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“This book will have a significant impact on a lot of people.” Dr. James L. Snyder Author of the best-selling book In Pursuit of God: The Life of A.W. Tozer Throughout the Bible, there are many references to the Christian life being compared to a ship. Whether we are floating along on calm seas or drowning in the waves of life, we are all in need of a sure Anchor for our souls. In The Anchored Life: Nautical Principles that Help Believers Grow, Marv Nelson and Tim Hibsman use nautical terms and analogies to show that the Bible is full of promises for the sea of life on which we are all sailing. Whether you're an experienced sailor or a landlubber, the lessons learned in this book will enliven you and give you hope for those times that you need to batten down the hatches and hold on to the One Who calms the storms.
For many men, work, relationships, and life in general overwhelm their schedules and keep them from spending time with God. But what they don’t realize is that joy is found in those moments spent with their Creator. In Finding Joy in Every Season, Chris Corradino provides brief devotionals for every day to help men get in the Word and start their day off right. Spending just ten minutes with God will realign your focus and help you find the joy that comes in the everyday moments. Whether you’re struggling with just the day-to-day grind or going through a serious valley, Corradino points you to answers in God’s Word to help you along the way and remind you that you are never alone.
As older church leaders, we've been told a million times that the Millennials and Gen Xers who are coming up behind us don't think like we think. We don't get it and it frustrates us. Guess what? We need to get over it and let it go. Because, get this: it's up to us to mentor and empower the generations that follow us into church leadership. Sadly, many of us are doing just the opposite; we're turning them away. So, not only do we need to let go of our ways of doing things, we need to release our young leaders...release them to be the leaders they know they can be. Unleash provides thought-provoking ideas and practical, real-time examples that will help us learn to know, equip, and expectantly release our younger church leaders into the future with trust and confidence. I am completely weary of dismissive and demeaning articles and books focused on the weak, lazy, entitled character of Millennials and Gen Z.This book is different -- it's helpful and hopeful. I'm glad to have a book to recommend to people leading younger generations into their full capacities - Mark Oestreicher, Partner, The Youth Cartel Marv Nelson knows that unleashing young leaders must come from an accurate awareness of their emotional, mental and spiritual capabilities plus the right amount of equipping, encouragement and trust. This book is a valuable resource. - Michael Frost, author, Surprise the World
Many parents of a teenager or young adult feel as though they're guessing about what to do next--with mixed results. We want to stay connected with our maturing child, but we're not sure how. And deep down, we fear our child doesn't want or need us. Based on brand-new research and interviews with remarkable families, Growing With equips parents to take steps toward their teenagers and young adults in a mutual journey of intentional growth that trusts God to transform them all. By highlighting three groundbreaking family strategies, authors Kara Powell and Steven Argue show parents that it's never too early or too late to - accept the child you have, not the child you wish you had - work toward solutions rather than only identifying problems - develop empathy that nudges rather than judges - fight for your child, not against them - connect your children with a faith and church big enough to handle their doubts and struggles - dive into tough discussions about dating, career, and finances - and unleash your child's passions and talents to change our world For any parent who longs for their kids to keep their roots even as they spread their wings, Growing With offers practical help and hope for the days--and years--ahead.
"What corporations fear most are consumers who ask questions. Naomi Klein offers us the arguments with which to take on the superbrands." Billy Bragg from the bookjacket.
The book of Hebrews appeared during a critical time in the history of the early church. The destruction of Jerusalem was impending and many of the believers believed the end of the world was near. However, Paul warned the church against entertaining a false hope, for he knew they were misguided with their beliefs. It was a critical time—the apostles were passing away, and soon the church would be left alone. It was in this hour of perplexity that the book of Hebrews appeared with needed light and comfort. The people needed a clear conception of the work Christ was doing for them in the courts above, and this book explained the delay in His return, and restored their wavering faith. The conditions and problems which the church then had to meet are not unlike those facing the church today. While the early church was living at the time of the fulfillment of the first part of Christ’s prophecy—the destruction of the city of Jerusalem and the temple, we are living at the time of the fulfillment of the second part of the prophecy—the coming of the Lord Jesus in the clouds of heaven. As there was misconceptions of Christ’s work in the sanctuary then, so there are those now who likewise err. There is as much need today of a thorough study of the Scriptures as there was then, and more so. The book of Hebrews was a great factor in stabilizing the apostolic church in the crisis hour before the fall of Jerusalem, and it is hoped that a discussion of the mighty themes of the book of Hebrews will be of some help to the church of God today. All need to have their eyes fastened on our great High Priest and the work He is doing in the sanctuary above. And may it be the blessed privilege of many with “boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh.” (Heb. 10:19, 20.) This was the prayer and hope of the author of Hebrews, and this also is the hope of the author of this volume.
A Textbook on Maritime History, Leadership, and Nautical Sciences for the NJROTC Student
When children are sold into slavery-what good is Jesus? When wretched disease takes a loved one's life-what good is Jesus? When marriages crumble and jobs disappoint-what good is Jesus? Many know of Jesus, but few actually know Him. The real entity of Jesus has been tainted by how His followers have portrayed His image in their lives. The institution of religion has overtaken the beauty of relationship, and many Christians are walking away with a bitter taste. Faced with declining opportunities, a war-torn globe, and seemingly-insurmountable crises, many millennials are asking the sincere question: what good is Jesus? Pastor Marv Nelson doesn't avoid tough questions; instead, he tackles issues head-on with love and wisdom. Examining sexuality, politics, racial tensions, suffering, and more, Nelson addresses these problems through a relational rather than religious approach and shows us just what good Jesus really is.