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Tectonic Dyssynchrony, as Karim describes, is a loss of synchronous motion of the earth’s tectonic plates. Professor Karim, a doctorate in geophysics from a very prestigious American university, has a special interest in earth’s seismic activity. He believes the tectonic dyssynchrony is responsible for an erratic gliding motion of the tectonic plates, thereby causing disastrous earthquakes, tsunamis, sinkholes, and a rare entity labeled as “spontaneous human combustion” or SHC for short. The book describes an increase in frequency and intensity of earthquakes and tsunamis and also formation of sinkholes in our recent times; the sinkhole in Yamal Peninsula of Siberia was 262 feet wide! Many theories are advanced for the increase in earth’s seismic activities, which are felt on the earth’s surface, manifesting as massive tsunamis, just as the one seen in Japan recently and a more recent massive extrusion of lava on the island of Hawaii. Professor Karim believes that the erratic behavior of the tectonic plates is due to an excessive removal of very highly viscous crude oil from the earth’s crust and its replacement with wash water. He postulates that the crude oil trapped within the inner crust of the earth serves as greasing material that facilitates smooth gliding of the tectonic plates and conversely removal of the lubricant, he believes, is the cause for jerky tectonic gliding. He believes that an incessant removal of the crude oil over the years has now reached a point where the minimum level of lubricant optimally required for a smooth gliding action is exhausted, thereby causing dyssynchrony in the plate motion or simply putting an erratic and jerky motion of the tectonic plates. Karim’s research put him on crossroads with the Big Oil. Big Oil was fighting on many fronts; the state governments and also the federal government had fi led lawsuits against the Big Oil. Oklahoma town meetings and street protests were everyday frontline news, and some universities researching the effects of greenhouse gases had contradicted many of the Big Oil–sponsored researches. Even some private foundations had sued the Big Oil. Big Oil was afraid of a greater governmental oversight, which may even prompt an injunction supporting a moratorium on future drilling all because of the irrefutable findings presented by Professor Karim’s research. In an attempt to thwart Professor Karim’s research, Big Oil offered Karim a very lucrative contract to join the research team of the Big Oil, a contract that Karim decided to forego as the contract deprived him the intellectual property right to his own research. The Big Oil attempted several illegal means to stop Karim, but he persisted, by luck or sheer perseverance. They even staged a car accident that demolished his Mini to smithereens, but Karim suffered only a few bruises. Karim was forced to leave the world-renowned and prestigious Massachusetts College of Technology in Boston and go into hiding in a third-world country where he continued his research incognito and used an alias as his life was under a constant threat. The story is a science-based fiction that will take the reader on a journey along with Karim on his travel from Africa to California to Boston and onward to Madagascar, sharing his research, observations, experiences, and love for trivia. The story will take the searching mind to a futuristic world of artificial intelligence–assisted holographic presentation and a science of induced (man-made) seismicity, the discovery and use of the measure of gravitational waves, and onward to a mystical world of beliefs and predictions. The book will incite the reader to think out of the box and be more like Karim in their outlook—a world citizen.
Forty-five years after the synthesis of the plate tectonic hypothesis, much newer and better information has been gathered by the seagoers of the world. Contrary to popular opinion among earth scientists, the purveyors of plate tectonics are the present-day snake oil salesmen. This null hypothesis is fraught with misinformation and misconceptions. It is in need of a massive make-over. Midocean ridge spreading does not occur universally, especially in Iceland and the North Pacific basin. Deep earthquakes do not define a descending slab; in fact, do not even occur in most places along the trenches. Therefore, subduction does not occur. Continental drift is a figment of overly active imaginations, and Gondwana is an even greater figment. India has been in place for several billion years rather than wandering around. Index fossils like Lystrosaurus and Cynognathus are misused, misdated, and show nothing. Land bridges have surfaced and been submerged many times over the years allowing for free passage of fauna and flora. Fracture zones, rather than showing the direction of seafloor spreading, leave nothing more than a pattern of at least four different directions on the ocean floor as they intersect in a random fashion. The Chicxulub crater is not the result of a bolide strike, and this was known from the get-go. In 2004 the first edition of Tectonic Globaloney was published. Since that time much new information has been gathered and published. The Ocean Drilling Program has gone defunct as the owners of that program finally realized/admitted that they were not recovering basement material, self-admitting that only eight off-ridge cores had ever reached real basement. Therefore, the age of the ocean floor was unknown and the magnetic anomalies are not ground-truthed. The time has come for the field hands to take over and replace the ideas mostly derived by the geophysicists. Plate tectonics does not work.
This volume reviews the cumulative evidence suggesting that a connection may exist between the Earth's rotation and geotectonics. Among other benefits, such a connection may assist in deciphering the flow of the Earth's mantle.
TECTONlCS AND PHYSICS Geology, although rooted in the laws of physics, rarely has been taught in a manner designed to stress the relations between the laws and theorems of physics and the postulates of geology. The same is true of geophysics, whose specialties (seismology, gravimetIy, magnetics, magnetotellurics) deal only with the laws that govern them, and not with those that govern geology's postulates. The branch of geology and geophysics called tectonophysics is not a formalized discipline or subdiscipline, and, therefore, has no formal laws or theorems of its own. Although many recent books claim to be textbooks in tectonophysics, they are not; they are books designed to explain one hypothesis, just as the present book is designed to explain one hypothesis. The textbook that comes closest to being a textbook of tectonophysics is Peter 1. Wyllie's (1971) book, The Dynamic Earth. Teachers, students, and practitioners of geology since the very beginning of earth science teaching have avoided the development of a rigorous (but not rigid) scientific approach to tectonics, largely because we earth scientists have not fully understood the origin of the features with which we are dealing. This fact is not at all surprising when one considers that the database for hypotheses and theories of tectonics, particularly before 1960, has been limited to a small part of the exposed land area on the Earth's surface.
