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Lee más sobre lo específico de la testosterona, una deficiencia de ella, y ¡los grandes potenciadores que pueden ayudar! Testosterona, la hormona que causa un espíritu de luchador, agresividad, asertividad y deseo sexual, es usualmente mal entendida. Vamos a levantar el telón y revelaremos más sobre esta hormona esencial en el cuerpo masculino (y femenino). La testosterona puede afectar enormemente el humor de una persona, los deseos, nivel de tolerancia y más. Es crucial conocer más sobre lo que te ocurre a ti. Por lo tanto el autor ha incluido temas como: De donde proviene la testosterona, y cómo afecta tanto a hombres como a mujeres. Cinco alimentos que potenciarán instantáneamente tus niveles de testosterona. Orígenes, consecuencias, síntomas y tratamientos para la deficiencia de Testosterona. Ejercicios que pueden beneficiar a cualquier hombre que quiera aumentar sus niveles de testosterona. Factores de estrés y pequeños cambios a tus hábitos que puedes mejorar para niveles más altos de testosterona. Mediante esta breve guía, aprenderás lo básico y más sobre potenciar tus niveles de testosterona, causas y soluciones para deficiencias, etc.
People with diabetes can turn to this dictionary-style reference for solutions to the most common problems. Readers can use The Diabetes Problem Solver to look up problems under the key word and follow a flow chart of questions to find practical advice and solutions to most any diabetes self-care problem.
With over 26,000 chemical and pharmaceutical terms, this modern, easy-to-use English and Spanish glossary is an indispensable resource for pharmacists, physicians, scientists, health care professionals, and anyone else who works in these or related fields.
Una guía práctica y personalizada de los principios que funcionan para bajar de peso, recobrar la energía, mejorar la salud y mantenerla. El propósito de este libro es que usted pueda establecer los pasos específicos, en secuencia, que debe llevar a cabo para restaurar su metabolismo y alcanzar su meta, ya sea de adelgazar, mejorar su diabetes o mejorar su salud en general. Al final de cada capítulo usted encontrará un breve resumen de los puntos discutidos y una o varias preguntas o ejercicios que llevar acabo.
Fryer uses cas histories to prove that high levels of testosterone is directly related to higher levels of mental and physical functioning.
An Independent Publisher Book Awards Gold Medal Winner A Progressive Book of the Year A TechCrunch Favorite Read of the Year “Deeply researched and thoughtful.” —Nature “An extended exercise in myth busting.” —Outside “A critique of both popular and scientific understandings of the hormone, and how they have been used to explain, or even defend, inequalities of power.” —The Observer Testosterone is a familiar villain, a ready culprit for everything from stock market crashes to the overrepresentation of men in prisons. But your testosterone level doesn’t actually predict your appetite for risk, sex drive, or athletic prowess. It isn’t the biological essence of manliness—in fact, it isn’t even a male sex hormone. So what is it, and how did we come to endow it with such superhuman powers? T’s story begins when scientists first went looking for the chemical essence of masculinity. Over time, it provided a handy rationale for countless behaviors—from the boorish to the enviable. Testosterone focuses on what T does in six domains: reproduction, aggression, risk-taking, power, sports, and parenting, addressing heated debates like whether high-testosterone athletes have a natural advantage as well as disagreements over what it means to be a man or woman. “This subtle, important book forces rethinking not just about one particular hormone but about the way the scientific process is embedded in social context.” —Robert M. Sapolsky, author of Behave “A beautifully written and important book. The authors present strong and persuasive arguments that demythologize and defetishize T as a molecule containing quasi-magical properties, or as exclusively related to masculinity and males.” —Los Angeles Review of Books “Provides fruitful ground for understanding what it means to be human, not as isolated physical bodies but as dynamic social beings.” —Science
You're about to discover the crucial information regarding testosterone replacement therapy. Millions of people suffer from hormonal problems and throw away their personal and professional success because of it. Most people realize how much of a problem this is, but are unable to change their situation, simply because they don't have the proper information to work with. The truth is, if you are suffering from hormonal issues and have been interested in testosterone replacement therapy, this book will provide you with all that you need to know. It gives you an effective strategy as well as the steps that you need to take in order to make it happen. This book goes into the history of TRT, the science behind it, the pros and cons of undergoing TRT, as well as a comparison to other alternatives.