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The Seven Fatal Management Sins is a candid, yet optimistic, assessment of the performance of today's managers. By looking at the responses of presidents and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, directors of various corporate boards, business school deans, business school professors, union presidents, business news editors and other managers, this book identifies the seven fatal management sins and suggests bold new ways for managers to avoid them.
Seven titles in one book. All the seven deadly sins explained and analyzed. Book 1: Envy is often something we point out in others, but if we face the facts and admit to being imperfect, finding it in ourselves can actually improve our lives, our attitude, and our happiness. Book 2: Gluttony has been mistaken for many things in the past. Some people judge others for being fat. Some are confused as to how far to go when indulging themselves in delicious foods. And others wonder if self-discipline in general is the underlying commandment that is related to the sin of gluttony. Book 3: We’ve heard it before: The love of money is the root of all evil. Greed, or avarice, has caused many to “err from the faith” according to Paul, who wrote to Timothy. “Flee these things,” he said, urging him—and all of us—to concentrate on Christlike qualities instead of worldly possessions, and on treasures in heaven, not on earth. Greed is everywhere. It is almost unavoidable. If we let go of the possessions that so easily possess us, we can focus more on God and His purposes. Book 4: Lust has caused so much grief, so much heartbreak, and so many broken homes. We cannot underestimate the consequences of infidelity or rushing into a passion without self-control. Not only do our actions have an impact on ourselves, but also on many others around us. As you read through the examples and the immensity of sexual immorality and its consequences, you will see things from a different light. The seriousness of this topic will be impressed on your soul as you read through shocking stories, ironic consequences, and logical yet spiritual theories you will feel are true. Book 5: Many people don’t see it this way, but pride is truly the most important thing we need to control and eliminate. We all have something to work on. We all need to realize better who we are. If we do, we won’t look down on others, and less conflict, more equality, and more tolerance will follow. Learn how to make the world a better place by overcoming your own ego, and instead of blowing up your self-image, submitting to God’s will and allowing Him to make you the best you can be. Book 6: Sloth, or laziness, is not something we do; rather, it’s NOT doing something we should that makes it so sinful. The Latin words “tristitia” or “acedia” mean “without care.” When we stop caring, things go wrong. How come laziness is so destructive, especially when we are not actually doing something wrong? In holy writ, life is sometimes referred to as a spiritual war. Book 7: Regarded as one of the seven deadly sins, wrath can lead to serious consequences, such as violence, aggression, saying things we regret later, or making decisions that go contrary to what benefits us. The world is filled with anger, rage, and frustration. The difference between passive and aggressive anger will be explained, as well as neurological connections that are made each time we lose our temper.
A light and easy read with some serious and heavyweight messages, 'Seven Deadly Sins' is a 'must read' for all managers, would-be managers, management teachers, students of management and shareholders. In it the author explores some of the behavioural characteristics in management that can lead to sub-optimal financial performance and undermine both reputation and shareholder value. He supports his contentions by using examples from well publicised and high profile corporate events alongside personal insights and experiences from his interesting and varied career. The book offers food for thought for shareholders, both large and small, and for the managers who perpetrate the seven deadly sins. Emeritus Professor Henry Ellington summarised 'Seven Deadly Sins' as "excellent, well-written, extremely informative and helpful and (at times) highly amusing".