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This book provides an understanding of peer-reviewed international construction materials and their testing methods in a simplified manner at a high technical level. It focuses on specific construction materials, such as cement, concrete, bricks, lime, paints, steel and so forth, distributed in ten different chapters. Using real-time quality control as the underlying determinant, the book material exclusively follows Indian, American, European, German and South African standards. Relevant modern sophisticated material testing techniques, like scanning electron microscope (SEM), thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) and X-Ray diffraction (XRD), are also described. Aimed at undergraduate, senior undergraduate and early career professionals in civil engineering and construction engineering, this book Gives a clear background of material testing and its importance Includes step-by-step procedures for easy understanding of and for performing the tests Covers Indian, ASTM, South African, DIN German and European Standards Includes basic and advanced techniques for chemical admixtures Each chapter concludes with practice questions, including 400+ solved questions and 50+ test procedures in total
This is a textbook on the mechanical behavior of materials for mechanical and materials engineering. It emphasizes quantitative problem solving. This new edition includes treatment of the effects of texture on properties and microstructure in Chapter 7, a new chapter (12) on discontinuous and inhomogeneous deformation, and treatment of foams in Chapter 21.
div="" style=""This fourth edition focuses on the basics and advanced topics in strength of materials. This is an essential guide to students, as several chapters have been rewritten and their scope has expanded. Four new chapters highlighting combined loadings, unsymmetrical bending and shear centre, fixed beams, and rotating rings, discs and cylinders have been added. New solved examples, multiple choice questions and short answer questions have been added to augment learning. The entire text has been thoroughly revised and updated to eliminate the possible errors left out in the previous editions of the book. This textbook is ideal for the students of Mechanical and Civil Engineering. ^
This work discusses techniques for developing new engineering materials such as elastomers, plastic blends, composites, ceramics and high-temperature alloys. Instrumentation for evaluating their properties and identifying potential end uses are presented.;The book is intended for materials, manufacturing, mechanical, chemical and metallurgical engi
This book is a comprehensive overview of methods of characterizing the mechanical properties of engineering materials using specimen sizes in the micro-scale regime (0.3-5.0 mm). A range of issues associated with miniature specimen testing like correlation methodologies for data transferability between different specimen sizes, use of numerical simulation/analysis for data inversion, application to actual structures using scooped out samples or by in-situ testing, and more importantly developing a common code of practice are discussed and presented in a concise manner.
Civil Engineering Materials: Introduction and Laboratory Testing discusses the properties, characterization procedures, and analysis techniques of primary civil engineering materials. It presents the latest design considerations and uses of engineering materials as well as theories for fully understanding them through numerous worked mathematical examples. The book also includes important laboratory tests which are clearly described in a step-by-step manner and further illustrated by high-quality figures. Also, analysis equations and their applications are presented with appropriate examples and relevant practice problems, including Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) styled questions as well those found on the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Concrete Field Testing Technician - Grade I certification exam. Features: Includes numerous worked examples to illustrate the theories presented Presents Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) examination sample questions in each chapter Reviews the ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician - Grade I certification exam Utilizes the latest laboratory testing standards and practices Includes additional resources for instructors teaching related courses This book is intended for students in civil engineering, construction engineering, civil engineering technology, construction management engineering technology, and construction management programs.
In Mechanical Testing of Engineering Materials students learn how to perform specific mechanical tests of engineering materials, produce comprehensive reports of their findings, and solve a variety of materials problems. The book features engaging, instructive experiments on topics such as the modification of material microstructure through heat treatment, hardness measurement and the interpretation of hardness data, and the extraction of elastic and plastic material properties of different materials from uniaxial monotonic and cyclic loading experiments. Students also learn about the mechanical behavior of viscoelastic materials, wear testing, and how to correlate measured fatigue properties to microstructure characteristics. This latest edition of Mechanical Testing of Engineering Materials includes illustrative examples, important formulae, practice problems and their solutions, and updated experiments with representative results. In addition, each chapter features a question set which can be used for laboratory assignments. Based on the requirements for undergraduate courses in the discipline, the book is ideal for classes on the mechanical behavior of materials.
The amendments of this third English edition with respect to the second one concern beside some printing errors the replacement of some pictures in part D by more modern ones and updating the list of stand ards to the state of the fourth German edition. J OSEF KRAUTKRÄMER Cologne, January 1983 Preface to the Second Edition This seeond English edition is based on the third German edition. In view of most recent teehnologieal advanees it has beeome neeessary in many instanees to supplement the seeond German edition and to revise some parts completely. In addition to piezo-eleetric methods, others are now also extensively diseussed in Chapter 8. As for the intensity method, ultrasonie holo graphy is treated in the new Seetion 9. 4. In Part B, for reasons of syste maties, the resonanee method has been ineluded under transit-time methods. It appeared neeessary to elaborate in greater detail the defini tion of the properties of pulse-echo testing equipment and their measure ments (10. 4). The more recent findings of pulse speetroscopy (5. 6) and sound-emission analysis (12) are mentioned only in passing because their significanee is still controversial. Apart from numerous additions, partieularly those coneerning automatie testing installations, Part C also eontains a new chapter whieh deals with tests on nu eIe ar reactors (28), as weIl as abrief diseussion of surfaee-hardness tests (32. 4). It beeame impossible to include a critieal analysis of the principal standards in Chapter 33.