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Learn the innermost secrets of the holiest name of God and how you can use the secrets for magic, personal development, and spirituality, when you get Tetragrammaton by Donald Tyson. In Ceremonial Magic and Jewish tradition, the "Tetragrammaton" is composed of four Hebrew letters and is the occult key that unlocks the meaning behind astrology, the Tarot, the mysteries of the Jewish Bible, the Kabbalah, the Enochian magic of John Dee, and much more. In Tetragrammaton, Tyson shows that it is nothing less than the archetypal blueprint of creation, the basis for such fundamental forms as the DNA double helix and the binary language of modern computers. Never before has such explicit information about this name of God been revealed. Now you will learn: The complete history of the Tetragrammaton, including its meaning and use in the kabbalah The correct vibration of the name to evoke its power, and the use of the commanding voice The ancient lost methods of divination by Urim and Thummim The role of the Tetragrammaton in empowering the magical ring of King Solomon New English versions of the Enochian Keys The real meaning behind the collection of twelve stones from the River Jordan by representatives of the twelve tribes of Israel An entirely new order of Banner angels In the past, the use of the Tetragrammaton has been hinted at only in obscure religious and alchemical emblems. Now, for the first time, its true structure is laid bare in a clear and unambiguous manner, allowing this potent key to open astounding vistas of understanding. Tetragrammaton is a book for Kabbalists, ritual occultists, and anyone fascinated by the magic of the Bible. If you want to understand the deepest secrets of God, get Tetragrammaton.
The Christian Reception of the Hebrew name of God has not previously been described in such detail and over such an extended period. This work places that varied reception within the context of early Jewish and Christian texts; Patristic Studies; Jewish-Christian relationships; Mediaeval thought; the Renaissance and Reformation; the History of Printing; and the development of Christian Hebraism. The contribution of notions of the Tetragrammaton to orthodox doctrines and debates is exposed, as is the contribution its study made to non-orthodox imaginative constructs and theologies. Gnostic, Kabbalistic, Hermetic and magical texts are given equally detailed consideration. There emerge from this sustained and detailed examination several recurring themes concerning the difficulty of naming God, his being and his providence.
The Tetragrammaton is a mere mask concealing its connection with the supernal and the infernal worlds. Four statements, allegedly from the Kabbalah, which have been brought forward to oppose our septenary doctrine, are completely wrong. Ignorance is the curse of God. Knowledge barely understood is like a headstrong horse that throws the rider. Admitting ignorance is the first step to enlightenment. The four letters of the Tetragrammaton is a mere mask concealing its polar connection with the supernal and the infernal worlds. The Tetragrammaton is Microprosopus, a “Lesser Face,” and the infernal reflection of Macroprosopus, the “Limitless Face.” AHIH and IHVH are glyphs of existence and symbols of terrestrial-androgynous life; they cannot be confounded with EHEIEH which is the Parabrahman of the Vedantist, That of the Chhandogya Upanishad, The Absolute of Hegel, The One Life of the Buddhist, the Ain-Soph (the Hebrew Parabrahman). They are transient reflections of EHEIEH, and therefore illusions of separateness. The Tetragrammaton is a phantom veiled with four breaths. It is dual, triple, quaternary, and septenary. Man is cube unfolding as cross. The One is She, the Spirit of the Elohim of Life. The “lesser countenance” of the Tetragrammaton is the fourth kabbalistic world. “Father-Mother,” being of bisexual material, belong to the creative world, out of which the “Son” or Universe is formed. This “Son” is Microprosopus, a blind to conceal the septenary constitution of man from the profane. The Tetragrammaton is “Father-Mother-Son” or Jehovah, whose name is IHVH and whose letters, when read symbolically, can be interpreted in two or twelve ways. Jehovah is merely a composite name for membrum virile and Eve, a hermaphrodite. He is, in one sense, Noah (Hebrew Yah) or, literally translated, inch — the British inch! Jehovah-Tsebaoth refused to create, as the seven mind-born sons of Brahmā did, but instead fought and conquered the Dragon of Wisdom. Thus the child of matter and sin was born, and Divinity was hurled down into the bottomless pit. The Theosophist’s Deity is not the two-faced Tetragrammaton, but the Crown, which has nought to do with the material world. Madame Blavatsky declined union with the lower sevenfold and seven-lettered Jehovah, and preferred pinning her faith to Ain-Soph — Pure and Simple. The nature of the material world is also seven-fold. Is the Tetragrammaton in the midst of us, or the Negatively Existent One? Shekinah is primordial light emanating from the ever-concealed Ain-Soph. In the archetypal world she is Sephirah. In the material and formative worlds she becomes Shekinah, which is latent life and light. She is the Buddhi of the physical body. