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Tensegrity structures are really intriguing: bars floating in the air, without any contact to a solid support, attached only by wires to other bars… that are also floating in the air! The aim of this work is to serve as an introduction to such an atypical kind of structure. It tries to explain everything about the controversial origins and polemic fatherhood; tensegrities from various fields, other than Architecture, structural principles, characteristics, advantages and weakness; precedent and current works and patents; and finally, some new proposals, proving that it is possible to find some applications to architectural and engineering purposes. In conclusion, this work tries to be a guide and reference to a new world of structural possibilities that is blooming and finding its path.
¿En qué se parecen caminar, tejer, observar, narrar, cantar, dibujar y escribir? La repuesta es que, de uno u otro modo, todo lo anterior se lleva a cabo a través de líneas. Visto así, la Historia entera es una línea, compuesta por pequeñas líneas. En este libro Tim Ingold imagina un mundo en el que todos y todo se compone de líneas entrelazadas o in-terconectadas y sienta las bases de una nueva disciplina: la ar-queología antropológica de la línea. El argumento de Ingold nos lleva a través de la música de la antigua Grecia y del Japón contemporáneo, por laberintos de Siberia y vías ro-manas, por la caligrafía china y el alfabeto impreso, tejiendo un camino entre la antigüedad y el presente. Ingold revela cómo nuestra percepción de las líneas ha cambiado en el tiempo, con la modernidad antes de convertirse en recta, la línea es un conjunto de puntos, pero el mundo posmoderno la rompe y fragmenta para estudiarla mejor. Tim Ingold utiliza para su estudio muchas disciplinas, como la Arqueolo-gía, Estudios Clásicos, Historia del Arte, la Lingüística, la Psicología, la Musicología, la Filosofía y muchos otros. Este libro nos lleva por un viaje intelectual estimulante que va a cambiar la manera en que vemos el mundo y la forma en que vamos por el mismo.
El rótulo que define la línea argumental que el autor recorre en este libro, es el que corresponde al subtítulo: Sólo se puede ser, siendo con otros. La suficiencia o el déficit de ese ser con los otros, define la magnitud que alcanza la cualidad fundamental que el título designa: El interés en la vida. Se trata de inter-essere, de ser “entre” otros, y en esa ineludible realidad de la vida, que ocurrirá bien o mal, pero que inevitablemente ocurre, reside la forma buena o mala en que nos alcanzarán la cosas de la vida, aquellas que, sin poderlo evitar, nos importaron, nos importan, y nos importarán, siempre, mucho más de lo que a veces preferimos creer. Los capítulos de este volumen intentan mostrar, casi esquemáticamente, centrándose en las ramas, y dejando el follaje, que escapa a las posibilidades de un libro singular, no sólo las distintas vicisitudes, sino también las circunstancias del mundo en que vivimos, que nos conducen hacia las formas habituales en que la ineludible condición de ser entre otros, conviviendo, ingresa a veces en pesadumbres y carencias que son típicas de las épocas que una vida recorre. Contemplar desde ese ángulo las pesadumbres y carencias que suelen colocarnos “en los umbrales de la enfermedad”, no sólo nos ilumina “desde el alma” lo que muchas veces sucede en el cuerpo, también nos permite comprender cómo el alma se “conforma”, mejor o peor, resonando a su manera con el espíritu que impregna su entorno.
Architects are constantly looking for new methods to create large indoor spaces unhindered by columns and other supports. Tensile and cable-strut structures are one method of producing such spaces. They also enable the creation of different shaped spaces allowing architects more scope for innovation. Free-standing Tension Structures: From Tensegrit
Following current trends toward development of novel materials and structures, this volume explores the concept of high-performance metamaterials and metastructures with extremal mechanical properties, inspired by tensegrity systems. The idea of extremal materials is applied here to cellular tensegrity lattices of various scales. Tensegrity systems have numerous advantages: they are lightweight, have a high stiffness-to-mass ratio, are prone to structural control, can be applied in smart and adaptive systems, and exhibit unusual mechanical properties. This study is focused on tensegrity lattices, whose inner architecture resembles that of cellular metamaterials, but which are aimed at civil engineering applications in non-material scales. It proposes a methodology for investigation of extremal mechanical properties of such systems, based on discrete and continuum approaches, including the discussion on scale effects. It proves that, similarly to tensegrity-based metamaterials, tensegrity metastructures are able to exhibit extremal mechanical behaviour. This book is directed to researchers and scientists working on metamaterials and tensegrity systems, developing energy-absorption solutions for building and transport industry. The findings described in this monograph can also be useful in other fields of applied sciences, such as civil engineering, robotics and material science.
Tensegrity structures are pre-stressed systems of cables and bars in which no bar is connected to the other and the structure has no continuous rigid skeleton. This general introduction presents an original general method for the design of tensegrity structures, the first configurations of which were found by trial and error. The book begins with two-dimensional tensegrity structures, particularly tensegrity nets, tensegrity chains, tensegrity rings and tensegrity arches. These are then developed to original configurations of spatial tensegrity structures such as tensegrity slabs, primitive spatial tensegrity arches, and primitive tensegrity domes, as well as more elaborate spatial tensegrity structures such as tensegrity cylindrical shells, slim tensegrity domes, tensegrity vaults, and tensegrity caps. Presents a robust new approach to the design of tensegrity structures Extends tensegrity structures to new three-dimensional configurations Tensegrity Structures Design Methods suits structural, civil, and mechanical engineers and architects, as well as graduate students. Oren Vilnay is Professor Emeritus and was founder and head of the Department of Structural Engineering at Ben Gurion University Israel. He is also former head of the Structural Engineering Section at Technion—Israel Institute of Technology. Leon Chernin is Lecturer at the University of Dundee. He was granted a PhD in Structural Engineering from the Technion—Israel Institute of Technology. His research activities encompass both physical testing and numerical modelling.
This book discusses analytical tools for designing energy efficient and lightweight structures that embody the concept of tensegrity. The book provides both static and dynamic analysis of special tensegrity structural concepts, which are motivated by biological material architecture. This is the first book written to attempt to integrate structure and control design.
This book provides an in-depth, numerical investigation of tensegrity systems from a structural point of view, using the laws of fundamental mechanics for general pin-jointed systems with self-stressed mechanisms. Tensegrity structures have been known for decades, mostly as an art of form for monuments in architectural design. In Computational Modeling of Tensegrity Structures, Professor Buntara examines these formations, integrating perspectives from mechanics, robotics, and biology, emphasizing investigation of tensegrity structures for both inherent behaviors and their apparent ubiquity in nature. The author offers numerous examples and illustrative applications presented in detail and with relevant MATLAB codes. Combining a chapter on the analyses of tensegrity structures along with sections on computational modeling, design, and the latest applications of tensegrity structures, the book is ideal for R&D engineers and students working in a broad range of disciplines interested in structural design.
Tensegrity structures are really intriguing: bars floating in the air, without any contact to a solid support, attached only by wires to other bars… that are also floating in the air! The aim of this work is to serve as an introduction to such an atypical kind of structure. It tries to explain everything about the controversial origins and polemic fatherhood; tensegrities from various fields, other than Architecture, structural principles, characteristics, advantages and weakness; precedent and current works and patents; and finally, some new proposals, proving that it is possible to find some applications to architectural and engineering purposes. In conclusion, this work tries to be a guide and reference to a new world of structural possibilities that is blooming and finding its path.