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"e;Marketing en minutos en tu movil..."e;Chase One Rabbit habla de marketing; del marketing bien centrado. El libro te ayudara a comprender tu propio negocio y a crear estrategias que te ayudaran a venderlo de la mejor manera posible. Combina historias inspiradoras con tecnicas practicas, ofreciendo a emprendedoras y emprendedores creativos las herramientas necesarias para que sus negocios tengan aun mas exito; gracias al marketing estrategico.?Como vender? es una pregunta que nos llevamos haciendo mucho tiempo. David Parrish, consultor y formador internacional, nos ilustra con mensajes sobre venta estrategica y marketing, dibujando historias desde su propia experiencia como emprendedor. Tambien comparte casos de exito reales de algunos de sus clientes.Chase One Rabbit se ha ideado como e-book. Todas las secciones son breves, con el objetivo de ayudarte a crear tu propio plan de marketing estrategico. Cada tema incluye un apartado "e;que hacer ahora"e; y conexiones con otros temas, para que te sea facil definir tus propios objetivos y sacar el maximo provecho de tu negocio creativo.Esto no va de publicidad. Un enfoque de marketing inteligente no tiene que ser caro ni ostentoso. Se trata de comprender tu negocio, centrarlo y reflexionar para desarrollar una estrategia de venta clara y aplicar tecnicas para aumentar el exito, la rentabilidad y tu posicion en el mercado. Chase One Rabbit te ensenara como hacerlo...Conoceras la fuerza del marketing del chismorreo y los beneficios de las recomendaciones boca a oreja. Comprenderas la diferencia entre el marketing estrategico y operativo; entre la comunicacion de marketing y una estrategia sincronizada y simple.Las ventas y el marketing deberian fluir conjuntamente, apoyadas en una estrategia de marketing que sea unica para tu negocio, sector y audiencia. David te plantea cuestiones y analiza ejemplos, creando un kit de herramientas que te ayudara a desarrollar tu propia estrategia de marketing con tecnicas de precision y un discurso pulido.El libro te animara a pensar sobre estrategia y venta, beneficios y marketing de precision. Manteniendote "e;autentico"e; conseguiras que la venta no sea un incordio, y comprenderas que estas vendiendo y porque tus clientes lo quieren. Te ayudara a definir el valor de tu producto o servicio y te sugerira ideas y maneras constructivas de conseguirlo. Te hara pensar sobre mercados locales, nacionales e internacionales. En esta era de marketing digital y de internet, tienes que asegurarte de escoger las mejores herramientas.Tambien abarca las complejidades especificas de dirigir un negocio creativo; como trabajar en un sector que te apasiona, valorar tu trabajo, escoger los clientes adecuados, promocionarte de manera eficaz y hacer que el negocio sea rentable y exitoso.Cada una de las 63 secciones te sugiere algo para reflexionar, y te recomienda acciones que puedes hacer al momento para mejorar tu negocio. Es practico y progresivo y esta disenado para empresas grandes o pequenas - desde startups hasta empresas consolidadas, organizaciones culturales o artisticas o personas emprendedoras creativas - con abundantes ideas e inspiracion en las que sumergirte cada dia.David Parrish ha trabajado por todo el mundo con personas emprendedoras creativas, pequenas empresas, PYMEs digitales, organizaciones artisticas y agencias de apoyo al emprendimiento. Ha trabajado con cientos de empresas en mas de 30 paises. Es especialista en industrias creativas y digitales, ayudando a las personas emprendedoras a emplear la creatividad en sus negocios, para trazar e implementar nuevos modelos de negocio y estrategias de marketing inteligentes.Chase One Rabbit es su segundo libro, que sigue al aclamado "e;T-Shirts and Suits: A Guide to the Business of Creativity"e; (traducido al castellano como Camisetas y Corbatas: Una Guia para los Negocios Creativos), que ha sido traducido y publicado en siete paises.
En un mercado como el actual, caracterizado por la gran cantidad de información que maneja el consumidor y los niveles de exigencia que esto genera, la supervivencia de muchas empresas depende, en gran medida, de saber qué es lo que quieren los posibles compradores para así poder ofrecérselo; en resumen, el cliente manda. De este modo, el papel del marketing se vuelve fundamental, por lo que una estrategia de marketing acertada puede proporcionar esa ventaja, que permitirá a una empresa distanciarse de la competencia y ser la elegida por el cliente. Con este manual sobre Técnicas de Marketing, que Ideaspropias Editorial le presenta, podrá conocer los entresijos de todas aquellas tareas que puede llevar a cabo para promocionar su actividad empresarial y sus servicios o productos de manera más efectiva. A su vez averiguará si su estrategia de captación y fidelización de clientes es o no la adecuada, y los pasos que puede dar para mejorarla, si fuera preciso.
