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La obra quiere ser una propuesta pastoral de tipo personalista y eclesial. El autor no olvida la dimensión institucional de la pastoral: La Iglesia evangeliza, catequiza y celebra la fe.
While many pastoral ministry books focus on the practical duties of the pastor, few works actually consider how theological truth defines the pastor’s role and responsibilities. These pragmatic ministry tools, though instructionally beneficial, essentially divorce biblical doctrine from ministerial practice. As a result, pastors’ lives and ministries often lack the theological roots that provide the stability and nourishment necessary to sustain them. Pastoral Theology constructs a theological framework for pastoral ministry that is biblically derived, historically informed, doctrinally sound, missionally engaged, and contextually relevant. By using traditional theological categories the authors explore the correlation between evangelical doctrine and pastoral practice. Through careful theological integration they formulate a ministry philosophy that defines the pastoral office and determines its corresponding responsibilities in light of theological truth. The authors provide a theological understanding of the pastorate that will equip aspiring pastors to discern and pursue their calling, challenge younger pastors to build on ministerial truth instead of ministerial trends, and inspire seasoned pastors to be reinvigorated in their passion for Christ and his church.
Christ's sheep need shepherding. That's where you come in. With more than 60 years of ministry between them, Harold Senkbeil and Lucas Woodford have come to understand that everything in ministry--even administration, leadership, and planning--revolves around the ancient tradition of the care of souls. Pastors are entrusted with the care of a flock by the Good Shepherd and are called to be faithful to this task. But pastoring seems to be getting more and more difficult. Based on a sound theological framework, Senkbeil and Woodford present a set of practical tools for church leadership and strategy. Calling on their vast experience, they encourage pastors to protect, guide, and feed their flock as Jesus would, bridging the eternal wisdom of the word of God with the everyday practicality of hands-on leadership. Originally published as Church Leadership & Strategy, this revision includes a new chapter and litany.
La fe siempre será perpleja, no podrá dejar de serlo, porque corremos el peligro y el riesgo de tener atrapado el misterio de Dios o caer en el fundamentalismo tanto religioso como sociopolítico y cultural. Pero nuestra fe perpleja nada tiene que ver con la actitud cínica, escéptica vitalmente o, mucho menos, ácida o relativista. Además, nos encontramos no solo con la perplejidad de la fe, sino también con la perplejidad de la cultura. Solo desde una caridad política repleta de compasión y de indignación estructuralmente mediadas, la fe, aun con todas sus inevitables perplejidades, seguirá teniendo mucho y bueno que decir a nuestro mundo.