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This book is a long meditation on the glories of Christ. It includes three of Dr. S.M. Lockridge's poems and many more meditations based on Biblical descriptions of the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Prepare your heart and mind to celebrate the risen Savior. It’s time for fresh spring blossoms, colored eggs, special recipes, and family gatherings. This year, with each tradition, small celebration, and new story, take the time to stop and discover the ways Jesus is showing His love for you. In remembering His Easter story—the greatest story ever told—your own will become that much sweeter. The perfect companion for Lent, Devotions for Easter invites you to find the messages of hope and mercy God places in even the smallest moments of the season. Forty days of warm, inviting readings, prayers, scriptures, and beautiful images will take you through Christ’s journey toward the cross and the miracle of His resurrection. As new life emerges all around you, let your heart be filled with joyful worship of Christ and the renewal He brings.
Contemporary evangelicals have built a "salvation culture" but not a "gospel culture." Evangelicals have reduced the gospel to the message of personal salvation. This book makes a plea for us to recover the old gospel as that which is still new and still fresh. The book stands on four arguments: that the gospel is defined by the apostles in 1 Corinthians 15 as the completion of the Story of Israel in the saving Story of Jesus; that the gospel is found in the Four Gospels; that the gospel was preached by Jesus; and that the sermons in the Book of Acts are the best example of gospeling in the New Testament. The King Jesus Gospel ends with practical suggestions about evangelism and about building a gospel culture.
Warner Books, in conjunction with Intellectual Properties Management, Inc., presents an extraordinary collection of sermons by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.-many never before published-along with introductions an documentary of the world's leading ministers & theologians.
In this culmination of his widely read and highly acclaimed Cultural Liturgies project, James K. A. Smith examines politics through the lens of liturgy. What if, he asks, citizens are not only thinkers or believers but also lovers? Smith explores how our analysis of political institutions would look different if we viewed them as incubators of love-shaping practices--not merely governing us but forming what we love. How would our political engagement change if we weren't simply looking for permission to express our "views" in the political sphere but actually hoped to shape the ethos of a nation, a state, or a municipality to foster a way of life that bends toward shalom? This book offers a well-rounded public theology as an alternative to contemporary debates about politics. Smith explores the religious nature of politics and the political nature of Christian worship, sketching how the worship of the church propels us to be invested in forging the common good. This book creatively merges theological and philosophical reflection with illustrations from film, novels, and music and includes helpful exposition and contemporary commentary on key figures in political theology.
Here leading pastors offer specific guidance from both personal and biblical perspectives on themes of vision, desire, integrity, emotions, and transformation. In so doing, the contributors show that the ability to inspire people through preaching flows from one thing: leading them into the presence of Christ. The writers in this book share the bounty of decades of experience to help pastors do just that by delivering more effective and inspirational sermons. Each of the following chapters focuses on an important element of this most important form of preaching, including... The Biggest idea in Preaching Authentic Inspiration 5 Veins of Deep Preaching Preaching with wonder Interpretation and Application How does one best make ancient biblical texts pertinent to the 21st Century listener, while still maintaining the integrity of the Scriptures? Interpretation and Applications designed to provide guidance on how to interpret and apply God's word honestly and accurately in a sermon. Sermon Preparation On top of all the responsibilities that comprise their vocation, pastors must write sermons that are original, insightful, useful, challenging, and comforting--once a week. Sermon Preparation explores the art and craft of sitting down to a blank page and writing a message that nourishes and speaks truth to the listener. Every chapter, written by an expert in the field, provides insights and techniques that are the result of years of sermon preparation.
If you've been around as long as I have, you probably remember the songs of singer-songwriter Jim Croce. He grew up in South Philly, watching performances of Fats Domino and the Coasters on TV's American Bandstand. He looked like a tough guy, but everyone who knew him said he has a big, warm fun-loving heart. Jim Croce spent the first decade of his adult life toiling in a series of day jobs: teaching emotionally disturbed children, working in a hospital, driving trucks, operating a jackhammer at construction sites. At night, he would sing and play guitar in coffeehouses. He wasn't waiting for his big break- he was hustling for it. When he was twenty-nine, Jim Croce finally landed his first recording contract. His first album, You Don't Mess Around With Jim, was completed quickly, many of the songs being recorded in just one or two takes. Once the album was released, Croce's music, an acoustic blend of folk and rock, caught on fast. The first two singles released from that album quickly became number one hits on AM radio, and Jim Croce became a star. His long- delayed dream had finally come true. His first two hits were upbeat roack ballads. His record company decided to release a third song from the album-a soft plaintive song called "Time in a Bottle". It was about how precious each moment of life is and how quickly those moments pass, never to come again. The song wistfully recounted the things Croce would do if only he could keep time in a bottle and pour out extra hours whenever he needed them. Before "Time in a Bottle" could be released, Jim Croce proved that the words of that song were truer than he realized. On September 20, 1973, after performing in a concert at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Lousiana, Croce boarded a small chartered plane along with a flight crew and members of his band. The heavily loaded plane clipped a tree as it took off. Like Croce's career, the plane had barely gotten off the ground before it crashed. Jim croce was dead at age thirty. We can't save time in a bottle, and we never know how much time we have left. We tend to think about the rest of our lives in terms of years and decades. The truth is the rest of our lives might be measured in hours or even minutes. So we need to make the most of each moment we have.