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While the understanding of the structural, temporal, and thermal evolution of rifted continental margins has significantly evolved over the past several decades, critical outstanding questions remain, especially concerning the thermal evolution as well as the spatial and temporal intricacies of tectonically controlled sedimentation and sedimentary provenance during progressive rifting and hyper-extension. To constrain the proximal to distal tectonic, stratigraphic and thermal evolution of rifted continental margins, bedrock and detrital zircon (U-Th)/He (ZHe) and zircon U-Pb double dating techniques were applied to the Mauléon Basin of the western Pyrenees. This non-magmatic, asymmetric, hyper-extended rift basin formed during Early Cretaceous hyper-extension of Iberian lithosphere, as a result of lateral propagation of rifting in the Bay of Biscay, and experienced a limited magnitude of shortening during post-rift Pyrenean inversion. This resulted in the preservation of outcrops of sedimentary cover, upper and lower crustal sections, serpentinized lithospheric mantle, and the basic rift-relationships; making the Mauléon Basin an ideal locality to constrain rift-related processes during hyper-extension. Detrital zircon U-Pb analyses indicate that the proximal rift margin is primarily composed of pre-rift strata with Pan-African zircon U-Pb signatures and primary age peaks at ~615 Ma and ~1000 Ma. In contrast, the distal rift margin is composed of exhumed mid-lower crustal granulites, which have a similar Pan-African signature but with additional Variscan (Permian) overgrowths. Detrital zircon U-Pb analyses of syn- to post-rift strata indicate compartmentalized, local sourcing from the pre-rift strata in the proximal margin and the exhumed lower crust in the distal margin. Late syn- to post-rift strata show a shift to non-compartmentalized, regional sourcing from the proximal rift margin and hinterland. These observations are combined to present a sediment dispersal model for the progression of rifting. ZHe analyses shows preservation of two distinct age domains: an elevation-invariant age cluster at ~98 Ma, interpreted as rift-related cooling due to major exhumation along the SMD, and an elevation-invariant age cluster at ~50 Ma, interpreted as rapid cooling related to Pyrenean inversion. These results indicate the Mauléon Basin experienced early syn-rift heating prior to the exhumation of parts of the proximal domain to 180°C; these are the only localities that record rift-related timing. Based on thermochronometric modeling and burial estimates the syn-rift geothermal gradients in the necking domain were as high as ~80°C/km and ~80-100°C/km in the hyper-thinned domain. From the early syn-rift until Pyrenean inversion at ~50 Ma, most of the distal rift margin remained at temperatures 180°C. These observations of heating and high geothermal gradients are compared to geologic and numerical rifting models to give insight into preferred models for the rifting evolution of hyper-extended margins.
Scientific understanding of the mechanics of continental breakup in the absence of voluminous magmatism has dramatically evolved over the past decades. Numerical and conceptual rift models have elucidated the temporal and spatial evolution of crustal structures and the processes operating during the onset and evolution of lithospheric extension. Critical questions remain, however, regarding the strain and thermal evolution of the lower crust during progressive rifting, particularly during hyperextension and the transition to oceanic spreading. The Gulf of Suez and Red Sea – one of the conceptually most influential continental rifts – define a Miocene rift system that preserves segments of the proximal and distal hyperextended rift margin and presents unique opportunities to study the extensional thermal history without the influence of subsequent orogenic overprinting. This study presents new basement U-Pb and (U-Th)/He data from both the proximal Egyptian margin and the distal hyperextended margin, exposed on Zabargad Island, to reconstruct the thermal evolution during progressive continental rifting. Apatite (U-Th)/He data from transects across the length of the Egyptian margin record fault-controlled rift initiation, erosional retreat of the escarpment, and necking in the proximal margin at 23-19 Ma. Integrated structural and low-temperature thermochronometric data suggest that the Northern Red Sea is a late-stage continental rift currently experiencing hyperextension caused by a kinematic shift to oblique rifting at 14 Ma. The data also suggest that the multi-phase structural evolution of the Northern Red Sea is variably influenced by inherited basement structures, with structural inheritance being more determinative in the stretching and exhumation phases, while deformation in the thinning phase cuts across older structures uniformly along strike. In the distal domain, zircon U-Pb data from Zabargad — an exhumed portion of the highly-attenuated distal margin — record coeval Miocene hyperextension at ~23-19 Ma. In contrast, rutile and apatite U-Pb data from Zabargad document a significant tectono-thermal event during the Late Miocene (~7 Ma). Integrating apatite U-Pb and trace and rare earth element (TREE) analysis with prior geochemical studies suggest that this high-temperature metamorphic event was accompanied by hydrothermal alteration in the basement. Zircon (U-Th)/He likely record cooling after the high-temperature hydrothermal pulse as the Zabargad block continues to exhume during the Pliocene. This is the first documentation of reheating of a distal continental margin incipient oceanization. These data provide critical new insights into the thermal evolution of the crust and role of reheating during the transition from initial rifting, to hyperextension, and ultimately to seafloor spreading
