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An accessible approach to helping anyone struggling with depression to reclaim a joyful life. From feeling exhausted or blue to not being able to get out of bed, depression happens on a spectrum and can affect anyone. Our current approach of medicine and therapy doesn't always offer all the answers. But according to Amy B. Scher, that’s not as much of a mystery as you might think. If you’ve done everything to heal from depression but are still stuck, you’re not alone. Amy sees it as the literal depression of self—a side effect of being buried under our lives. It’s not all in your head. It’s not all in your body, either. It happens in the whole self. But just as depression happens in every part of you, healing does too. Scher’s bestselling books have been endorsed by prominent physicians and helped thousands of people overcome chronic illness, emotional challenges, and more. With How to Heal Yourself from Depression When No One Else Can, she brings her proven approach of using energy therapy for releasing emotional stress and trauma to one of the most widespread mental health challenges of our time. In this book, you’ll: Learn how invisible emotions may be negatively affecting youUnderstand why it’s okay to stop chasing that mountain of happiness we’ve been programmed to chase (spoiler alert: it doesn’t even exist)Release stuck emotional baggage, even if you don’t know what it isUse emotional healing techniques such as The Sweep to release subconscious beliefs and Thymus Test & Tap to clear stuck emotions from the bodyLearn how to release patterns like perfectionism, lack of boundaries, fear, and more that contribute to depressionGet answers for your healing from your subconscious mindFinally end the cycle of depression and become the happiest, healthiest version of yourself Amy has proven that working with the body’s energy system for deep transformation is often effective when nothing else works. Here she brings much-needed relief to anyone who wants to end the cycle of depression and rediscover the inherent wellness that resides in each of us.
In the past decade, depression rates have skyrocketed, and one in four Americans will suffer from major depression at some point in their lives. Where have we gone wrong? Dr. Stephen Ilardi sheds light on our current predicament and reminds us that our bodies were never designed for the sleep-deprived, poorly nourished, frenzied pace of twenty-first century life. Inspired by the extraordinary resilience of aboriginal groups like the Kaluli of Papua New Guinea, Dr. Ilardi prescribes an easy-to-follow, clinically proven program that harks back to what our bodies were originally made for and what they continue to need. The Depression Cure program has already delivered dramatic results, helping even those who have failed to respond to traditional medications.
In Healing from Depression, Douglas Bloch shares his struggle to stay alive amidst overwhelming despair and out-of-control anxiety attacks, and explains how the power of prayer and other holistic approaches ultimately led to his recovery. As one of the millions of Americans who suffer from depression, Bloch could not be helped by so-called “miracle” drugs. Therefore, he had to seek out conventional and alternative non-drug methods of healing. The result is a 12-week program that combines his inspirational story with a comprehensive manual on how to diagnose and treat depression, offering new hope and practical strategies to everyone who suffers from this debilitating condition. Complete with worksheets and goal sheets to customize individual plans, Healing from Depression is an accessible self-guided program for managing and recovering from depression. Acclaimed as a “life-line to healing,” this important book stresses the importance of social support, on going self-care activities like relaxation, nutrition, exercise, prayer, meditation, support groups, therapy and keeping a daily mood diary and gratitude journal.
Be You, Be Happy, Be Free Using energy therapy and emotional healing techniques, How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can shows you how to achieve complete and permanent healing by loving, accepting, and being yourself no matter what. Energy therapist Amy Scher presents an easy-to-understand, three-part approach to removing blockages, changing your relationship with stress, and coming into alignment with who you truly are. After overcoming a life-threatening illness, Amy had an epiphany that healing is more than just physical. Her dramatic story serves as a powerful example of how beneficial it is to address our emotional energies, particularly when nothing else works. Discover areas of imbalance and easy ways to address them on your healing journey. Whether you are experiencing physical symptoms or are just feeling lost, sad, anxious, or emotionally unbalanced, this book can change your life. Praise: "Amy has seen the truth and can be a coach to all those who seek healing and authenticity."—Bernie Siegel, MD, bestselling author of Love, Medicine, & Miracles and The Art of Healing "[Amy Scher is] an inspiration, not just because she teaches us how to take healing into our own hands, but because she's living proof that it works."—Pam Grout, #1 New York Times bestselling author of E-Squared and E-Cubed "Amy Scher has penned a remarkable book about the pivotal role of the body, mind, and spirit in attaining true and complete healing. There is much wisdom in this book, written with exceptional clarity, love, and wisdom."—Sanjiv Chopra, MD MACP, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, motivational speaker, and bestselling author of Brotherhood with Deepak Chopra "Amy Scher takes you on a guided journey to resolve emotional, physical, and energetic blockages that get in the way of true healing. You will feel like you have a loving expert coach by your side along the way."—Heather Dane, co-author with Louise Hay of Loving Yourself to Great Health
Every time you purchase one of Shane's books to learn how to and to grow and change your own life, you will be changing the life of someone less fortunate than you. For just 99 cents, you can purchase ten bricks to help build schools in Kenya or supply 99 days worth of clean drinking water for a family. Shane will write 17 books and donate 100 percent of all proceeds to 17 seperate causes as part of the United Nation global goals initiative. 17 books, 17 causes. Shane's eighth book, is about how and when we can take those necessary steps towards a life free from depression. Shane will be contributing 100% of proceeds towards United Nations goal eight. 'DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH' Depression is something that I know well myself, both from personal experience and from the experiences of many people close to me. I remember receiving the diagnosis and the explanation that I had a chemical imbalance in my brain. I saw numerous doctors but I only seem to remember them asking me about the symptoms. As I recall, the outcome was only ever one of four things... The doctor would tell me that I would have to start medication, the next doctor would ask me to stop medication, another would ask me to try some new medication and yet another doctor, would play around with the dosage and adjust my medication. It got to a point where I decided that I was going to do more about healing myself than relying on my doctors and their medications. I began the long journey searching for ways that would give me the power to change myself. Taking the first steps to see someone for therapy beyond medication was a bit intimidating, perhaps mostly because of the fear of it not working and feeling totally beyond help and without hope. I struggled with addiction, homelessness, thoughts and acts of self harm and numerous attempts on my life, It took over a decade of personal study, observation, and a handful of therapists for me to reach the understanding that I have now, which I am going to share with you below. If you’re in a similar position to where I was, then the first thing to do is to congratulate yourself for having the courage to seek help that goes beyond chemical fixes. I hope this not only provides you with a lot more clarity, but also a better map for you and your own personal journey. It will help you heal the wounds of your past and create a much brighter future for you to look forward to.
