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This book introduces the reader to the principles of terrrane analysis, and describes how accretion tectonics relates to classic plate tectonics theory and what this represents in terms of mountain building and continental growth processes. A forensic-like investigation of continental geology is detailed, integrating many different sub-disciplines of the Earth Sciences. The concepts outlined have a practical bent and help to explain the nature and occurrences of petroleum and metallic mineral deposits.
Year by year the Earth sciences grow more diverse, with an inevitable increase in the degree to which rampant specialization isolates the practitioners of an ever larger number of sub fields. An increasing emphasis on sophisticated mathematics, physics and chemistry as well as the use of advanced technology have. set up barriers often impenetrable to the uninitiated. Ironically, the potential value of many specialities for other, often non-contiguous once has also increased. What is at the present time quiet, unseen work in a remote corner of our discipline, may tomorrow enhance, even revitalize some entirely different area. The rising flood of research reports has drastically cut the time we have available for free reading. The enormous proliferation of journals expressly aimed at small, select audiences has raised the threshold of access to a large part of the literature so much that many of us are unable to cross it. This, most would agree, is not only unfortunate but downright dangerous, limiting by sheer bulk of paper or difficulty of comprehension, the flow of information across the Earth sciences because, after all it is just one earth that we all study, and cross fertilization is the key to progress. If one knows where to obtain much needed data or inspiration, no effort is too great. It is when we remain unaware of its existence (perhaps even in the office next door) that stagnation soon sets in.
The 19 original papers on the tectonic evolution of mountain systems were collected to mark the 50th anniversary of Price's description of the Canadian Cordillera. A sampling of topics turns up the driving mechanism and three-dimensional circulation of plate tectonics, the Belt-Purcell Basic as the keystone of the Rocky Mountain fold-and-thrust belt in the US and Canada, Silurian-Devonian orogenic events in the central Appalachians and the crystalline southern Appalachians, and defining the eastern boundary of the North Asian craton from structural and subsidence history studies of the Verkhoyansk fold-and-thrust belt. A fold-out sheet of color maps and diagrams is tucked into a pocket inside the back cover.
Accretionary orogens form at convergent plate boundaries and include the supra-subduction zone forearc, magmatic arc and backarc components. They can be broken into retreating and advancing types, based on their kinematic framework and resulting geological character.Accretionary systems have been active throughout Earth history, extending back until at least 3.2 Ga, and provide an important constraint on the initiation of horizontal motion of lithospheric plates on Earth. Accretionary orogens have been responsible for major growth of the continental lithosphere, through the addition of juvenile magmatic products, but are also major sites of consumption and reworking of continental crust through time.The aim of this volume is to provide a better understanding of accretionary processes and their role in the formation and evolution of the continental crust. Fourteen papers deal with general aspects of accretion and metamorphism and discuss examples of accretionary orogens and crustal growth through Earth history, from the Archaean to the Cenozoic.
Dedicated to Bob Hatcher, this Memoir explores linkages between tectonic processes through a series of field-, numerical- and laboratory-based studies, concentrating on feedback mechanisms within ancient and evolving orogens by which individual or linked tectonic processes may influence or predetermine the operation of other processes in space and time. Case studies cover a wide range of ancient to modern orogens: the Svecofennian of southern Finland, the Gyeonggi Massif of Korea, the Caledonides of northern Scotland, the Variscan of the East European craton, the Appalachians of the eastern United States, the European Alps and Dinarides, north Cascades of the northwestern United States, and the Himalaya. Emphasis is placed on integration between data sets developed from a wide range of analytical approaches, including: field mapping, seismic reflection profiling, strain analyses, petrology, isotopic dating, and numerical modeling-based studies of thermal evolution associated with tectonic processes such as thrust-related burial and exhumation.
This volume provides a state-of-the-art account of the geology of part of Central Asia named The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). This Belt formed by accretion of island arcs, ophiolites, oceanic islands, seamounts, accretionary wedges, oceanic plateaux and microcontinents (c. 1000-250 Ma ago) by similar processes to those in the circum- Pacific Mesozoic-Cenozoic accretionary orogens. Also known as Altaids, this region is one of the largest orogenic belts on Earth, extending from the Ural Mountains in the West to far eastern Siberia. It is the product of a complex evolution lasting for more than 800 million years from the latest Mesoproterozoic to the end of the Palaeozoic. The CAOB consists of numerous accreted terranes, made up of island arcs, oceanic plateaux and islands, Precambrian microcontinents and remnants of oceanic crust that are preserved as fragmented ophiolites. Although the broad history if this huge territory is now reasonably well understood there are still major unanswered questions such as the rate and volume of crustal growth, the origin of continental fragments, the detailed mechanism of accretion and collision, the role of terrane rotations during the orogeny, and the age and composition of the lower crust in Central Asia. Large parts of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Siberia and parts of Mongolia) treated in this volume have only been poorly covered in scholarly western publications. Most contributions of this book are by Russian scientists actively involved in field and laboratory research of the CAOB and therefore have an intimate knowledge of the terranes which they describe and analyze. In view of the increasing significance of Central Asia because of its wealth of mineral resources this volume is of interest to readers from all fields of the geosciences and from academics to industry.
This volume is a tribute to the career of J. Brendan Murphy and features papers by over 100 authors from countries all over the world: a testament to the high-profile and far-reaching influence of Brendan’s work. The topics covered fall into three broad categories that encompass Brendan’s main fields of influence: (1) supercontinents and the supercontinent cycle, including reconstructions and modelling; (2) orogenesis and terranes, with a focus on the Appalachian–Variscan and Central Asian orogenic belts and the oceans with which they are associated; and (2) magmatism and magmatic processes, centring on the geochemistry and isotopic compositions of magmas in arc and rift setting. Like Brendan’s own research, the scope of the papers spans the globe and ranges from strongly field-based studies to conceptual analyses. All of the articles, however, are focused on unravelling some critical aspect of geology or aimed at clarifying some crucial geological process. Hence, they also share a theme common to Brendan’s many contributions in emphasizing the importance of process-oriented research.