indigenous African cosmologies, African deep thought, institutional formation, revolutionary struggle, history and historiography to explore the implications of Carruthers’s thinking to the ongoing malaise of African people globally.
The Encyclopedia of African Cultural Heritage in North America provides an accessible ready reference on the retention and continuity of African culture within the United States. Our conceptual framework holds, first, that culture is a form of self-knowledge and knowledge about self in the world as transmitted from one person to another. Second, that African people continuously create their own cultural history as they move through time and space. Third, that African descended people living outside of Africa are also contributors to and participate in the creation of African cultural history. Entries focus on illuminating Africanisms (cultural retentions traceable to an African origin) and cultural continuities (ongoing practices and processes through which African culture continues to be created and formed). Thus, the focus is more culturally specific and less concerned with the broader transatlantic demographic, political and geographic issues that are the focus of similar recent reference works. We also focus less on biographies of individuals and political and economic ties and more on processes and manifestations of African cultural heritage and continuity. FEATURES: A two-volume A-to-Z work, available in a choice of print or electronic formats 350 signed entries, each concluding with Cross-references and Further Readings 150 figures and photos Front matter consisting of an Introduction and a Reader’s Guide organizing entries thematically to more easily guide users to related entries Signed articles concluding with cross-references
For centuries the world has been misled about the original source of the Arts and Sciences; for centuries Socrates, Plato and Aristotle have been falsely idolized as models of intellectual greatness; and for centuries the African continent has been called the Dark Continent, because Europe coveted the honor of transmitting to the world, the Arts and Sciences. It is indeed surprising how, for centuries, the Greeks have been praised by the Western World for intellectual accomplishments which belong without a doubt to the Egyptians or the peoples of North Africa.
Find freedom in your yoga practice with this empowering guide from beloved yoga teacher and social justice activist Dianne Bondy and Yoga International editor-in-chief Kat Heagberg. Yoga Where You Are welcomes readers of all backgrounds, body sizes, and abilities into the practice of yoga. Dianne Bondy and Kat Heagberg offer everything you need to know to build a custom yoga practice that supports you exactly where you are--now and at every stage of your life's journey. Yoga Where You Are discusses how yoga intersects with body image, introduces essential information on elements like breathwork and meditation, and celebrates yoga's diverse roots through an introductory chapter on its origins and history. Whether you're a beginner, a seasoned practitioner, or a yoga teacher, the step-by-step instructions for hundreds of customizable pose variations provide an essential resource you can turn to as your practice evolves. Bondy and Heagberg also present tips to find inspiration and creativity on the mat. With truly inclusive language, alignment options for real bodies, and photos of a range of practitioners, the book provides you with everything you need to customize and deepen your practice with clarity and confidence.