From the best-selling author of There's Always Help, There's Always Hope. Psychiatrist, professor, and award-winning author Eve Wood trusts in your capacity to heal—to clear the way to a natural state of hope, harmony, and well-being. The insights and tools she shares in this book will enable you to identify and resolve your issues. Dr. Christiane Northrup says this book is "one of the best books I’ve ever seen on how to achieve emotional balance and happiness. It’s practical, real world and very readable. Dr. Wood is my kind of doctor." Dr. Wood makes healing a simple process that anyone can understand. She walks you through ten steps that encompass examples, stories, exercises, and guidance. You’ll take stock of where you are and discover what you can do to transform your life. You’ll learn to address your negative thoughts and beliefs, make life choices that fit your nature, and develop strategies to support your innate capacity to heal. Whether you suspect that you’re suffering from a known condition or you simply want to understand yourself better, this insightful book is a path, a promise, and a prayer for that truly transformative way of healing to begin.
Finally, there is new hope for those who suffer from depression. For decades, standard treatment for depression hasn’t changed. Sufferers typically are prescribed antidepressant medication and talk therapy. Period. But at least 30 percent of depression sufferers aren’t helped by standard treatment. Instead, they are left still searching for true and lasting relief. In Healing Depression for Life, Dr. Gregory Jantz offers a new way forward. Drawing on the innovative whole-person approach that has made his treatment center one of the top 10 depression treatment facilities in the US, Dr. Jantz reveals the treatments, practices, and lifestyle changes that can provide lasting relief from depression—by addressing its chemical, emotional, physical, intellectual, relational, and spiritual causes. Not all depression is the same, and not all people with depression are the same. Healing Depression for Life will help you find the missing puzzle pieces that could make all the difference in overcoming your feelings of helplessness and hopelessness and put you on the path to lasting joy.
“Learning to make the process of getting better stimulating is the key to the start of our success!” ~Scott Shoemaker In book 2 of the Sharing Mental Illness Series, the Author takes on a new journey with Taking Steps Toward Mental Wellness Part 2- What’s Next? The path of healing from anxiety, depression, and ADD can be turned into an intuitive adventure full of learning and creating a zest for life. Finding what’s next in our lives really turns the sharing process into a lifelong process of increased understanding with the hope that the world will no longer pass us by, but instead we’ll see if others can keep up with us! This second book in the series is also designed to be an easy read for even those that suffer from ADD or for anyone who has a difficult time learning new things. With real world examples, this is an easy to read guide that will grab you and keep your attention, and leave you knowing that you are not alone with your mental health struggles. “Scott writes not only about the personal journey he has made, but he does this in an open and brutally honest way in order to help others understand. His ability to express what he has gone through in the past and what he still has to fight today, is amazing in that it is done in language anyone can understand and relate to.” ~Sherrie Sheets RN, MSN “A keen and incisive retrospective. Scott Shoemaker conveys an understanding of himself from a non-clinical perspective that is genuine and relatable for anyone” ~Andrea Webb NREMT, Infusion Account Executive
"If you have an interest in optimum mental health, this book belongs on your shelf!" —AMY WEINTRAUB, author of Yoga for Depression "A must-read for anyone interested in overcoming depression and healing themselves naturally. A very important book that will elevate you in many ways. Everyone must seek it out." —DHARMA SINGH KHALSA, M.D., author of Meditation as Medicine and Dead Brain Cells Don't Lie ACTIVATE THE INHERENT WISDOM OF YOUR MIND-BODY Healing Depression the Mind-Body Way shines a new light on the darkness of depression by presenting specific antidepression strategies designed to help you unleash your innate healing potential. The time-tested advice presented in this book is based on the latest theories of modern science and the practical wisdom of Ayurveda, an ancient system of natural medicine. This unique book offers a comprehensive step-by-step program for eradicating the root of depression from the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your being. Through detailed questionnaires about your psycho-physiological profile and elemental imbalances, you will identify an archetype that most represents your experience with depression. Then, you will design a tailor-made health program to regain balance in your mind-body. You will learn to undo depression by: Identifying your unique manifestation of depression based on elemental imbalances Using yoga, exercise, and breathing techniques that are in sync with your specific physical, mental, and emotional needs Using food and meditation as medicine Whether you are battling a depressive episode or need support coping with the problems of daily living, this book will help you awaken the "physician within" and embark on a pathway to a life of balance and renewal.