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The bestselling author of E=mc2 weaves tales of romance, divine inspiration, and fraud through an account of the invisible force that permeates our universe—electricity—and introduces us to the virtuoso scientists who plumbed its secrets. For centuries, electricity was seen as little more than a curious property of certain substances that sparked when rubbed. Then, in the 1790s, Alessandro Volta began the scientific investigation that ignited an explosion of knowledge and invention. The force that once seemed inconsequential was revealed to be responsible for everything from the structure of the atom to the functioning of our brains. In harnessing its power, we have created a world of wonders—complete with roller coasters and radar, computer networks and psychopharmaceuticals. In Electric Universe, the great discoverers come to life in all their brilliance and idiosyncrasy, including the visionary Michael Faraday, who struggled against the prejudices of the British class system, and Samuel Morse, a painter who, before inventing the telegraph, ran for mayor of New York City on a platform of persecuting Catholics. Here too is Alan Turing, whose dream of a marvelous thinking machine—what we know as the computer—was met with indifference, and who ended his life in despair after British authorities forced him to undergo experimental treatments to “cure” his homosexuality. From the frigid waters of the Atlantic to the streets of Hamburg during a World War II firestorm to the interior of the human body, Electric Universe is a mesmerizing journey of discovery.
Most people just accept that our universe is ruled by gravity; an assumption that is wrong. Evidence instead shows that the force responsible for all of the objects and events we observe throughout the universe is the electric force that enables current flow and therefore magnetic fields to exist. If we consider that the electric force is fundamentally one thousand, billion, billion, billion, billion times more powerful than gravity and that the universe consists of 99.99% plasma; charged matter through which electric currents flow, then you have good reason to open your mind and read what this book has to say.
A radical reinterpretation of human history and the evolution of the solar system based on the witness of ancient catastrophe caused by major electrical activity between the planet gods. Includes DVD inside back cover.
During the past decade our understanding of plasma physics has witnessed an explosive growth due to research in two areas: work directed toward controlled nuclear fusion and work in space physics. This book addresses the growing need to apply these complementary discoveries to astrophysics. Today plasma is recognized as the key element to understanding the generation of magnetic fields in planets, stars and galaxies, the accel- eration and transport of cosmic rays, and many other phenomena occurring in interstellar space, in radio galaxies, stellar atmospheres, quasars, and so forth.
This book is the result of an international research team pursuing the intuitive notion that the atomic nucleus should have structural properties. Starting with a few logical assumptions, they discovered that many properties of the atom and the nucleus can be explained rationally without resorting to quantum mechanics or the limiting dogmas about the nucleus that dominate current physics. Using feedback from known experimental data, they identified several organizational principles that nature appears to use for constructing the elements, sometimes in unexpected ways. There are two assumptions underlying the Structured Atom Model (SAM). First, by replacing the neutron with a proton–electron pair, an electrostatic attractive force is reintroduced into the nucleus. The electrons acting as “glue” between the protons. Second, that “spherical dense packing” gives the nucleus its fractal shape—one of several organizational drivers in the buildup of the nucleus; other drivers being recurring substructures called “endings” and “nuclets.” A SAM nucleus is constructed using these substructures in various combinations. The result is a new periodic table that hints at several missing elements most of which are suspected to be unstable, but probably not all. What emerges is nothing less than a new paradigm for thinking about the nucleus and physics. In SAM, several known nuclear phenomena follow directly from the structural configuration of the nucleus, including nuclear instability, radioactivity/radioactive decay, the asymmetrical breakup of fission products, and the various nuclear decay schemes. In addition, the team discovered an unrecognized store of energy that may very well be responsible for Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR).
Plasma physics is the fascinating science behind lightning bolts, fluorescent lights, solar flares, ultra-bright TV screens, fusion reactors, cosmic jets and black hole radiation, to name but a few examples. Yet plasmas obey their own, often very surprising, rules, and repeatedly defy our best efforts to anticipate and control them. This richly illustrated book reveals for the first time the exciting world of plasma physics to a non-technical audience. It describes the phenomena, and follows the worldwide research effort to comprehend them, taking the reader on a journey from neighborhood neon lights to the remotest galaxies and beyond. The lively text is interspersed with fascinating photographs and explanatory diagrams, giving the readers a deeper understanding of the world around them.
Modern physics is full of mathematical formulas, and woefully lacking in simple explanations. Its jargon is convoluted and strange. How are we for example to imagine a two dimensional energy momentum, or a ten dimensional string. We are told that space is curved. But what does that mean?Yet, the formulas that have been produced over the years have been impressively accurate and demonstrably correct. Modern engineering would be impossible without them. For all its complexity and weirdness, modern physics works in real life, and the consensus is that we really do live in a weird world, pretty much unfathomable to mere mortals.However, the interpretations that have been derived from observations and formulas may in fact be incorrect. A much simpler physics, outlined in this book, yields very similar results. It is similar to modern quantum mechanics, but with a number of key differences in interpretation, most important of them being that there are no mysterious variables that can only be understood in mathematical terms. Everything is explained in terms of particles hooking up with each other to produce structures, or bumping into each other to produce force. This makes for a radically simpler explanation of the observed universe.