Rifted margins mark the transition between continents and oceans, which are the two first-order types of land masses on Earth. Rifted margins contribute to our understanding of lithospheric extensional processes and are studied by various disciplines of Earth Science (geology, geophysics, geochemistry). Thanks to better and wider public access to high-quality data, our understanding in these areas has improved significantly over these last two decades. This book summarizes this knowledge evolution and details where we stand today, with a series of case examples included. It is structured in a practical way, with concise text descriptions and comprehensive diagrams. Continental Rifted Margins 2 is a useful resource for students and newcomers to the rifted margin community – a "cookbook” of sorts to facilitate the reading of scientific publications and provide basic definitions and explanations.
Direct constraints on processes associated with rifting and mantle exhumation are necessary to understand the thermal and structural evolution of continental rift systems, and the role of pre-existing crustal architecture on orogenesis and foreland basin development. This work constrains the Early Cretaceous hyperextension history along the Iberia-European margin and how rift inheritance affected the structural and foreland basin evolution of the Late Cretaceous-Oligocene Pyrenean orogeny. Chapters 1 and 2 aim to understand the thermal and structural evolution of the North Pyrenean basement massifs during Early Cretaceous rifting and hyperextension using multi-mineral thermochronometry. These chapters integrate zircon, apatite, and rutile U‐Pb ages from the Agly and Saint Barthélémy massifs that provide new constraints to understand the decoupled versus coupled extensional evolution, exhumation timing of the middle‐lower crust, and the age of juxtaposition of the upper crust granitic pluton with middle crustal gneisses, and fluid-rock interactions along a detachment fault. Novel method integration and approaches using apatite were developed and implemented in these chapters to best interpret the apatite U-Pb ages to gain the most insight into thermal, structural, and fault zone processes in the Early Cretaceous rift system’s distal margin. Chapters 3 and 4 use the sedimentary record in the pro-wedge foreland basins of inversion and orogenesis to understand the provenance, hinterland evolution, and the role of extensional inheritance on the orogenic phase of the margin. This work shows that the eastern Pyrenean foreland basin deposits were sourced from Corsica-Sardinia and the Catalan Coastal Ranges during the Late Cretaceous-Paleocene, and the Pyrenees beginning in the Eocene. Detrital mineral trends across the basins suggest that the pro-wedge foreland basin developed and remained segmented throughout the Late Cretaceous-Oligocene. The results from these chapters highlight the dominant control of inherited structures and rift basins on controlling the sediment provenance and foreland basin architecture in inverted rift systems. The dissertation aims to show the structural evolution of the Early Cretaceous rifting and thermal and structural processes that were operating within the continental crust at the rift margin, and how this inherited rift architecture affected the orogenic evolution and foreland basin development during the Pyrenean orogeny. These results add to our overall understanding of the structural and thermal evolution during rifting and continental break-up and role of rift inheritance in the evolution of superimposed orogenic systems and their associated foreland basins
Rifted margins mark the transition between continents and oceans, which are the two first-order types of land masses on Earth. Rifted margins contribute to our understanding of lithospheric extensional processes and are studied by various disciplines of Earth Science (geology, geophysics, geochemistry). Thanks to better and wider public access to high-quality data, our understanding in these areas has improved significantly over these last two decades. This book summarizes this knowledge evolution and details where we stand today, with a series of case examples included. It is structured in a practical way, with concise text descriptions and comprehensive diagrams. Continental Rifted Margins 1 is a useful resource for students and newcomers to the rifted margin community - a "cookbook" of sorts to facilitate the reading of scientific publications and provide basic definitions and explanations.
