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A two-day workshop, ''The Tau-Charm Factory in the Era of B-factories and CESR, '' was held at SLAC in August, 1994. This paper summarizes the important research on the tau-lepton which could be done at a tau-charm factory in the next decade. It is based on the presentations by the speakers and on the discussions by participants, as well as on published papers.
Tau Charm Factories proposed for future machines will provide powerful and unique facilities to study a variety of physics topics: the tau lepton, charm mesons, charmonium and the J/[psi] decays. These topics cover the physics of the members of the first and second quark doublets and the third lepton doublet. A workshop held at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center reviewed the physics, the machine and the detector for such a facility. In this paper, highlights of this meeting will be reviewed. We will begin with a short sketch of the machine issues and then briefly describe topics in tau, charm and charmonium-J/[psi] physics. 49 refs., 2 figs., 1 tab.
Substantial progress in tau lepton physics requires larger and cleaner samples of?'s produced in ee− .-->.?+?−. Single-tagging of the? pair is crucial. Possibilities for such progress at particle factories are discussed with emphasis on the Tau-Charm Factory concept. 30 refs., 1 fig., 1 tab.
Future research on the tau lepton requires large statistics, thorough investigation of systematic errors, and direct experimental knowledge of backgrounds. Only a tau-charm factory with a specially designed detector can provide all the experimental conditions to meet these requirements. This paper is a summary of three lectures delivered at the 1991 Lake Louise Winter Institute.
The first part of this paper explains the tau-charm factory concept: a high luminosity, low-energy, two-ring, electron-positron collider which enables precise and probing studies of the physics of the charm quark, tau lepton, and tau neutrino. The second part describes the plans for construction of a tau-charm factory in Spain. 28 refs., 2 figs., 1 tab.
Research in the energy region between 3-5 GeV has been extraordinarily productive and among other discoveries has revealed the existence of the tau lepton and of the bound and bare states of the charmed quarks. The region encompasses a rich spectroscopy of charm-anticharm states and the states of the charmed quark combined with lighter components. Exploration of this interesting and important physics has not even been remotely exhausted in the past and the only machine in the world operating in a dedicated mode in this energy region is the BEPC collider at the Institute of High Energy Physics in China. Results relevant to this energy range have been, and continue to be, accumulated by many high energy physics colliders in the world as a by-product of their activities which emphasize other energy regions. This workshop was designed to address the status of the physics results which have accumulated in the 3-5 GeV range of energy and to explore the question whether it warrants a new collider to be constructed, specifically dedicated to this energy region but with highly superior performance as to luminosity (specifically 1033 cm−2 sec−1) and incorporating additional parameters, such as the possibility of polarized circulating beams or specialized optics providing highly monochromatic beams. Such a dedicated machine is called a Tau Charm Factory. The Tau-Charm Factory concept was developed some years ago. A Tau-Charm Factory consists of a high luminosity electron-positron collider and associated high sensitivity and high resolution particle detector. The object of this proposed facility is to study the physics of the broad range of subatomic particles that are produced in the 3-5 GeV energy range.
An international group of physicists is developing the concept and design of a Tau-Charm Factory: a two-ring, electron-positron, circular collider with 1.5 /
Depending on the beam energy setting, the [tau] -- charm -- factory will be optimized to study physics with [tau] leptons, with charmed mesons, or with charmonium states. This report gives a short overview of the physics of these topics. Also discussed are the detectors and the costs associated with this project.