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This book describes new energy saving methods and technologies for heat power engineering. The book is devoted to topical issues of energy and related industries. Leading Ukrainian scientists from both scientific institutes and educational universities took part in its creation. The research results are presented in 6 parts: electrical engineering, heat power engineering, nuclear power engineering, fossil fuels, cybersecurity and computer science, environmental safety. Results of regulating of operating modes and applicability of model checking technique in power systems are showed. Separate block of questions regarding the functioning of nuclear power plants, their waste and preventive measures of protection against negative effects on living organisms (including, for example, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant) is considered. The results of the peculiarities of the extraction, purification and use of fossil fuels are presented. In some chapters, presented the results on improving the cybersecurity of energy systems and its resilience to various threats, including the use of 5G technology. Traditionally for this series, issues of ecological safety, the impact of different energy systems on the environment and its protection are considered. A book is for researchers, engineers, as well as lecturers and postgraduates of higher education institutions dealing with energy sector, power systems, ecological safety, etc.
This book examines the problems in the field of energy and related fields (chemical, transport, aerospace, construction, metallurgy, engineering, etc.) and consists of 4 subsections: Electrical Engineering, Heat Power Engineering, Cybersecurity and Computer Science & Environmental Safety. In the first section, authors pay attention to contemporary issues related to the development of the electric power industry, electrical engineering, the physics of electrical phenomena and renewable energy sources (such as solar energy and wind energy). The second section is devoted to modern problems in heat power engineering and considers modern means and methods that increase the efficiency and reliability of the functioning of heat power facilities. The third section is devoted to issues of cybersecurity of critical facilities, in particular energy facilities, as well as the development of computer science and the introduction of modern information and measurement systems in the energy sector. The fourth subsection deals with the problems of rational use of natural resources, accounting for emissions of harmful substances, environmental issues at energy facilities, as well as the development of a methodology for environmental safety. The book includes 21 chapters. A book is for researchers, engineers, as well as lecturers and postgraduates of higher education institutions dealing with issues of control, diagnosis and monitoring of energy facilities.
This book examines the problems in the field of energy and related areas (including chemistry, transport, aerospace, construction, metallurgy and engineering) that Ukrainian scientists are currently investigating. The research presented focuses on ensuring the operational reliability, durability and safety of energy equipment, as well as the development of control, diagnostics and monitoring systems in the energy sector. Further, the book explores the ecological consequences of energy facilities , particularly environmental pollution in large cities and industrial areas. Written mainly by representatives of the Council of Young Scientists of the Department of Physical and Technical Problems of Energy at the NAS of Ukraine, it is intended for researchers and engineers, as well as lecturers and postgraduates at higher education institutions interested in the control, diagnosis and monitoring of energy facilities.
The book consists of 8 parts: Energy Informatics, Electric Power Engineering, Heat Power Engineering, Nuclear Power Engineering, Renewable Power Engineering, Fuels, Transport, and Environmental Safety. The results presented in this book are aimed at solving some of the technical issues proposed by the Ukraine Recovery Plan and other important scientific and applied problems in the field of energy. Scientists from leading Ukrainian academic institutions and universities are working on this book. This book is for scientists, researchers, engineers, as well as lecturers and postgraduates of higher education institutions dealing with energy sector, power systems, ecological safety, etc.
In recent years, the scale of environmental hazards has been growing, emergencies occur more often at special facilities, in particular nuclear power, the largest of which was the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine on April 26, 1986. With the advent of nuclear power, it was believed that nuclear power reactors were safe enough, control and monitoring systems, protective screens and trained personnel would guarantee their trouble-free operation. There is also a trend now that nuclear power is "environmentally friendly" because it provides a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions with replacing power plants working on fossil fuels. Some countries, such as the United States, have recently classified nuclear energy as a renewable energy source. Despite this, nuclear power is potentially dangerous due to: - possible accidents at power plants, accompanied by the ejection of radioactive materials into the environment; - ejections of about 250 radioactive isotopes into the environment as a result of the operation of nuclear reactors; - emissions of 85Kr, which changes the electrical conductivity of the atmosphere. This gas behaves like a greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, thereby contributing to anthropogenic climate change on Earth; - pollution of the biosphere with plutonium; - radioactive waste is the most important cause of environmental hazard, which remains unresolved. Civilian nuclear power reactors operating throughout the world annually generate large amounts of low-, medium- and high-level radioactive waste. Radioactive pollution accompanies all parts of the complex production of nuclear energy: the extraction and processing of uranium, the operation of nuclear power plants, the storage and regeneration of fuel, which has a significant impact on the environmental friendliness of nuclear energy. In addition, up to 300 natural and technogenic emergencies are registered annually, as a result of which people die and great economic damage is caused. The main reasons for the occurrence of technogenic accidents and catastrophes and the strengthening of the negative impact due to the occurrence of natural and technogenic emergencies in Ukraine are: obsolete fixed assets, in particular for environmental purposes; large volume of transportation, storage and use of hazardous substances; the emergency state of a significant part of public utility networks; insufficient investment support for the process of introducing the latest resource-saving and environmentally friendly technologies in environmentally hazardous industries, primarily in the metallurgical, chemical, petrochemical and energy sectors; environmental problems associated with significant changes in the state of the geological and hydrogeological environment and caused by the closure of unprofitable mining enterprises and mines; unwillingness of economic subjects to take measures to prevent accidents and catastrophes at high-risk and potentially hazardous facilities.