Non-continental margins lack thick lavas that are generated as continental crust thins immediately prior to the onset of seafloor spreading. They may form up to 30 per cent of passive margins around the world. This volume contains papers examining an active margin, fossil margins that border present day oceans, and remnants of margins exposed today in the Alps. The papers present evidence across a range of scales, from individual mineral grains, through borelide cores and outcrop, to whole margins at the crustal scale.
The Tethyan orogenic belt extends from the western Mediterranean to southeast Asia and the exposed rocks and landscapes present today are records of multiple orogenic events. The most recent, the Alpine-Himalayan orogeny, evolved during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic closure of the Neotethys Ocean during the convergence of Gondwana with Laurasia. Over the last few decades, significant advances in geochemical and geochronological methods and their widespread application have created a high-resolution temporal framework that reveals that various proxy records of intercontinental collisions across the Alpine-Himalayan belt differ by tens of millions of years. Consequently, new questions have arisen, including how to unite these seemingly disparate records of subduction and collision into a temporally and spatially credible reconstruction.The work set forth in this dissertation situates the Anatolian segment of the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt in the broader discussion on the timescales and drivers of intercontinental collisions and their effect on biogeography. The various suture zones in Anatolia that delineate former branches of the Neotethys Ocean have complex and unresolved geodynamic reconstructions, including single and double subduction systems, pre-collisional subduction of lower plate terranes, forearc and backarc extension, ophiolite obduction, and protracted collisional deformation. Resolving these competing geodynamic scenarios is essential for paleogeographic reconstructions for refining the mechanistic links between subduction, accretion, and collision processes. Furthermore, the role of collisions in the early Cenozoic Anatolian archipelago in facilitating mammalian faunal exchange, including anthropoid primates, between Europe, Asia and Africa relies on accurate paleogeographic and topographic reconstructions. Near-continuous deposition in western Anatolian sedimentary basins preserves an unbroken record of subduction through collision that is unparalleled across the Tethyan realm. This dissertation utilizes this sedimentary record by providing new stratigraphic, sedimentologic, petro- and geochronologic, and sedimentary provenance constraints on the chronology of collision along the İzmir-Ankara-Erzincansuture zone and the Intra-Pontide suture zone in western Anatolia. The sedimentary basin reconstructions presented in this dissertation, synthesized with existing datasets, provide a model for multi-stage continental collision that is applicable across the Tethyan realm. Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and sandstone petrography data from the forearc-foreland Central Sakarya Basin in western Anatolia indicate that collision along the İzmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture zone began at 76 Ma, recorded as a major shift in provenance and the onset of exhumation, sediment recycling, and suture zone uplift. Furthermore, new stratigraphy, sedimentology and sedimentary provenance studies from the foreland Sarıcakaya Basin in western Anatolia reveal that significant upper plate deformation was delayed by 20 Myr. By 54 Ma, the Central Sakarya Basin was partitioned by a basement-involved thrust fault, and flexural loading from the thrust created the Sarıcakaya Basin. This 20 Myr protracted collision along the İzmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture zone can be explained by three Tethyan models for multi-stage collision: slab breakoff, relict basin closure, or subduction of thinned passive margin lithosphere. The validity of relict basin closure is evaluated using detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology, detrital rutile U-Pb and trace element geochemistry, and sandstone petrography from sedimentary units across the Intra-Pontide suture. A major shift in provenance in the Paleocene-early Eocene caused by accretionary prism exhumation demonstrates that collisional stress from incipient İzmir-Ankara-Erzincan suturing could have been taken up by the Intra-Pontide suture. Furthermore, the sedimentary evolution of both suture zones reveals that the uplift and exhumation of the accretionary prism is an important signal of collisional geodynamics. Even though continental collisions assembled a larger landmass that favored trans-Tethyan mammalian dispersals, for 30 Myr after initial collision, collisional deformation did not form significant topography; marine barriers and endemism persisted until the late Eocene. Accretionary orogenies, like those in Anatolia, likely have an important control on biogeography. The findings presented in this dissertation bear on fundamental questions regarding the interconnectedness of Earth systems, including the effects of plate tectonics, the causes of topographic change, and the geologic drivers of biodiversity.
