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Der Abt und seine Bauern. Territorialisierung als Prozess in Salem vom Spten Mittelalter bis zum Dreiigjhrigen Krieg Die Studie ber die reichsunmittelbare Zisterzienserabtei Salem erffnet neue Einsichten ber grundlegende politische Entwicklungen in der Frhen Neuzeit. Sie beleuchtet die Mglichkeiten und die Grenzen kirchlicher Herrschaft und weist auf breiter Quellengrundlage den dauerhaften politischen Einfluss der Bauernschaft nach. In der untersuchten Periode von 1473 bis 1637 festigte die Abtei ihre politische Herrschaft ber Land und Leute. Im Zuge der Territorialisierung verdichtete sie verschiedene Herrschaftsrechte in ihrer Hand und schloss das Herrschaftsgebiet ab. Dies wurde auf zwei Ebenen erreicht: Erstens wurden die Grenzen des Territoriums gegen Auen eindeutig definiert - in rumlich-physischer, rechtlicher und symbolischer Hinsicht. Zweitens wurden die Untertanen vollstndig in das eigene Territorium integriert. Diesen Prozess kann man jedoch nicht einfach als Staatsbildung von "oben" - durch die Aktivitten der bte - charakterisieren. Deren Herrschaft wurde zwar gestrkt und zentralisiert, aber durchaus nicht vornehmlich auf Kosten der Bauernschaft. Deren materielle Bedrfnisse und Interessen wurden aufgegriffen, so dass gtliche Vergleiche zustande kamen. Das Beispiel Salem zeigt das Moment politischer Inklusion auf einer breiten sozialen Basis. Durch kleinteiliges Agieren und auf dem Wege direkter Kommunikation brachten sich die kommunalen Entscheidungstrger aus der Bauernschaft wirkungsvoll ein. So entwickelte sich die Herrschaft in der Abtei aufgrund interaktiver Prozesse fort. Wir begegnen also in der Arbeit vielseitigen Aushandlungsprozessen, bei denen sowohl wechselnde Bndnisse und ungleiche Partnerschaften als auch das Prinzip der Gegenseitigkeit sowie direkte Kooperation zwischen sozialen Gruppen mitwirkten. Dieses Primat des Verhandlungsprinzips brachte wechselseitige Vorteile, nicht weil die sozialen Gruppen von vornherein gemeinsame Interessen hatten, sondern da sich Kommunikationskanle ffneten und Konflikte abschwchten. Die Kommunikation im Territorium lief ber zwei zentrale Institutionen, das "Sidelgericht," und das "Verhr." Diese beiden Krperschaften vermochten es, nicht nur Konflikte zu dmpfen und diverse soziale Gruppen zu integrieren, sondern auch deren Anliegen zu bercksichtigen, und hier lag das Fundament der bemerkenswerten politischen und sozialen Stabilitt in Salem. So ist dieses kleine Territorium ein Beispiel dafr, wie ein erfolgreiches Gemeinwesen vorgeht, wie es stndig neue Ziele entwickelt und sich dabei selbst erhlt. Durch diese Forschungsarbeit ber Salem werden die Potenziale und Grenzen der Staatsbildung im Reich grundlegend beleuchtet, sie zeigt auf, wie die Beziehungen zwischen Herren und Untertanen in der Frhen Neuzeit miteinander verflochten waren.
A detailed reconstruction of peasant society in early modern Germany, focusing on the lands of the Benedictine monastery of Ottobeuren. Based on a mass of archival data, the book argues that the German rural economy performed much better than has previously been believed.
The German Peasants' War of 1524-26 was the greatest popular uprising in European history before the French Revolution. Its significance is heightened by the contemporary struggle for religious renewal in the Reformation, which had a decisive influence on its course. Yet very little writing in English has discussed the Peasants' War in detail. This volume traces the war through contemporary documents, both published and original, for the English-speaking reader in translation. It gives generous coverage to the causes and course of the revolt, and to its ideological mainsprings and forms of organization. At the same time it illustrates the authorities' response, the role of towns in the revolt, and the sociological variety of the participants. The main political theories inspired by the revolt receive full treatment, and the volume concludes with detailed coverage of the attempts to suppress the insurrection and its political and social aftermath. Accompanying the selection of 162 documents is an extended introduction, which traces the main issues facing historians in seeking to understand the revolt: it also provides thumbnail sketches of the course of the Peasants' War in the five main areas of rebellion. The volume includes eight maps for convenient reference and a select bibliography for further reading. This study will be of particular interest to undergraduate and graduate students of history, politics, religion, sociology, and anthropology taking courses on early modern Europe, revolutions and social movements, peasant studies, the transition from feudalism to capitalism, and the Reformation.
