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Do you fear for our democracy? Are you ready to throw in the towel? Don't! This is your guidebook to reassembling our hyperpolarized American society in six (not-so-easy) steps, written by the cohost of WNYC's On the Media. As is often observed, Trump is a symptom of a virus that has been incubating for at least fifty years. But not often observed is where the virus is imbedded: in the psychic core of our identity. In American Manifesto: Saving Democracy from Villains, Vandals, and Ourselves, popular media personality Bob Garfield examines the tragic confluence of the American preoccupation with identity and the catastrophic disintegration of the mass media. Garfield investigates how we've gotten to this moment when our identity is threatened by both the left and the right, when e pluribus unum is no longer a source of national pride, and why, when looking through this lens of identity, the rise of Trumpism is no surprise. Overlaying this crisis is the rise of the Facebook-Google duopoly and the filter bubble of social media, where identity is insular and immutable. But fear not! WNYC's On the Media cohost Garfield has ideas about how we may counter the forces of fragmentation—the manifesto itself: six steps to take to reassemble our fractured society. A quick, fascinating read, American Manifesto offers not only a vision of a country in extremis, but also a plan for how to address the ways in which our democracy is imperiled. Provocative, profound, and sometimes hilariously profane, American Manifesto is a call to action like no other.
There are no differences between the orient and the occident, there is only a difference between backwardness and modernity. --Mustafa Kemal Ataturk America is on the brink from the volatility of the disruption and unrest from 2020. The question that all Americans must ask is how did we get here and where do we go from here?
America has a purpose. We are the first nation, as Lincoln said, "conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." Other attempts at a democratic republic-- in Greece and Rome -- crashed and burned. We are now just over 200 years into our great experiment, and, as Lincoln also said, we are "testing whether this nation, or any nation, so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure." What forces threaten our democratic republic, and how do we overcome them? Read The American Manifesto.
America is under attackfrom within. American Manifesto identi?es the enemyself-serving federal legislatorsand proposes a peaceful, legal solution: depriving them of re-election. American Manifesto highlights the current decline and envisions the possible destruction of the United States of America. It places responsibility on the self-serving and self-perpetuating behavior of the United States senators and representatives who have spent and borrowed us to the brink of ?nancial collapse. By pandering to the American Left, labor unions, lawyers, environmentalists, and other vote-buying interests instead of conscientiously serving us by effectively addressing our excessive spending, the insolvency of entitlement programs, our arbitrary and unduly burdensome tax laws, and the erosion of our military strength and international standing, these professional politicians have our once-great country on the brink of ruin. American Manifesto proposes to make federal legislators work for us rather than themselves in the only way possibleand outlines just how this can be done.
Presents a full-text, online publication entitled, "An American Manifesto." Notes that the purpose of the manuscript is to promote better leadership and a more vigilant and aware citizenry. Includes information about responsibility, leadership, the government, Congress, regulations and bureaucracy, defense, international affairs, crime and justice, civil rights, economics, education, health, and planning and national goals.
America is plagued with an illness that threatens the very core of the founding principles this country was founded upon. The primary perpetrators of this illness are the political operatives that are influencing our politics today. The American electorate seems to have lost its understanding of what the core issues are and instead get wrapped up in an "us versus them" mentality. The American Manifesto begins to position the issues we face today in the framework of the founding documents of America. By rising above the political din, the Manifesto begins to point out the real solutions to our issues. The American Manifesto is out-of-the-box, big-picture thinking at its finest. The Manifesto points out truths about taxes, social issues and the socialistic migratory road we have traveled. We have failed to understand the effects of legislation in Washington have on our daily lives as we witness Washington assumed powers that were never theirs to exert. We have failed to understand the role government is supposed to have and instead this lack of understanding has yielded immense power and control over each of our lives.