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S2Work carried out by the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station in West Virginia in the past 12 years provides useful information about the relationships between tree d.b.h. and butt-log grade. The upper logs are not included in the relationships. Being smaller and containing more knots, these upper logs are generally of lower grade than the butt logs. Thus the average grade of all material in the sawlog portion of the tree is generally lower than the average grade of the butt log. In the West Virginia data, species differences in d.b.h.-grade relationship are readily apparent. This inherent tendency for species to have different proportions of the various grades in logs of the same size is a familiar phenomenon to grade-conscious foresters who work with hardwoods. The results in this paper provide a quantitative evaluation of this tendency for six of the local species.S3.
S2This report deals with the production, utilization, and measurement of hardwood deer browse in the forests of the Northeast. It is basically a review of pertinent literature. To the extent that the cited literature has been selected and interpreted, that conclusions have been drawn, and that recommendations have been made, this report is also an analysis of the problems and research needs in managing forest land for deer. The purpose is to provide a reference tool for both administrators and researchers involved in the technical problems of timber-deer management in this region.S3.