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"The 2014 Astrotheology Calendar" serves as a basic introduction into the world of astrotheology and solar mythology. In addition to showing lunar phases, this calendar highlights the solstices, equinoxes and fire festivals with a different color for each of the eight relevant days. In our quest to inspire an interest in astrotheology, mythology and archaeoastronomy, we have also provided fascinating information about the astronomical alignments and astrotheological meanings of various archaeological sites and ancient artifacts from around the world. The calendar further explores the mythology surrounding the sun, moon and other celestial features, especially the Blood Moon, exemplified on the cover by a red lunar eclipse over Herod's Temple in Jerusalem.
This calendar charts holidays from ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and elsewhere into the modern era to demonstrate not only the ancient astromythology and nature-worshiping religion, but the comparisons between Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and others.
"The 2015 Astrotheology Calendar" serves as a basic introduction into the world of astrotheology and solar mythology. In addition to showing lunar phases, this calendar highlights the solstices, equinoxes and fire festivals with a different color for each of the eight relevant days. In our quest to inspire an interest in astrotheology, mythology and archaeoastronomy, we have also provided fascinating information about the astronomical alignments and astrotheological meanings of various archaeological sites and ancient artifacts from around the world. The calendar further explores the mythology surrounding the sun, moon and other celestial features, especially the solstices and equinoxes, to which many archaeological sites have been aligned.
The ancient mathematical basis of the Aramaic calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls is analysed in this investigation. Helen R. Jacobus re-examines an Aramaic zodiac calendar with a thunder divination text (4Q318) and the calendar from the Aramaic Astronomical Book (4Q208 - 4Q209), all from Qumran. Jacobus demonstrates that 4Q318 is an ancestor of the Jewish calendar today and that it helps us to understand 4Q208 - 4Q209. She argues that these calendars were taught in antiquity as angelic knowledge described in 1 Enoch and the Book of Jubilees. The study also encompasses Babylonian, Hellenistic, Byzantine astronomy and astrology, and classical and Jewish writings. Finally, a medieval Hebrew zodiac calendar related to 4Q318 with an astrological text is published here for the first time.
2013 Orthodox Christian Calendar
The biblical figure of Moses has been the center of fascination for over 2,000 years, but what do we actually know about him? Was he a real person? Did the Exodus truly happen? Or is the story in the Pentateuch a mythical account written centuries after the alleged events? Why does Moses's story resemble that of other, older lawgivers and legendary predecessors? Why are there so many elements of sun and wine god myths in the tale of Moses? What does the focus on the serpent in his story signify? Who were Yahweh and the Elohim? Did Moses Exist? includes: Maps and 126 illustrations Extensive bibliography, table of contents and index Hundreds of footnotes and citations from primary sources in multiple languages Best modern scholarship from credentialed authorities Did Moses Exist? provides a massive amount of information from antiquity about the world's religious traditions and mythology, including how solar myths, wine cultivation and fertility cults have shaped the Bible and Judaism. This book may be the most comprehensive study to date, using the best scholarship and state-of-the-art research methods. "The existence of Moses as well as the veracity of the Exodus story is disputed amongst archaeologists and Egyptologists, with experts in the field of biblical criticism citing logical inconsistencies, new archaeological evidence, historical evidence and related origin myths in Canaanite culture." --"Moses," Wikipedia "There is no historical evidence outside of the Bible, no mention of Moses outside the Bible, and no independent confirmation that Moses ever existed." --Dr. Michael D. Coogan, lecturer on the Old Testament at Harvard Divinity School "We cannot be sure that Moses ever lived because there are no traces of his earthly existence outside of tradition." --Egyptologist Dr. Jan Assmann, Moses the Egyptian "The life of Moses contains elements--canonical and apocryphal--that mark him as a true mythic hero, and certainly he is Judaism's greatest hero and the central figure in Hebrew mythology." --Dr. David Leeming, The Oxford Companion to World Mythology "...the stories of the creation, of the flood, of Abraham, of Jacob, of the descent into and the exodus from Egypt, of the career of Moses and the Jews in the desert, of Joshua and his soldiers, of the judges and their clients, are all apocryphal, and were fabricated at a late period of Jewish history." --Dr. Thomas Inman, Ancient Faiths and Modern Table of Contents List of Illustrations Preface Introduction Who Wrote the Pentateuch? Was Moses an Egyptian Pharaoh or Priest? The Exodus as History? The Exodus in Ancient Literature Hyksos and Lepers Who Were the Israelites? The Exodus as Myth The Lawgiver Archetype The Dionysus Connection The Life of Dionysus The Vine and Wine The Great God Sun Yahweh and the Sun Moses as Solar Hero Conclusion Bibliography Index
Unlike many modern historians, Perry was a diffusionist who believed that modern civilization began in Egypt and was spread via ships to Indonesia, the Pacific Islands, and even to North America. Perry traces the origin of megalithic culture starting in Egypt, and then across the Pacific. Searching for gold, obsidian, and pearls, they travelled across the Pacific to the American Southwest and Mexico.
This multidisciplinary work celebrates Wayne Orchiston's career and accomplishments in historical and cultural astronomy on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Over thirty of the world’s leading scholars in astronomy, astrophysics, astronomical history, and cultural astronomy have come together to honor Wayne across a wide range of research topics. These themes include: • Astronomy and Society • Emergence of Astrophysics • History of Radio Astronomy • Solar System • Observatories and Instrumentation • Ethnoastronomy and Archeoastronomy This exceptional collection of essays presents an overview of Wayne’s prolific contributions to the field, along with detailed accounts of the book’s diverse themes. It is a valuable and insightful volume for both researchers and others interested in the fields of historical astronomy and cultural astronomy.