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In the field of history, the Web and other technologies have become important tools in research and teaching of the past. Yet the use of these tools is limited—many historians and history educators have resisted adopting them because they fail to see how digital tools supplement and even improve upon conventional tools (such as books). In Pastplay, a collection of essays by leading history and humanities researchers and teachers, editor Kevin Kee works to address these concerns head-on. How should we use technology? Playfully, Kee contends. Why? Because doing so helps us think about the past in new ways; through the act of creating technologies, our understanding of the past is re-imagined and developed. From the insights of numerous scholars and teachers, Pastplay argues that we should play with technology in history because doing so enables us to see the past in new ways by helping us understand how history is created; honoring the roots of research, teaching, and technology development; requiring us to model our thoughts; and then allowing us to build our own understanding.
Learning First, Technology Second offers teachers a classroom-tested, easy-to-use framework to help them move from arbitrary uses of technology to thoughtful ways of adding value to student learning. Learning with technology doesn’t happen because a specific tool “revolutionizes” education. It happens when proven teaching strategies intersect with technology tools, and yet it’s not uncommon for teachers to use a tool because it’s “fun” or because the developer promises it will help students learn. This book includes: • An introduction to the Triple E Framework that helps teachers engage students in time-on-task learning, enhance learning experiences beyond traditional means and extend learning opportunities to bridge classroom learning with students’ everyday lives. • Effective strategies for using technology to create authentic learning experiences for their students. • Case studies to guide appropriate tech integration. • A lesson planning template to show teachers how to effectively frame technology choices and apply them in instruction. The companion jump start guide based on this book is Engage, Enhance, Extend: Start Creating Authentic Lessons With the Triple E Framework.
El espacio, ya sea físico o virtual, puede tener un impacto significativo en el aprendizaje. Learning Spaces se centra en la forma en que las expectativas de los alumnos influyen en dichos espacios, en los principios y actividades que facilitan el aprendizaje y en el papel de la tecnología desde la perspectiva de quienes crean los entornos de aprendizaje: profesores, tecnólogos del aprendizaje, bibliotecarios y administradores. La tecnología de la información ha aportado capacidades únicas a los espacios de aprendizaje, ya sea estimulando una mayor interacción mediante el uso de herramientas de colaboración, videoconferencias con expertos internacionales o abriendo mundos virtuales para la exploración. Este libro representa una exploración continua a medida que unimos el espacio, la tecnología y la pedagogía para asegurar el éxito de los estudiantes.
Education Week on the Web presents the full text of a section of a 1998 report entitled "Technology Counts," which reports on the level of technology in public schools on a state by state basis. The contact person for the state educational technology agency is noted. This section was written by Jo Anna Natale about the progress of educational technology in Michigan. Natale asserts that Michigan allocates very little money to school technology and that improvement is needed in the area of teacher training in educational technology. Education Week is a service of Editorial Projects in Education Inc.