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Mathematics of Computing -- Numerical Analysis.
Large-scale problems of engineering and scientific computing often require solutions of eigenvalue and related problems. This book gives a unified overview of theory, algorithms, and practical software for eigenvalue problems. It organizes this large body of material to make it accessible for the first time to the many nonexpert users who need to choose the best state-of-the-art algorithms and software for their problems. Using an informal decision tree, just enough theory is introduced to identify the relevant mathematical structure that determines the best algorithm for each problem.
This revised edition discusses numerical methods for computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors of large sparse matrices. It provides an in-depth view of the numerical methods that are applicable for solving matrix eigenvalue problems that arise in various engineering and scientific applications. Each chapter was updated by shortening or deleting outdated topics, adding topics of more recent interest, and adapting the Notes and References section. Significant changes have been made to Chapters 6 through 8, which describe algorithms and their implementations and now include topics such as the implicit restart techniques, the Jacobi-Davidson method, and automatic multilevel substructuring.
In this book, which focuses on the use of iterative methods for solving large sparse systems of linear equations, templates are introduced to meet the needs of both the traditional user and the high-performance specialist. Templates, a description of a general algorithm rather than the executable object or source code more commonly found in a conventional software library, offer whatever degree of customization the user may desire. Templates offer three distinct advantages: they are general and reusable; they are not language specific; and they exploit the expertise of both the numerical analyst, who creates a template reflecting in-depth knowledge of a specific numerical technique, and the computational scientist, who then provides "value-added" capability to the general template description, customizing it for specific needs. For each template that is presented, the authors provide: a mathematical description of the flow of algorithm; discussion of convergence and stopping criteria to use in the iteration; suggestions for applying a method to special matrix types; advice for tuning the template; tips on parallel implementations; and hints as to when and why a method is useful.
This is the second volume in a projected five-volume survey of numerical linear algebra and matrix algorithms. It treats the numerical solution of dense and large-scale eigenvalue problems with an emphasis on algorithms and the theoretical background required to understand them. The notes and reference sections contain pointers to other methods along with historical comments. The book is divided into two parts: dense eigenproblems and large eigenproblems. The first part gives a full treatment of the widely used QR algorithm, which is then applied to the solution of generalized eigenproblems and the computation of the singular value decomposition. The second part treats Krylov sequence methods such as the Lanczos and Arnoldi algorithms and presents a new treatment of the Jacobi-Davidson method. These volumes are not intended to be encyclopedic, but provide the reader with the theoretical and practical background to read the research literature and implement or modify new algorithms.
This book is about computing eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and invariant subspaces of matrices. Treatment includes generalized and structured eigenvalue problems and all vital aspects of eigenvalue computations. A unique feature is the detailed treatment of structured eigenvalue problems, providing insight on accuracy and efficiency gains to be expected from algorithms that take the structure of a matrix into account.
This book is a guide to understanding and using the software package ARPACK to solve large algebraic eigenvalue problems. The software described is based on the implicitly restarted Arnoldi method, which has been heralded as one of the three most important advances in large scale eigenanalysis in the past ten years. The book explains the acquisition, installation, capabilities, and detailed use of the software for computing a desired subset of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of large (sparse) standard or generalized eigenproblems. It also discusses the underlying theory and algorithmic background at a level that is accessible to the general practitioner.
Numerical analysis has witnessed many significant developments in the 20th century. This book brings together 16 papers dealing with historical developments, survey papers and papers on recent trends in selected areas of numerical analysis, such as: approximation and interpolation, solution of linear systems and eigenvalue problems, iterative methods, quadrature rules, solution of ordinary-, partial- and integral equations. The papers are reprinted from the 7-volume project of the Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics on '/homepage/sac/cam/na2000/index.htmlNumerical Analysis 2000'. An introductory survey paper deals with the history of the first courses on numerical analysis in several countries and with the landmarks in the development of important algorithms and concepts in the field.
This revised edition provides the mathematical background and algorithmic skills required for the production of numerical software. It includes rewritten and clarified proofs and derivations, as well as new topics such as Arnoldi iteration, and domain decomposition methods.
This edited volume highlights the scientific contributions of Volker Mehrmann, a leading expert in the area of numerical (linear) algebra, matrix theory, differential-algebraic equations and control theory. These mathematical research areas are strongly related and often occur in the same real-world applications. The main areas where such applications emerge are computational engineering and sciences, but increasingly also social sciences and economics. This book also reflects some of Volker Mehrmann's major career stages. Starting out working in the areas of numerical linear algebra (his first full professorship at TU Chemnitz was in "Numerical Algebra," hence the title of the book) and matrix theory, Volker Mehrmann has made significant contributions to these areas ever since. The highlights of these are discussed in Parts I and II of the present book. Often the development of new algorithms in numerical linear algebra is motivated by problems in system and control theory. These and his later major work on differential-algebraic equations, to which he together with Peter Kunkel made many groundbreaking contributions, are the topic of the chapters in Part III. Besides providing a scientific discussion of Volker Mehrmann's work and its impact on the development of several areas of applied mathematics, the individual chapters stand on their own as reference works for selected topics in the fields of numerical (linear) algebra, matrix theory, differential-algebraic equations and control theory.