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Let's read the acrostic of Jesus together To help you to love him, so he is your treasure. We’ll read it, rap it, or sing it—it’s fun! Till Jesus comes back and his kingdom has come. He’s the Alpha and Omega, from A to Z; We pray you see from this book, "Jesus came for me!" The Acrostic of Jesus is fun to read over and over again, and a brilliant tool to help kids gain a greater understanding of Christ. Young readers will learn “Christology”—the study of Jesus. The more we learn about Jesus, the more reasons we have to love him! By giving children an alphabetical list of the names and attributes of Jesus written with a rhyming beat, Jonathan Gibson and Timothy Brindle make The Acrostic of Jesus fun to read and simple to memorize. Each characteristic, A to Z, weaves together a beautiful picture of who Jesus is and why he came to earth. Using the alphabet to teach about God has a rich history in the Bible, especially in the Psalms and Lamentations. Several of the psalms—notably Psalm 119—begin with letters of the Hebrew alphabet, forming an acrostic that spells out the entire alphabet. The authors make learning Christology easy and enjoyable. Their book shows Jesus as he is, not “just to know about him more in our brains, but to know him as the God of glory who reigns.” Illustrated by C. S. Fritz, The Acrostic of Jesus is the second in the series, An Acrostic Theology for Kids, introducing children ages five to eleven to systematic theology uniquely on their age level.
Catechism can be fun! The Acrostic of God is a joy to read and reread, and a wonderful tool to help kids absorb eternal truth about God. By giving children an alphabetical list of the titles and attributes of God written with a rhyming beat, Jonathan Gibson and Timothy Brindle make The Acrostic of God fun to read and easy to memorize.
The Acrostic of Salvation is a joy to read and recite. Young readers will learn "soteriology"—the study of how God saves us. Jonathan Gibson and Timothy Brindle present an alphabet of words related to salvation, written to a rhyming beat: A for adoption, B for baptism, C for communion, all the way to Z. All the words paint a detailed and varied portrait of what salvation through Jesus is all about. Using the alphabet to teach about God has a rich history in the Bible, especially in the Psalms and Lamentations. Several of the psalms—notably Psalm 119—begin with letters of the Hebrew alphabet, forming an acrostic that spells out the entire alphabet. The authors make learning about soteriology memorable and fun. Their book shows "By faith, we're now connected to Jesus our treasure; Forgiven and changed in him, he keeps us forever." Illustrated by C. S. Fritz, The Acrostic of Salvation is the third in the series, Acrostic Theology for Kids, introducing children ages five to eleven to systematic theology uniquely on their age level.
Need an easy-to-remember outline for the book of Ephesians? Just remember that Ephesians is about the C H U R C H —Calling of the church —Heavenly position for individuals —Understanding of the mystery —Reasons for spiritual gifts —Help in spiritual warfare The Acrostic Summarized Bible makes Bible learning that easy! A four-word phrase summarizes each chapter of every book in the Bible. The first letter of the phrase forms the descriptive acrostic for each book. For Jonah remember “FISH”; for Mark, “CHRIST THE SERVANT.”
Bible scholar Christian Brady, an expert on Old Testament lament, was as prepared as a person could be for the death of a child—which is to say, not nearly well enough. When his eight-year-old son died suddenly from a fast-moving blood infection, Brady heard the typical platitudes about accepting God's will and knew that quiet acceptance was not the only godly way to grieve. With deep faith, knowledge of Scripture, and the wisdom that comes only from experience, Brady guides readers grieving losses and setbacks of all kinds in voicing their lament to God, reflecting on the nature of human existence, and persevering in hope. Brady finds that rather than an image of God managing every event and action in our lives, the biblical account describes the very real world in which we all live, a world full of hardship and calamity that often comes unbidden and unmerited. Yet, it also is a world into which God lovingly intrudes to bring comfort, peace, and grace.
Putting Jesus in His Place is designed to introduce Christians to the wealth of biblical teaching on the deity of Christ and give them the confidence to share the truth about Jesus with others.
Some memories are permanently seared into our childhood brains with a hot iron of adrenaline and fear. For five-year-old Greg, it was the memory of his ma walking back to the house after confronting his stepdad with a splintered, bloodied baseball bat in her hand. Greg Stier was raised in a family of bodybuilding, tobacco-chewing, fist-fighting thugs. He never knew his biological father because his mom had met his dad at a party; she got pregnant, and he left town. Though his mom almost aborted him, in a last-minute twist, Greg’s life was spared for so much more. Unlikely Fighter is the incredible story of how God showed up in Greg’s life—and how he can show up in yours as well. This is a memoir of violence and mayhem—and how God can transform everything.
The Acrostic of Scripture gives parents and teachers a unique way to teach theology to children and makes catechism fun! An alphabet of words introducing biblical theology, written to a rhyming beat, paints a detailed and varied portrait of the unfolding story of the Bible, as it is fulfilled by Jesus. Authors Jonathan Gibson and Timothy Brindle have created The Acrostic of Scripture, to help children ages five to eleven learn theology so their knowledge of Gods big picture is better. The fourth release in the Acrostic Theology for Kids series, this book is fun to read, simple to memorize, and features illustrations from C. S. Fritz that shine with creativity. The Acrostic of Scripture includes a QR code in the back that can be scanned to listen to the audio version of the book which Timothy Brindle reads in rap style.
The main reason people don't act like Jesus is because they don't think like Jesus. Discover the seven core questions that Christians must be able to answer biblically in order to live a transformed life. The latest data from researcher George Barna’s polls across America shows that we are confused by the issues that confront us today. We find ourselves wrestling with what is right and wrong. Some of us cut ethical corners and don’t even know it. We often base our actions on what feels right or keeps people happy rather than on what is best or true. All because, Barna concludes, we lack an active, clear belief system based on solid, scriptural principles. Now more than ever, we need a way of life that brings us clarity in chaos, peace in the problems, and boldness in the bad times. We need a new way of seeing—a biblical perspective that guides our every thought and action. What is a biblical perspective on life? To put it simply, Barna says, it is a "way of dealing with the world so that we act like Jesus, twenty-four hours a day, because we think like Jesus. It’s like wearing a pair of eyeglasses that enable us to see things differently, to see things from God’s point of view, and to respond to these perceptions in the way He prescribes.” Think Like Jesus: Uncovers the seven core beliefs of Christianity necessary for developing a strong Christian worldview Provides a firm explanation of why Christians believe what we believe Includes detailed statistics and polls on where Americans agree with the Bible on key topics Exposes causes of concern in modern Christianity through the misalignment of key beliefs Would you like to simplify your life, shore up your moral foundations, and strengthen your Christian witness? Think Like Jesus can help you chart a path that will allow you to make a difference for eternity in your home, your job, your church, and your community.