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The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), located at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, is the world's largest and highest energy and highest intensity particle accelerator. Here is a timely book with several perspectives on the hoped-for discoveries from the LHC.This book provides an overview on the techniques that will be crucial for finding new physics at the LHC, as well as perspectives on the importance and implications of the discoveries. Among the accomplished contributors to this book are leaders and visionaries in the field of particle physics beyond the Standard Model, including two Nobel Laureates (Steven Weinberg and Frank Wilczek), and presumably some future Nobel Laureates, plus top younger theorists and experimenters. With its blend of popular and technical contents, the book will have wide appeal, not only to physical scientists but also to those in related fields.
As accessible as it is fascinating, The Large Hadron Collider reveals the inner workings of this masterful achievement of technology, along with the mind-blowing discoveries that will keep it at the center of the scientific frontier for the foreseeable future.
Contents:Hot Theoretical Topics:Ultraviolet Behavior of N = 8 Supergravity (L J Dixon)Is the Best Superstring Model NP Complete? (M R Douglas)Erice Lecture on Microscopic Gravity (G Dvali) Supergravity: Foundations and Applications (S Ferrara)Orienfold String Vacua and Strings at the LHC (D Luest)Seminars on Specialized Topics:Status of Dark Matter and Neutrino Physics (A Bettini)Experimental Evidence for Pointlike Baryons at q2 = 4MB2 (S Pacetti) Neutrino Masses, Dark Matter, Baryon Asymmetry and Inflation can be Explained at Once (M Shaposhnikov)Results from RHIC with Implications for LHC (M J Tannenbaum)Quantum Gravity without Space-Time Singularities or Horizons (G 't Hooft)Diffraction in Deep Inelastic Electron Proton Scattering at HERA (G Wolf)The Lesson Needed for the Future (A Zichichi)Highlights from Laboratories:Highlights from Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (P R Sorensen)The LHC and Beyond — The Energy Frontier (R D Heuer)Highlights from the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory (E Coccia)Highlights from Fermilab (S J Parke)Special Sessions for New Talents:Radiation Damage Studies for Silicon Sensors for the XFEL (H Perrey)Notes on Chern–Simons Theory in the Temporal Gauge (A Smirnov)Dark Matter via Many Copies of the Standard Model (A Vikman) Readership: Students, researchers and academics in the field of subnuclear physics. Keywords:Black Holes;QCD;SUSY;QED;Collider;Attractors
This volume contains the talks presented at the International Workshop on Aspects of Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics (DARK '96). It provides a thorough presentation and discussion of the topic of dark matter, which currently seems to be one of the most exciting problems of modern physics, in the perspectives of different disciplines like astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and particle physics.The lectures and talks range from astronomical evidence in galaxies and galaxy clusters, recent information provided by X rays (ROSAT satellite) and by observation of MACHOs, to early universe and particle physics solutions to the dark matter problem, including simultaneous solutions to the problems of baryogenesis and dark matter. Beyond the favoured supersymmetric candidates, the more exotic dark matter proposals are also discussed. The experimental section examines the most recent efforts in direct and indirect experiments, including new techniques like cryogenic detectors and superheated droplet detectors, as well as efforts with large scale underground detectors like MACRO, Baksan, Baikal and AMANDA. Also, the potential of present and future (LHC) high energy accelerators is thoroughly discussed. A section on hot dark matter gives the current status of experiments searching for a neutrino mass, like double beta decay and neutrino oscillation experiments, including intermediate scale long baseline experiments.
Hot Theoretical Topics: Ultraviolet Behavior of N=8 Supergravity (L J Dixon); Is the Best Superstring Model NP Complete? (M R Douglas); Erice Lecture on Microscopic Gravity (G Dvali); Supergravity: Foundations and Applications (S Ferrara); Orienfold String Vacua and Strings at the LHC (D Luest); Seminar on Specialized Topics: Status of Dark Matter and Neutrino Physics (A Bettini); Experimental Evidence for Pointlike Baryons at q2 = 4MB2 (S Pacetti); Neutrino Masses, Dark Matter, Baryon Asymmetry and Inflation can be Explained at Once (M Shaposhnikov); Results from RHIC with Implications for LHC (M J Tannenbaum); Quantum Gravity without Space-Time Singularities or Horizons (G 't Hooft); Diffraction in Deep Inelastic Electron Proton Scattering at HERA (G Wolf); The Lesson Needed for the Future (A Zichichi); Highlights from Laboratories: Highlights from RHIC (P R Sorensen); The LHC and Beyond — The Energy Frontier (R D Heuer); Highlights from the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory (E Coccia); Highlights from Fermilab (S J Parke); Special Sessions for New Talents: Radiation Damage Studies for Silicon Sensors for the XFEL (H Perrey); Notes on Chern–Simons Theory in the Temporal Gauge (A Smirnov); Dark Matter via Many Copies of the Standard Model (A Vikman).
The book aims to explain the historical development of particle physics, with special emphasis on CERN and collider physics. It describes in detail the LHC accelerator and its detectors, describing the science involved as well as the sociology of big collaborations, culminating with the discovery of the Higgs boson. Readers are led step-by-step to understanding why we do particle physics, as well as the tools and problems involved in the field. It provides an insider's view on the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider.
The book discusses the recent experimental results obtained at the LHC that involve electroweak bosons. The results are placed into an appropriate theoretical and historical context. The work pays special attention to the rising subject of hadronically decaying bosons with high boosts, documenting the state-of-the-art identification techniques and highlighting typical results. The text is not limited to electroweak physics in the strict sense, but also discusses the use of electroweak vector-bosons as tool in the study of other subjects in particle physics, such as determinations of the proton structure or the search for new exotic particles. The book is particularly well suited for graduate students, starting their thesis work on topics that involve electroweak bosons, as the book provides a comprehensive description of phenomena observable at current accelerators as well as a summary of the most relevant experimental techniques.
An introduction to the world of quarks and leptons, and of their interactions governed by fundamental symmetries of nature, as well as an introduction to the connection that exists between worlds of the infinitesimally small and the infinitely large.The book begins with a simple presentation of the theoretical framework, the so-called Standard Model, which evolved gradually since the 1960s. The key experiments establishing it as the theory of elementary particle physics, but also its missing pieces and conceptual weaknesses are introduced. The book proceeds with the extraordinary story of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN — the largest purely scientific project ever realized. Conception, design and construction by worldwide collaborations of the detectors of size and complexity without precedent in scientific history are discussed. The book then offers the reader a state-of-the art (2020) appreciation of the depth and breadth of the physics exploration performed by the LHC experiments: the study of new forms of matter, the understanding of symmetry-breaking phenomena at the fundamental level, the exciting searches for new physics such as dark matter, additional space dimensions, new symmetries, and more. The adventure of the LHC culminated in the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 (Nobel Prize in Physics in 2013). The last chapter of this book describes the plans for the LHC during the next 15 years of exploitation and improvement, and the possible evolution of the field and future collider projects under consideration.The authors are researchers from CERN, CEA and CNRS (France), and deeply engaged in the LHC program: D Denegri in the CMS experiment, C Guyot, A Hoecker and L Roos in the ATLAS experiment. Some of them are involved since the inception of the project. They give a lively and accessible inside view of this amazing scientific and human adventure.