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1. Berakoth deals with the laws of blessings and prayer. 2 Mishnayoth Zera'im: the Mishnaic tractates of the Order of Zera'im, principally deal with laws pertaining to agriculture. 3. Shabbath discusses the laws of the Sabbath. 4. Erubin deals with the laws of domains as they relate to the observance of the Sabbath. 5. Pesahim deals with the laws of Passover and the Passover offering. 6. Bezah, Rosh Hashanah, Shekalim: these tractates deal respectively with the laws of the holidays, the laws of the New Year, and the laws of Temple donations. 7. Yoma discusses the laws of the holiday of Yom Kippur. 8. Sukkah and Moed Kattan deal with the laws of the holiday of Sukkoth and the laws of the intermediate days of the holidays, respectively. 9. Ta'anith, Megillah, and Hagigah deal with the subjects of fast days, the holiday of Purim, and the special holiday offering, respectively. 10. Yebamoth deals with the subject of levirate marriage. 11. Kethuboth: this volume deals with the laws of the kethubah, a document delineating a husband's obligations to his wife. 12. Nedarim deals with the subject of vows. 13. The tractate of Nazir deals with the subject of Nazarite vows; the tractate of Sotah addresses the laws pertaining to a wife suspected of adultery. 14. Gittin deals with the subject of divorce. 15. Kiddushin deals with the laws of marriage. 16. Baba Kamma deals with the laws of property damage, injury, and compensation for theft, robbery or violence. 17. Baba Metzia focuses on property ownership, wages, and civil law. 18. Baba Bathra deals with legal claims of rights of action or possession. 19. Sanhedrin deals with the subject of the Jewish court system. 20. Shevuoth deals with the subject of vows, while the tractate of Makkoth discusses the punishment of flagging and the crimes for which it is administered. 21. Abodah Zarah, Horayoth, Eduyyoth, Aboth: these tractates deal respectively with the laws of idolatry, the laws relating to erroneous court decisions, the recording of conclusive Rabbinic teachings, and general Jewish ethics and wisdom. 22. Zebahim deals with the subject of animal Temple offerings. 23. Menahoth deals with the laws of Temple flour offerings. 24. Hullin deals with the laws of slaughtering animals for consumption. 25. Bekoroth, Arakin detail the laws of firstborn animals and the evaluation of specific forms of vows. 26. Temurah, Keritoth, Meilah, Kinnim, Tamid, and Middoth deal with various subjects relating to the Temple and Temple offerings. 27. Niddah discusses the laws concerning menstruation and the monthly period of separation between husband and wife. 28. Mishnayoth Tohoroth: this volume contains all the Mishnaic tractates of the Order of Tohoroth, which principally deals with the laws of spiritual and ritual purity and impurity. 29. Minor Tractates: fifteen tractates in all, the Minor Tractates cover such wide-ranging subjects as: the laws pertaining to Torah scrolls and the scribes who write them, the laws of mourning and of marriage, the wisdom collected by Rabbi Nathan, moral and ethical principles, laws pertaining to converts, and more. 30. Index: this volume contains the complete index of the Talmud, includes a subject index, an index of Scriptural references, and an index of all the Rabbis quoted throughout the Talmud.
The Steinsaltz Talmud is the most accessible edition available of the Talmud, the nearly 2,000-year-old, central text of the Jewish people. Translated from the Aramaic to modern Hebrew, with explanations and commentary by one of the great Talmud scholars of all time, Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, The Steinsaltz Talmud fosters deep and creative engagement with the text. The Steinsaltz Talmud offers solutions to linguistic and contextual issues in the text, removes obstacles stemming from the its non-linear construction, and provides succinct commentaries, pertinent Halakhic rulings, explanatory notes to Rashi and other commentators, detailed indexes, and background from the sciences, history and the humanities. The Steinsaltz Talmud enables both beginning and seasoned students to participate in the living Talmudic conversation.