The book consists of 8 parts: Energy Informatics, Electric Power Engineering, Heat Power Engineering, Nuclear Power Engineering, Renewable Power Engineering, Fuels, Transport, and Environmental Safety. The results presented in this book are aimed at solving some of the technical issues proposed by the Ukraine Recovery Plan and other important scientific and applied problems in the field of energy. Scientists from leading Ukrainian academic institutions and universities are working on this book. This book is for scientists, researchers, engineers, as well as lecturers and postgraduates of higher education institutions dealing with energy sector, power systems, ecological safety, etc.
The concept of "energy" includes methods for obtaining and using various types of energy for the needs of human society. Energy is one of the foundations for the development of modern society. The effectiveness of solving social, economic and technical problems, as well as the anthropogenic transformations of nature, is largely determined by energy production and the scale of energy production.Modern energy is not a separate industry, but it penetrates widely into other areas, in particular, chemical, transport, aerospace, construction, metallurgy, engineering, agriculture, etc. The energy sector is based on complex technical systems that are multicomponent, spatially distributed systems that during their operation are affected to a wide range of design and non-design thermomechanical loading conditions, the effects of aggressive fields and units, unauthorized influences (operator errors, terrorism, sabotage) and can reach various limit states.Complex technical systems are characterized by complex non-linear interactions between their constituent elements, complex chains (scenarios) of cause-effect relationships between hazardous, probabilistic events and processes that occur during their life. These scenarios can be implemented over complex ramified scenario trees.Ensuring the operational reliability, durability and safety of power equipment is a difficult task, which is associated with the organization of the reliability of control over the operation of power plants and ensuring optimal conditions for their operation. In this regard, we can distinguish a whole class of tasks related to the development of control systems, diagnostics and monitoring in the energy industry, which are presented in this book. Of particular relevance now is the use of UAVs in the energy sector.Particular attention must be paid to the environmental consequences of the operation of energy facilities, the main of which is significant environmental pollution in large cities and industrial areas.The development of environmental management information systems is the prerogative of the state, corporations and one of the main directions of the national informatization policy. A clearly debugged system of environmental monitoring gives a general idea of ​​the features of the current ecological state, the main directions of state policy in the field of environmental protection, the use of natural resources and environmental safety. The methodology and hardware-software tools for monitoring the state of the environment presented in the monograph are effective tools for supporting decision-making in managing the environmental safety of the atmosphere during its technogenic pollution.
The book examines the problems in the fields of power systems functioning, optimization of operating modes of electric power facilities and their control systems, information and measuring systems and metrological support in the electric power industry, ensuring the functioning of the electric power system in the conditions of a competitive market of the electric power. The book is devoted to modern problems ensuring operational reliability and safety of objects integrated power system of Ukraine in the areas such as distribution systems automation, forecasting and optimization of energy processes with solar power plants, hydropower plants and other plants, and development solutions for smart monitoring systems for DERs. The presented research results in the book allow to increase the reliability and efficiency of operation of energy facilities and ensure the stability of power systems, the introduction of effective methods and tools for forecasting electricity supply and optimize power systems taking into constraints in modern of electricity markets. The book consists of 14 chapters. The book is for researchers, engineers, as well as lecturers and postgraduates of higher education institutions dealing with problems of operation, control, diagnosis and monitoring of integrated power system, power equipment, and other.
This book examines modern methods of creating models and measures in measurements, physical and probabilistic measures, models, spaces and bases of signals and fields, deterministic and probabilistic models and measures of angular quantities. Examples of their use on a circle and in phase measurements are given; models and measures for diagnostics in the electric power industry, in standardless measurements of the characteristics of composite materials, in environmental pollution monitoring systems, also with using unmanned aerial vehicles, are considered. Most of the presented results were obtained on the basis of the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The book is intended for researchers, engineers, as well as lecturers, graduate students and students of higher educational institutions dealing with the problems of measurements, monitoring and diagnostics of complex technical objects.
This volume provides a comprehensive state of the art overview of a series of advanced trends and concepts that have recently been proposed in the area of green information technologies engineering as well as of design and development methodologies for models and complex systems architectures and their intelligent components. The contributions included in the volume have their roots in the authors’ presentations, and vivid discussions that have followed the presentations, at a series of workshop and seminars held within the international TEMPUS-project GreenCo project in United Kingdom, Italy, Portugal, Sweden and the Ukraine, during 2013-2015 and at the 1st - 5th Workshops on Green and Safe Computing (GreenSCom) held in Russia, Slovakia and the Ukraine. The book presents a systematic exposition of research on principles, models, components and complex systems and a description of industry- and society-oriented aspects of the green IT engineering. A chapter-oriented structure has been adopted for this book following a “vertical view” of the green IT, from hardware (CPU and FPGA) and software components to complex industrial systems. The 15 chapters of the book are grouped into five sections: (1) Methodology and Principles of Green IT Engineering for Complex Systems, (2) Green Components and Programmable Systems, (3) Green Internet Computing, Cloud and Communication Systems, (4) Modeling and Assessment of Green Computer Systems and Infrastructures, and (5) Green PLC-Based Systems for Industry Applications. The chapters provide an easy to follow, comprehensive introduction to the topics that are addressed, including the most relevant references, so that anyone interested in them can start the study by being able to easily find an introduction to the topic through these references. At the same time, all of them correspond to different aspects of the work in progress being carried out by various research groups throughout the world and, therefore, provide information on the state of the art of some of these topics, challenges and perspectives.