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This second edition is perfectly timed to accompany IBM's AS/400 e-commerce strategy. It has been thoroughly updated to include information about the role of the Internet in electronic transactions. Jilovec also covers all the traditional aspects of EDI, including EDI software selection, choosing a VAN, and the mystery of EDI standards.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the exchange of structured data between computer systems of trading partners. This book provides a concise introduction to the subject, indicating key features and the likely benefits to businesses who use it. The new edition contains recent case studies, and covers the implications of EDI in Europe and the potential for EDI in small and medium-sized businesses.
The business advantages of EDI are enormous--if the advance work is done correctly. This text guides the manager through a comprehensive assessment of EDI as a strategic business decision. Uses "on'site", industry-specific case study examples.
it is an easy tool that teaches the rules of sentences, noun, verbs, question mark, adjectives, and adverbs; prepositions, propositions, and pronoun pronouncements; punctuation; possessives; and proofreading skills for all communication. jumlalar, ismlar, fe'llar, savol belgisi, sifatlar va zarf qoidalarini o'rgatadigan oson vosita; oldindan tayyorlangan takliflar, takliflar va so'zlar; punktuatsiya; mulklar; va barcha aloqalar uchun kodlash qobiliyatlari
EDI can and is difficult for the uninitiated to read. It is a "digital" representation of a human readable document, like a purchase order for example. By reading this short introduction into the world of EDI you will understand how it is structured, why it is necessary, what a standard is and what the individual pieces of data mean and how they interrelate. Welcome to EDI-101