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The Boolean difference is a mathematical concept which has proved its usefulness in the study of single and multiple stuck-at faults in combinational circuits. This tool of analysis was extended to cover multiple stuck-at faults in synchronous sequential circuits as well. In this dissertation, modifications to previous work are presented, together with the development of a new method for deriving the required shortest test sequence to detect a specified multiple fault. First, the vector Boolean difference technique is utilized to determine the input vector that will produce a difference in output between the fault-free and faulty circuits with both starting in the same initial state. If that detection cannot be achieved immediately, then the state transition matrices of both circuits are combined and used to form a matrix of detecting state pairs. Each of these pairs comprises of the present states of both circuits for which an output difference will be detected by an input vector. The detecting tree is then built leading the two circuits from the same initial state to the first detecting state found to complete the search for the shortest test sequence. Besides being able to identify, at an early stage, faults that are undetectable, this algorithm guarantees the generation of a shortest test sequence, if one exists, for every multiple stuck-at fault in a synchronous sequential circuit having a synchronizing sequence or a known initial state. A computer program was also written as a tool to automatically generate test sequences for detecting single or multiple faults in both combinational and synchronous sequential circuits.
The Boolean difference is a mathematical concept which has proved its usefulness in the study of single and multiple stuck-at faults in combinational circuits. This tool of analysis was extended to cover multiple stuck-at faults in synchronous sequential circuits as well. In this dissertation, modifications to previous work are presented, together with the development of a new method for deriving the required shortest test sequence to detect a specified multiple fault. First, the vector Boolean difference technique is utilized to determine the input vector that will produce a difference in output between the fault-free and faulty circuits with both starting in the same initial state. If that detection cannot be achieved immediately, then the state transition matrices of both circuits are combined and used to form a matrix of detecting state pairs. Each of these pairs comprises of the present states of both circuits for which an output difference will be detected by an input vector. The detecting tree is then built leading the two circuits from the same initial state to the first detecting state found to complete the search for the shortest test sequence. Besides being able to identify, at an early stage, faults that are undetectable, this algorithm guarantees the generation of a shortest test sequence, if one exists, for every multiple stuck-at fault in a synchronous sequential circuit having a synchronizing sequence or a known initial state. A computer program was also written as a tool to automatically generate test sequences for detecting single or multiple faults in both combinational and synchronous sequential circuits.
We address the problem of generating tests for delay faults in non-scan synchronous sequential circuits. Delay test generation for sequential circuits is a considerably more difficult problem than delay testing of combinational circuits and has received much less attention. In this paper, we present a method for generating test sequences to detect delay faults in sequential circuits using the stuck-at fault sequential test generator STALLION. The method is complete in that it will generate a delay test sequence for a targeted fault given sufficient CPU time, if such a sequence exists. We term faults for which no delay test sequence exists, under out test methodology, sequentially delay redundant. We describe means of eliminating sequential delay redundancies in logic circuits. We present a partial-scan methodology for enhancing the testability of difficult-to-test of untestable sequential circuits, wherein a small number of flip-flops are selected and made controllable/observable. The selection process guarantees the elimination of all sequential delay redundancies. We show that an intimate relationship exists between state assignment and delay testability of a sequential machine. We describe a state assignment algorithm for the synthesis of sequential machines with maximal delay fault testability. Preliminary experimental results using the test generation, partial-scan and synthesis algorithm are presented. (RRH).
The Boolean difference is a mathematical concept which has found significant application in the study of single and multiple ''stuck at'' faults in combinational logic circuits. The concept of vector Boolean difference is extended to the analysis of multiple stuck-at faults in synchronous sequential circuits. A vector Boolean difference technique is utilized to determine the set of input/state pairs that will produce a difference in either output or next-state between the fault-free and faulty circuits. Assuming that the fault-free and faulty circuits start in the same initial state, they must be driven by applying a sequence of input vectors to a state in which either a difference in output or next-state is evidenced. If a difference in output cannot be achieved immediately, a second sequence of input vectors must be applied in order to propagate the state difference to the output. Methods for combining the Boolean difference analysis with techniques for deriving the required input vector sequence are discussed.
The research conducted on this project was concerned with the problem of test pattern generation for sequential logic circuits. More specifically, an algorithm was sought for generating test patterns for detecting single stuck-at faults in synchronous sequential circuits containing clocked flip-flop memory elements. In addition to the principal problem stated above, the related problems of test pattern generation for combinational iterative logic arrays and of test pattern generation for multiple faults in combinational logic circuits were also studied. A summary of the results obtained and the conclusions reached on the above problems is given. Suggestions for follow-on studies are discussed. Reprints of all papers published on the project are included in an appendix.
The method uses similar techniques to those in the FAN and SOCRATES algorithms to guide the search part of the algorithm and includes several new heuristics to enhance the performance and fault detection capability. Experiments performed on the ISCAS'85 benchmark circuits show that test sets for multiple faults can be generated with high fault coverage and a reasonable increase in cost over test generation for single stuck-at faults."
Information on the development of rational procedures for detection, location, & prediction of faults in a variety of systems. Includes a chapter on computer-aided fault analysis.
This presentation is an overview of the research in progress on fault detection methods for circuits, both combinational circuits and sequential circuits. A summary of some of the existing techniques for minimal test set generation is followed by an introduction to the concept and theory of a minimal test sequence as a new approach for fault detection in combinational circuits. A detailed explanation of Triadic Graph Theory is followed by a summary of the existing techniques for parallel processing in Boolean Algebra. The main contribution of this paper is the extension of the applications of the Boolean Analyzer to the generation of: (1) Boolean Differences; (2) 'stuck-at' fault tests for a circuit (similar to those generated by Roth's D-Algorithm); and (3) the Test Sequence(s) of a circuit.
Abstract: "Two approaches have been used to balance the cost of generating effective tests for ICs and the need to increase the IC's quality level. The first approach favors using high-level fault models to reduce test generation costs at the expense of test quality, and the second approach favors the use of low-level, technology-specific fault models to increase defect coverage but lead to unacceptably high test generation costs. In this report we (1) present the results of simulations of complete single stuck-at test sets against a low-level model of bridge defects showing that an unacceptably high percentage of such defects are not detected by the complete stuck-at test sets; (2) show how low-level bridge fault models can be incorporated into high-level test generation; and (3) describe our system for generating effective tests for bridge faults and report on its performance."