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"Don't quit now. Is that all you want?" "Please... oh, I'm so mixed up..." "You know damn well what you want. And right now it's the same thing I want. You know. So what the hell are you waiting for?" Another moan sounded down there as Elisa lay motionless, quelling the urge to dig her fingers into that mousy head of hair and haul that flushed face up between her thighs. Right up where she needed it. But this was their first time and she wanted Joanne to do it all by herself. Let there be no recriminations afterward, let there be no doubt about who was doing what and with which and to whom. If this lesbian desired her beautiful body, okay, it was right there for the taking. All she had to do was take it. Then, tentatively, Joanne's face moved and Elisa quivered to the warmth of soft lesbian lips browsing along the skin of her thighs. Browsing but not taking. No. More like... worshipping? Mmm, yes, that was it, worshipping with each tiny advance, dallying and worshipping as though she had to work up fresh courage to gain every intimate inch. And in a flash of near-blinding insight Elisa got a glimpse of the total pattern, the whole thing, not just the main motif - this lesbian roomie of hers wasn't just a lesbian, she was a lesbian masochist! After a chance meeting with a woman of like circumstance, Eliza finds herself living with the vivacious Joanne. When the wrappings come off and the dust settles each knows there is a yearning for each other, even the naive and inexperienced Eliza. Of course, she suspected her roomie was a Lesbian, but what she do when she learns Joanne is a sadomasochistic sapphist and a dominatrix. What follow is Eliza's spiral into a debauched world of Venus worship ala slave and mistress. Trained to obey, to gamahauch on demand, and to perform for others, our young protagonist is about to learn of the orgiastic pleasures to be had by giving herself and her will over completely to another. And for this she will be rewarded in the lewdest of ways. This graphically sumptuous work of Lesbian erotica features all manner of physical coupling, submissive domination, and very vigorous tribadism. Lusciously lesbian loving.
Twelve-year-old Theodore Crane is a prankster from a small Minnesota town, who half-heartedly shares a friend with a belligerent bully. When he is not spending his days dodging an abusive father, he is out fleeing the scenes of goofy pranks and dares. With the help of his loyal friend Jason and a mysterious amulet, Theodore finds the courage to oppose his cruel father. When Jason's life is cut short by an accident, Theodore questions everything about himself, his family, and the universe. Three years after the tragedy, Theodore searches for answers by returning to the scene of Jason's death and discovers the truth when an intervention from outer space brings him into an epic intergalactic conflict. The truth: millions of guided microscopic devices have been recording his life and controlling his fate. Will this covert invasion be enough to pull Theodore toward his destiny?
As one may have read Cicero in The Nature Of The Gods, ancient people were vivid observers of the sky and the celestial bodies because of their livelihood- they were mostly engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry. The cycles of nature and seasons were the most important factors affecting farming civilizations. The brilliant ‘stars’ Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and the zodiac were also objects of great interest. These heavenly bodies were regarded as deities even by learned philosophers. Cicero and Socrates had a field day demolishing these strongly held prevailing ideas. One popular god illusion of the West and Middle East began with patriarch Abraham who was an astronomer from Mesopotamia. He studied Jupiter avidly and could predict its behavior which he used it to his advantage in his migration to the Fertile Crescent and in his encounters with hostile inhabitants. Abraham had the delusion that Jupiter-Yahweh was a deity who could be depended to assist him in troubled times. The Yahweh Delusion was passed down from Abraham to son Isaac and grandson Jacob. Jacob’s 12 sons migrated to Egypt, multiplied and eventually became slaves. Moses a pariah Egyptian prince became the rebel leader of the Hebrew slaves when he discovered his roots. At the opportune moment, c.1450 BCE, Venus erupted from unstable fast-spinning Red Giant Jupiter and shot into the inner solar system like a billiard ball along a highly elliptical orbit. It had several close encounters with Earth, Moon and Mars and created stunning phenomena or ‘miracles’ such as the much exaggerated Ten Plagues, parting of the Red Sea, the rain of