This volume contains papers giving an interdisciplinary review of 12 major rift systems from North and South America, Africa, Europe and Asia. These papers are written by an international group of academic and industrial specialists each of whom is most knowledgeable about the respective rift. The analyzed rifts were selected on the basis of availability of an as-complete-as-possible geological and geophysical data base. Thirteen papers deal with geodynamic processes governing the evolution of rifts.A comprehensive digest of the available stratigraphic, structural, geophysical and petrological data, together with an extensive list of references, is provided for each of the analyzed rift systems. The megatectonic setting and dynamics of evolution of each basin is discussed. Geodynamic models are tested against the record of the analyzed rifts.The question of "active" as against "passive" rifting is addressed. The rifts analyzed range in age from Precambrian to Recent and cover a wide spectrum of megatectonic settings. There is discussion of the evolution of rifts in a plate-tectonic frame. The case histories are followed by discussions addressing the global setting of rifts and geodynamic processes active during the development of rifted basins.
This book is the first contribution to the overview of Precambrian geology of China. It covers Precambrian geology of the North China Craton, the South China Craton and the Tarim Craton, as well as other smaller blocks in the Chinese orogenic belts. It provides systematic concepts of the Chinese paleo-continents and incorporates the most up-to-date achievements. Edited by many of the active researchers working at the forefront of the related fields, it contributes greatly to the international Precambrian geology community and would be of interest to geoscientists working in the research field of geology of China and Precambrian geodynamics.
Anatomy of a Paleozoic Basin: The Permian Basin, USA By any standard, the Permian Basin of West Texas and New Mexico is a "super basin." With cumulative oil production of nearly 40 billion barrels (Bbbl) and annual production of nearly 2 Bbbl, it's currently one of the most important hydrocarbon-producing basins in the world. More than 29 Bbbl of this production have come from conventional (carbonate and sandstone) reservoirs, about 75 percent from carbonate reservoirs. Approximately 9-10 Bbbl of the basin's cumulative oil production have come from unconventional targets-primarily organic-matter-rich mudrocks and associated facies-during the last 10 years. The Permian Basin contains perhaps a greater volume of these mudrocks than that of any other basin, a major reason for its current global prominence among hydrocarbon-producing basins. The Permian Basin also contains one of the most extensive data sets in terms of wells drilled, cored wells, and adjacent outcrop analogs, providing a basis for studies that not only helps define the distribution of hydrocarbons but also serves as an excellent laboratory for examining basin-forming processes.This two-volume Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations and AAPG Memoir contains 26 papers covering a breadth of Permian Basin topics, including 4 papers on the basin's structural geology, tectonics, and Precambrian geology; 4 papers on its paleontology and biostratigraphy; 16 on its sedimentology and stratigraphy; 1 on its reservoir systems; and 1 that provides a history and synthesis of the major depositional and deformational events that formed the basin. The goal of this set of papers is to capture, in a single publication, the wealth of information and knowledge about Permian Basin geology that has been generated over the 60 years that have passed since John Galley's early comprehensive paper on the basin in 1958.