Peasants, Lords, and State: Comparing Peasant Conditions in Scandinavia and the Eastern Alpine Region, 1000-1750 compares peasant self-determination in relation to manorial and territorial power structures in Scandinavia and the eastern Alpine region between 1000 and 1750.
Four hundred seventy years ago the Anabaptist movement was launched with the inauguration of believer's baptism and the formation of the first congregation of the Swiss Brethren in Zurich, Switzerland. This standard introduction to the history of Anabaptism by noted church historian William R. Estep offers a vivid chronicle of the rise and spread of teachings and heritage of this important stream in Christianity. This third edition of The Anabaptist Story has been substantially revised and enlarged to take into account the numerous Anabaptist sources that have come to light in the last half-century as well as the significant number of monographs and other scholarly works on Anabaptist themes that have recently appeared. Estep challenges a number of assumptions held by contemporary historians and offers fresh insights into the Anabaptist movement.
Responses to the impact of the Norman Conquest examined through the wealth of evidence provided by the important abbey of Bury St Edmunds. Bury St Edmunds is noteworthy in so many ways: in preserving the cult and memory of the last East Anglian king, in the richness of its archives, and not least in its role as a mediator of medical texts and studies. All these aspects, and more, are amply illustrated in this collection, by specialists in their fields. The balance of the whole work, and the care taken to place the individual topics in context, has resulted in a satisfying whole, which placesAbbot Baldwin and his abbey squarely in the forefront of eleventh-century politics and society. Professor Ann Williams. The abbey of Bury St Edmunds, by 1100, was an international centre of learning, outstanding for its culting of St Edmund, England's patron saint, who was known through France and Italy as a miracle worker principally, but also as a survivor, who had resisted the Vikings and the invading king Swein and gained strength after 1066. Here we journey into the concerns of his community as it negotiated survival in the Anglo-Norman empire, examining, on the one hand, the roles of leading monks, such as the French physician-abbot Baldwin, and, on the other, the part played by ordinary women of the vill. The abbey of Bury provides an exceptionally rich archive, including annals, historical texts, wills, charters, and medical recipes. The chapters in this volume, written by leading experts, present differing perspectives on Bury's responses to conquest; reflecting the interests of the monks, they cover literature, music, medicine, palaeography, and the history of the region in its European context. DrTom Licence is Senior Lecturer in Medieval History and Director of the Centre of East Anglian Studies at the University of East Anglia. Contributors: Debbie Banham, David Bates, Eric Fernie, Sarah Foot, Michael Gullick, Tom Licence, Henry Parkes, Véronique Thouroude, Elizabeth van Houts, Thomas Waldman, Teresa Webber
In 1552, Muscovite Russia conquered the city of Kazan on the Volga River. It was the first Orthodox Christian victory against Islam since the fall of Constantinople, a turning point that, over the next four years, would complete Moscow’s control over the river. This conquest provided a direct trade route with the Middle East and would transform Muscovy into a global power. As Matthew Romaniello shows, however, learning to manage the conquered lands and peoples would take decades. Russia did not succeed in empire-building because of its strength, leadership, or even the weakness of its neighbors, Romaniello contends; it succeeded by managing its failures. Faced with the difficulty of assimilating culturally and religiously alien peoples across thousands of miles, the Russian state was forced to compromise in ways that, for a time, permitted local elites of diverse backgrounds to share in governance and to preserve a measure of autonomy. Conscious manipulation of political and religious language proved more vital than sheer military might. For early modern Russia, empire was still elusive—an aspiration to political, economic, and military control challenged by continuing resistance, mismanagement, and tenuous influence over vast expanses of territory.
The importance of the medieval abbot needs no particular emphasis. The monastic superiors of late medieval England ruled over thousands of monks and canons, who swore to them vows of obedience; they were prominent figures in royal and church government; and collectively they controlled properties worth around double the Crown's annual ordinary income. Moreover, as guardians of regular observance and the primary interface between their monastery and the wider world, abbots and priors were pivotal to the effective functioning and well-being of the monastic order. The Abbots and Priors of Late Medieval and Reformation England provides the first detailed study of English male monastic superiors, exploring their evolving role and reputation between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries. Individual chapters examine the election and selection of late medieval monastic heads; the internal functions of the superior as the father of the community; the head of house as administrator; abbatial living standards and modes of display; monastic superiors' public role in service of the Church and Crown; their external relations and reputation; the interaction between monastic heads and the government in Henry VIII's England; the Dissolution of the monasteries; and the afterlives of abbots and priors following the suppression of their houses. This study of monastic leadership sheds much valuable light on the religious houses of late medieval and early Tudor England, including their spiritual life, administration, spending priorities, and their multi-faceted relations with the outside world. The Abbots and Priors of Late Medieval and Reformation England also elucidates the crucial part played by monastic superiors in the dramatic events of the 1530s, when many heads surrendered their monasteries into the hands of Henry VIII.