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil has seven branches, on each of which are four leaves and three fruits. Anyone endowed with a moderate dose of ingenuity can make what he likes of the unpointed Hebrew words and letters. But the explanations herewith presented require nothing but knowledge of the Seventh Esoteric Key. There now follow six different readings of the first word only (B’rashith) in Genesis — one of countless examples of Christian deceit and scriptural manipulation. Madame Blavatsky always sought conciliation with disputants over doctrinal mistakes or misinterpretations, and shunned quarrels and point-scoring. The Occultist prefers working for the Cause and the triumph of Truth with all his heart and soul, than prevailing over piffling disputations. Materialism is raising its ghastly head higher than ever. Pontifications of an anti-kabbalistic champion of modern science. The whole essence of Truth cannot be transmitted from mouth to ear. Nor can any pen describe it, not even that of the recording Angel, unless man finds the answer in the sanctuary of his own heart, in the innermost depths of his divine intuitions. A spurious prophecy attributed to Hosea See how, by the Notarikon method of kabbalistic reading, one could make biblical sentences read almost anything. The Seven Scales of Consciousness Every sense is primarily a mental sense. The transference of a sensation from any organ to consciousness is nearly instantaneous. The Occultist should train himself to receive and transmit along the line of the seven scales of his consciousness every impression simultaneously. He who does this quicker progresses faster. The consciousness of the Higher Ego is atomic and spiritual, and so are the atoms which form the higher principles of the man. That of the lower ego is molecular, forming around the atoms, and is normally invisible unless condensed. The Higher Ego, being the subject of every state of consciousness, is Absolute Unity. Knowing, feeling, and willing are not faculties of the lower mind.
Two momentous happenings in the history of Israel would affect pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton: 1)The 9th century division of the Israelite kingdom: Henceforth the ten-tribe kingdom would look northwards to expand cultural and commercial interests. This would cause northern Jews to rub shoulders with Phoenicians, causing the highly developed Phoenician tongue to make inroads in the North Israelite dialect. 2)The Babylonian exile: In time Babylonians would overrun the two-tribe kingdom of Judah-Benjamin. This would cause remnants of Aramaic pronunciation to become firmly entrenched in the South Israelite (Judahite) dialect. The proposed Albright-Reisel Hypothesis of North and South Israelite Pronunciation not only provides a framework for classifying all known vocalizations of the Tetragrammaton but goes a long way to explain most forms and irregularities.
This compendium examines the origins of the God Yahweh, his place in the Syrian-Palestinian and Northern Arabian pantheon during the bronze and iron ages, and the beginnings of the cultic veneration of Yahweh. Contributors analyze the epigraphic and archeological evidence, apply fundamental considerations from the cultural and religious sciences, and analyze the relevant Old Testament texts.
Truth in Translation is a critical study of Biblical translation, assessing the accuracy of nine English versions of the New Testament in wide use today. By looking at passages where theological investment is at a premium, the author demonstrates that many versions deviate from accurate translation under the pressure of theological bias.
This book is the most comprehensive study of the Tetragrammaton and the Christian Greek Scrptures (New Testament) available today. The subject of the book is not theology. It is a study of early Greek manuscripts and related historic documents.
In the Great Mystic Symbolic Tetragrammaton of the Ancient Masters we have one of their deepest secrets; the discovery of what the Masters called the Sacred Four Elements, as they found that these elements enter into the constitution of everything known. Earth, Water, Air, and Fire are the elements that produce every formation, every object, every organism. The Masters then invented an appropriate symbol to embrace the Sacred Four Elements. This symbol is known to us as the Sphinx, the image of which has been found in all the lands of the ancient world, and just as far back in the night of time as it is possible for us to go. Professor Hilton Hotema again raises compelling questions regarding our physical, spiritual, and mental reactions to these Sacred Four Elements.