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Dr. Darryl Husband was a typical theologically trained Baptist minister, until a life-changing encounter with the Holy Spirit changed everything. The Altared Life is more than a book describing a man's religious faith; it's a blue print for those seeking a pathway towards dynamic intimate fellow-ship with the living God. The Altared Life is an invitation to breakthrough the average mundane religious experience and into the pleasure of consistent unbroken fellowship with the Living God of unconditional grace, mercy and abundant living.The Altared Life will offer you several paths to the presence of God, from a biblical perspective. Everyday your relationship with Him will grow stronger; thereby you will grow into the image of God and become a "Carrier of the Glory".
Get the most you can out of reading At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry by using this carefully engineered workbook. Each chapter is broken down into four parts: Study Questions What do the Scriptures say? Personal Examination Group Questions Use this workbook as you read and experience a richer, fuller understanding of how to win the victory over sexual sin. Perfect for support groups or men's small groups.
We are created to live in an altar’d state—surrendered, yielded, free. The noun altar is usually understood to be a place of worshipful offering. Something of value is offered up and released on the altar. When we turn the noun altar into a verb—altar our fear, our failure, our possessiveness, our need to control—all those things that hold us captive and keep us from running the race at full throttle are released. Through careful exposition and biblical teaching, celebrated author and prayer expert Jennifer Kennedy Dean guides readers on a 40-day exploration of the Scriptures and what it means to truly live a life dead to flesh and alive to the spirit.
The themes set forth in Romans 12, where believers are called to present themselves to God as living sacrifices, drive the conversation in this book (Romans 12:1). As we will see, this is not a call to a physical altar in a temple or building. Rather, we are summoned to the altar of God's presence through the finished work of Christ on our behalf. Therefore, the Christian life is presenting ourselves to Him every moment, of every day, all the days of our life. This is what I am calling, "Life on the altar," and it is the life believers are called to live.If you are a Christian who wants to align, or realign, your life commitments with the purposes of God, this book is for you. But it is also for those who have not tasted the goodness of God's grace found in Christ. The message of this book is extended to you as well. My prayer is that you would come to Christ with the open arms of faith and join us as we seek to live for Him.
"Today it is Your Turn to Visit the Altar." The purpose of this book is to make you aware of God's standards when we develop a relationship with Him. This book explains the altars that God has established and altars that the devil has set up for the destruction of our lives. The God ordained altars will call forth life while the Baal altars will bring death into your life. John 10:10, The thief (devil) cometh, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: Jesus stated, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." The God altars will lead you into a pathway of righteousness and holiness while the Baal altars will lead you down a pathway of sin and desecration. This book will tell you the purposes, motives and directives of each altar. It will show you how to apply the godly principles of each altar to your life, so you may mature in God. It will also give you guidelines to resist the pitfalls of the Baal altars. If you apply these rules to your life, they will transform you forever. Today you have a choice to make at these altars. I hope you will choose the altar, "Life" and not death. I challenge you to seek the true and living, Holy God. It is only He who can change you. Psalm 34:8 states, "O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him."
Rooted in the crisis over slavery, disagreements about child labor broke down along sectional lines between the North and South. For decades after emancipation, the child labor issue shaped how Northerners and Southerners defined fundamental concepts of American life such as work, freedom, the market, and the state. Betsy Wood examines the evolution of ideas about child labor and the on-the-ground politics of the issue against the backdrop of broad developments related to slavery and emancipation, industrial capitalism, moral and social reform, and American politics and religion. Wood explains how the decades-long battle over child labor created enduring political and ideological divisions within capitalist society that divided the gatekeepers of modernity from the cultural warriors who opposed them. Tracing the ideological origins and the politics of the child labor battle over the course of eighty years, this book tells the story of how child labor debates bequeathed an enduring legacy of sectionalist conflict to modern American capitalist society.
The main purpose of Altars of Living Sacrifices is to enlighten, inspire, and encourage its readers to continue to engage more faithfully in the plan of God, which is to plough in His vineyard for which He has called us. Christ said that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few (Matthew 9:37). The workers are Christians, and this book will help us to understand some key aspects of this calling. This book analyzes some major areas of biblical practices to shed some light on the Christian’s God-intended and success-oriented obligations in life. By design, the title of this book employs one key biblical term (altars) and one key biblical phrase (living sacrifices) to shed light into the author’s intent. Chapter 1 introduces and explores the subject of Old Testament godly altars and sacrifices. Chapter 2 defines the phrase living sacrifice and discusses how and why Christians are described as living sacrifices in the modern age as opposed to animal sacrifices of the Old Testament days. Chapter 3 describes the nature of modern-day spiritual altars of living sacrifices as reflected in our lives as God’s children. It also notes that the symbolic meaning of our modern-day spiritual altars of worship is defined by our trust in God and by our commitment and obedience to Him. Chapter 4 describes how to build your personal spiritual altar so that you can have a closer walk with God. Chapter 5 examines the benefits of serving the Lord as living sacrifices. This section aims to remind and encourage all laborers that there are great and unimaginable benefits and rewards, here on earth and in heaven above, when we serve the Master as living sacrifices. Chapter 6 introduces the reader to how to be born again into the Kingdom of God.
He was The Intimidator. A nightmare in the rear-view mirror. A unique winner in the boardroom. A seven-time Winston Cup champion. A driver whose personal success story and dedication inspired the adoration of millions of fans. Then on February 18, 2001, just seconds from the Daytona 500 finish line, the world of stock-car racing suffered a devastating loss as Dale Earnhardt fatally careened into a track wall. The tragic shock waves, and an unprecedented outpouring of respect and love, have not stopped since. At the Altar of Speed takes readers behind the scenes of Earnhardt's celebrated life, tracing his rags-to-riches journey to the top of America's fastest-growing sport. Beginning with Earnhardt's early days growing up in small-town North Carolina, veteran sports writer Leigh Montville examines how a ninth-grade dropout started on the dusty dirt tracks of the South, went through two marriages and a string of no-future jobs before turning twenty-five, then took about a million left turns to glory. Through the pitfalls and triumphs, Earnhardt would ultimately become a celebrated champion, whose lifetime earnings would top forty-one million dollars. The son of a legendary racer, the father of a NASCAR star, he lived a total auto-racing life filled with triumph and sadness, great joy and great pain. Transporting readers to the colorful, noisy world of stock-car racing, where powerful engines allow drivers to reach speeds of 200 m.p.h., At the Altar of Speed vividly captures the man who drove the black No. 3 car, a man whose determination and inner strength left behind a legacy of greatness that has redefined his sport. Illustrated with a section of full-color photographs, At the Altar of Speed is a tribute to both the man and his unbeatable spirit.