[This text] shows readers how to: target high-potential customer segments; size up competitors; allocate marketing resources wisely; develop and execute effective marketing plans. -Back cover.
Agribusiness Guide Series Welcome to the world of modern agriculture, where innovation and sustainability come together to drive the agribusiness of the future. In this series of books, we will delve into crucial and fascinating themes that shape the contemporary agricultural landscape, covering everything from the latest technologies to essential strategies for precision and sustainable agriculture. The ebook "Digital Marketing Strategies for Agribusiness" offers a practical and theoretical approach to applying digital marketing concepts in the agricultural sector. From using AI and automation to online promotion and sales strategies, readers will learn how to make the most of digital opportunities to grow their business. Divided into 20 chapters, this ebook covers everything from research and development to financial management, offering a complete guide to driving success in agribusiness.
Note: this is an abridged version of the book with references removed. The complete edition is also available on this website. Poets writing in Spanish by the end of the twentieth century had to contend with globalization as a backdrop for their literary production. They could embrace it, ignore it or potentially re-imagine the role of the poet altogether. This book examines some of the efforts of Spanish-language poets to cope with the globalizing cultural economy of the late twentieth century. This study looks at the similarities and differences in both text and context of poets, some major and some minor, writing in Chile, Mexico, the Mexican-American community and Spain. These poets write in a variety of styles, from highly experimental approaches to poetry to more traditional methods of writing. Included in this study are Chileans Raúl Zurita and Cecilia Vicuña, Spaniards Leopoldo María Panero and Luis García Montero, Mexicans Silvia Tomasa Rivera and Guillermo Gómez Peña, and Mexican-American Juan Felipe Herrera. Some of them embrace (and are even embraced by) media both old and new whereas others eschew it. Some continue their work in the vein of national traditions while others become difficult to situate within any one single national tradition. Exploring the varieties of strategies these writers employ, this book makes it clear that Spanish-language poets have not been exempt from the process of globalization. Individually, these poets have been studied to varying degrees. Globalization has been studied extensively from a variety of disciplinary approaches, particularly in the context of the Latin American region and Spain. However, it is a relative rarity to see poets being studied, as they are in this work, in terms of their relationship to globalization. Taken as a sample or snapshot of writing tendencies in Latin American and Spanish poetry of the late twentieth century, this book studies them as part of a greater circuit of cultural production by establishing their literary as well as extra-literary genealogies and connections. It situates these poets in terms of their writing itself as well as in terms of their literary traditions, their methods of contending with neoliberal economic models and global information flows from the television and Internet. Although many literary critics attempt to study the connections and relationships between poetry and the world beyond the page, few monographs go about it the way this one does. It takes a transatlantic approach to contemporary Spanish-language poetry, focusing on poets on poets from Spain and the American continent, emphasizing their connections, commonalities and differences across increasingly porous borders in the age of information. The relationship between text and context is explored with a cultural studies approach, more often associated with media studies than with literary studies. Literature is not treated as a privileged object of isolated study, but rather as a system of ideas and images that is deeply interwoven with other forms of human expression that have arisen in the last decades of the twentieth century. The result is a suggestive analysis of the figure of the poet in the broader globalized marketplace of cultural goods and ideas. Contemporary Hispanic Poets: Cultural Production in the Global, Digital Age is an important book for library collections in Spanish, Latin American and Iberian Studies, Chicano Studies.
Irrespective of the legal sphere and type of care (primary, secondary, and continuing), providers must ensure that users receive quality healthcare through the efficient use of resources, responsiveness, affordability, and the equal treatment of patients. Management and marketing have been playing an important role in this sector with the importance of branding growing in the healthcare market. The chance for brand in healthcare is determined by the challenges to increase and improve consumer choice. That's something to which providers and health systems, in general, have not been familiarized. New Techniques for Brand Management in the Healthcare Sector is a critical research publication that explores the diffusion of new marketing knowledge, tendencies, and qualitative and quantitative methods for brand management in the private, public, and social health sectors and examines the movement from healthcare as a priceless commodity to one that can be, and is, commodified. Highlighting topics such as e-health, medical tourism, and brand management, this publication is essential for hospital directors, marketers, advertisers, promotion coordinators, brand managers, product specialists, academicians, healthcare professionals, brand strategists, policymakers, researchers, and students.
Rapid developments in information technology and media have resulted in increasingly diverse strategies for information retrieval by readers and users. The duty to cope with this phenomenon and to master the situation forms one of the biggest challenges facing libraries. In order to strengthen the awareness of the potential of tools for management and strategic planning, a two-day meeting was held under the auspices of IFLA's Management & Marketing Section in Bergen, Norway in August 2005. Managers of different types of libraries, researchers and educators from five continents shared their experiences with research methods, data collection, evaluation, performance measurement, best practice strategies and policies. This book contains their presentations in the form of full length articles.