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Jest to pierwsza z trzech monografii poświęconych unikaniu opodatkowania w krajach Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej, finansowana w ramach projektu z Międzynarodowego Funduszu Wyszehradzkiego. Autorami rozdziałów są naukowcy w Polski, Czech, Serbii i Portugalii. Prezentowane w niej zagadnienia obejmują unikanie opodatkowania z perspektywy podstawowego systemu informacyjnego spółek – systemu rachunkowości. W książce mówiono wartości niematerialne i prawne oraz rzeczowe aktywa trwałe w kontekście unikania opodatkowania, a także poruszono zagadnienie raportowania finansowego w kontekście ustalania efektywnej stopy opodatkowania
Książka powstała przy współudziale naukowców z Polski oraz Czech, w tym także młodych naukowców ze Szkoły Doktorskiej UEW. Omówione w monografii zagadnienia dotyczą teoretycznych aspektów unikania opodatkowania i roli rachunkowości w wykrywaniu oszustw finansowych. Szczególnym jej walorem są rozdziały o charakterze aplikacyjnym, opisujące wykrywanie manipulacji w sektorze najmu oraz ukazujące wpływ zmian systemu prawa podatkowego na występowanie anomalii w kształtowaniu podatku od zysków kapitałowych.
This book presents new data to give an overview of shadow economies from OECD countries and propose solutions to prevent illicit work.
The war in Kosovo was a turning point: NATO deployed its armed forces in war for the first time, and placed the controversial doctrine of 'humanitarian intervention' squarely in the world's eye. It was an armed intervention for the purpose of implementing Security Council resolutions-but without Security Council authorization.This report tries to answer a number of burning questions, such as why the international community was unable to act earlier and prevent the escalation of the conflict, as well as focusing on the capacity of the United Nations to act as global peacekeeper.The Commission recommends a new status for Kosovo, 'conditional independence', with the goal of lasting peace and security for Kosovo-and for the Balkan region in general. But many of the conslusions may be beneficially applied to conflicts the world-over.
The purpose of the Special Issue “Quantitative Methods in Economics and Finance” of the journal Risks was to provide a collection of papers that reflect the latest research and problems of pricing complex derivates, simulation pricing, analysis of financial markets, and volatility of exchange rates in the international context. This book can be used as a reference for academicians and researchers who would like to discuss and introduce new developments in the field of quantitative methods in economics and finance and explore applications of quantitative methods in other business areas.
The wide variation in transition economies raises questions about differences in economic growth, the applicability of transition policies, and the advantages of economic reform. This report seeks to answer these questions.
Kosovo in the 1990s
This book presents the most current trends in the field of finance and accounting from an international perspective. Featuring contributions presented at the 17th Annual Conference on Finance and Accounting at the University of Economics in Prague, this title provides a mix of research methods used to uncover the hidden consequences of accounting convergence in the private (IFRS) and public sectors (IPSAS). Topics covered include international taxation (from both the micro- and macroeconomic level), international investment, monetary economics, risk management, management accounting, auditing, investment capital, corporate finance and banking, among others. The global business environment shapes the international financial flows of finance and the demand for international harmonization of accounting. As such, the field of global finance and accounting has encountered some new challenges. For example, policy-makers and regulators are forced to restructure their tools to tackle with new features of trading at global capital markets and international investment. This book complements this global view of development with country-specific studies, focusing on emerging and transitioning economies, which are affected indirectly and in unforeseen ways. The combination of global perspective and local specifics makes this volume attractive and useful to academics, researchers, regulators and policy-makers in the field of finance and accounting.