Over 250,000 people were killed in the Tangshan, China earthquake of 1976, and other less active tectonic processes can disrupt river channels or have a grave impact on repositories of radioactive wastes. Since tectonic processes can be critical to many human activities, the Geophysics Study Committee Panel on Active Tectonics has presented an evaluation of the current state of knowledge about tectonic events, which include not only earthquakes but volcanic eruptions and similar events. This book addresses three main topics: the tectonic processes and their rates, methods of identifying and evaluating active tectonics, and the effects of active tectonics on society.
This textbook on plate tectonics is designed for students in geology and geophysics to acquire in-depth knowledge of quantitative methods in plate kinematics and dynamics. Quantitative Plate Tectonics can also be used as a reference book by geoscientists who desire to expand their knowledge beyond their own specialization, or by oil-and-gas professionals and ore deposit specialists that need to investigate the geodynamic context of formation of geologic resources. Finally, this book can be considered as a comprehensive monograph on plate tectonics, which addresses the different quantitative aspects of this broad discipline, which has been traditionally partitioned into separate or quasi-separate branches. Additional material, available at, includes two computer programs for the analysis of marine magnetic anomalies and for plate kinematic modelling, as well as some important geophysical data sets and models. Solutions to the exercises are also included. A unified quantitative description of plate tectonics, combining geological and geophysical perspectives Professional software, manual verification examples and applications are available as additional material Includes detailed calculations, examples, and problem sets per chapter Well illustrated "Dr. Schettino has produced a book covering in a rigorous way the kinematics and dynamics of plate tectonics. The fundamental physics governing geodynamic processes is discussed quantitatively, the relevant equations are clearly derived, and the implications of results are illustrated with examples and problems. The book will repay careful reading not only by postgraduate students in geophysics and geology, but also by any Earth scientist who wishes to acquire a quantitative understanding of plate tectonics."Giorgio Ranalli, Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton university, Ottawa, Canada (author of "Rheology of the Earth", two editions, 1987 and 1995) "This text gives an excellent quantitative presentation of the kinematics and the dynamics of plate tectonics that integrates many aspects of the Earth sciences and provides a powerful model of the dynamic behaviour of the Earth. The geological and geophysical processes involved in elucidating the theory are clearly illustrated through a perfectly balanced level of mathematical and physical concepts including derivation of the relevant equations, examples and problems. The book is intended for advanced undergraduates, graduate students and professional earth scientists requiring an overview of the essential processes of plate tectonics." Marco Ligi, Senior Researcher, National Research Council of Italy, Istituto di Scienze Marine, Bologna, Italy.
This book is devoted to different aspects of tectonic researches, especially to modern geodynamic processes. Syntheses of recent and earlier works, combined with new results and interpretations, are presented here for diverse tectonic settings. Most of chapters include up-to-date materials of detailed geological-geophysical investigations, which can help more clearly understand the essence of mechanisms of different tectonic processes. Among general problems of tectonics are discussed processes in axes of slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges on example of central part of Mid-Atlantic Ridge and in continental collision zones. Formation of sedimentary basins are considered on examples of Niger Delta, Triassic Cuyana Basin (Argentina), and Mesozoic and Cenozoic basins of the Alpine margin (Tunisia); neotectonic processes examined in Turkey and Morocco; tectonic evolution of the southern margin of Laurasia in the Paleozoic discussed as well as interrelation of western Troms-Lofoten and the Lewisian complexes in the Midle Paleoproterozoic.
Global Tectonics and Earthquake Risk discusses the geostatistical treatment of earthquake probabilities. The book reviews global tectonics and geologic history, including evidence of change, Pangaea, geochronology, tectonic revolutions, and the breakup of Pangaea. The book discusses the formation of Pangaea which later broke down into the present continental cores of Asia, Europe, Africa, Australian, Antarctica, and the Americas. The book describes the separation of North and South America from Europe, how Africa became established during the Cretaceous time, and how India split off from Africa to became welded to Asia at the Himalayas. The text also explains earthquake risk in terms of stochastic processes, point processes, and illustrates modeling of the earthquake process. The "Large-Earthquake Model" is based on a list of the largest earthquakes in the region, while a more sophisticated model requires the incorporation of non-Markovian effects (aftershock sequences). The book cites an application of investigations done on California where an earthquake of magnitude 5 is expected to occur every three months. An earthquake of magnitude 8 or greater is predicted to happen every 100 years but the book notes that the return period exceeds the range of the period of recorded data (which is only 31 years). Presented in another way, the text concludes that the probability of occurrence of an event of magnitude 8 earthquake or over in any given year is about one percent. The book can prove helpful for geologists, seismologists, meteorologists, or practitioners in the field of civil and structural engineering.
Fifty years ago, Tuzo Wilson published his paper asking `Did the Atlantic close and then re-open?’. This led to the `Wilson Cycle’ concept in which the repeated opening and closing of ocean basins along old orogenic belts is a key process in the assembly and breakup of supercontinents. The Wilson Cycle underlies much of what we know about the geological evolution of the Earth and its lithosphere, and will no doubt continue to be developed as we gain more understanding of the physical processes that control mantle convection, plate tectonics, and as more data become available from currently less accessible regions. This volume includes both thematic and review papers covering various aspects of the Wilson Cycle concept. Thematic sections include: (1) the Classic Wilson v. Supercontinent Cycles, (2) Mantle Dynamics in the Wilson Cycle, (3) Tectonic Inheritance in the Lithosphere, (4) Revisiting Tuzo’s question on the Atlantic, (5) Opening and Closing of Oceans, and (6) Cratonic Basins and their place in the Wilson Cycle.