manna, apparent stopping of the Earth’s rotation, and even the destruction of the mighty army of Sennacherib near Jerusalem. Moses and his successors apparently knew and could predict more or less unusual celestial phenomena and attributed them to a tribal deity Yahweh who was connected with their deliverance and survival. Every successful prediction or expectation resulted in augmenting the god illusion. The god illusion evolved through stupendous sagas, cross fertilized by neighbors and reformers roughly from 1500 BCE to 500 BCE. However, the Hebrews had a confused idea of this savior deity and its feminine aspects, such as the Celestial Cow giving manna-milk. In the evolutionary process, Yahwist patriarchs literally wrote off the influential Goddess and made Yahweh a lone male god of Judaism and Christianity. The underlying motive developing this god illusion is Moses’ and Israel’s covetousness of the fertile Holy Land. Moses needed a justification to commit genocide, to rob, loot, destroy and drive out people inhabiting the land of milk and honey. The justification is a tribal god of Israelites who gives mandate to his chosen race to rob and steal the Promise Land from ‘evil’ worshippers of false gods! The underlying theory for this god illusion evolution hypothesis is based on Immanuel Velikovsky’s bestseller of the 1950s, Worlds in Collision. This hypothesis met fierce opposition in academia and Establishment Science. The AAAS Symposium 1974 was convened to address the serious challenge. Here, the author produces abstracts from various experts in various disciplines of sciences and arts to counter objections to the underlying theory. The god illusion presented here is my own interpretation of the psychological impacts and aspects of these astounding celestial phenomena. I am using appropriate knowledge in several disciplines to support my thesis, such as radiation chemistry, upper atmosphere chemistry and behavioral science. My training as a stock analyst to read the underlying environment enables me to read in between the lines, to speculate and connect the gaps and dots together and present a satisfying version of the god illusion.
Sold into slavery! A hardened survivor of more than a dozen gladiatorial combats, Valens’s raw masculinity fuels many women’s sexual fantasies. He is outside polite society, and Roman noblewoman Julia Antonia knows she should have nothing to do with a man who is little more than a slave. But with a wisp of scandal clinging to her stola, Julia is drawn inexorably toward the forbidden danger he represents. For Valens, Julia is a tantalizing reminder of the life he’d been torn from. To claim her, he must fight one final time—and win!
This study examines the construction of masculinity in culture based on an analysis of pictorial representations of the male in many contexts: social; historical; legal; literary; institutional; anthropological; educational; marital; imperial; and aesthetic. Artists featured include Burne-Jones.
This volume contains "Yolanda of Cyprus," a hitherto unpublished play; many new lyrics; some others that appeared in "Song-Surf," a volume whose publishers failed before it reached the public; and "David," which came out in America in 1904. The author's desire has been to include only his best work.
Vale Ferne was born in China, from where her family moved from another country; and now lives in Canada. Shakespeare captured her interest early in life, and a reading of Hamlet at a night school in Toronto intensified it. Others of her favorite writers are J.J. Rousseau, L.G. Byron and J.L. Borges. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: A Thought Quarter'd is her first book. In Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: A thought Quarter’d Vale Ferne offers her own radical, fresh and witty reading of Shakespeare’s play in the light of the legendary history of Denmark. She goes beyond “deconstruction” to “reconstruction,” splitting and combining Shakespeare’s characters to create a whole new cast of her own. Her new version is a true Jeu d’esprit that can be read entirely for itself yet offers provocative insights into Shakespeare’s play. Enjoy!
This is the third unit of three devoted to an explication of the structure and function of symbols. The following topics are covered. Ch-1 SYMBOLS AND THE GROWTH OF SOCIETY Ch-2 UNIVERSAL SYMBOLS Ch-3 THE EVOLUTION OF THE SYMBOLS OF RELIGIOUS BELIEFS AND MYTHOLOGY The Life and Death of a Myth Ch-4 SYMBOLIC MORALISM Ch-5 THE INFLUENCE OF MYTH ON THE NATURE OF SYMBOLIC FORMS IN MANIFEST DREAMS Ch-6 THE POWER IN THE SYMBOL Ch-7 THOUGHT DISORDER, SYMBOLS, AND ART De Chirico, Dadd, Tasso, Joyce Ch-8 FEELINGS WORDS AND VISIONS: Symbols and Personality in the Paintings of Thomas Cole