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Book three of this conference has a single-focused session V entitled Engineering and Economics, with 16 papers. The session is concerned with several phases of chemical reprocessing of fuels which are of a general nature. Hot labs, radiochemical analytical facilities, and high level development cells are described. Dissolution equipment, contactors, flow generation, measurement, and control equipment, samplers, connectors, carriers, valves, filters, and hydroclones are described and discussed. Papers are included on: radiation safety, chemical safety, radiochemical plant operating experience in the U.S., and heavy element isotopic buildup. The general economics of solvent extraction processing is discussed, and capital and operating costs for several U.S. plants given. The Atomic Energy Commission's chemical processing programs and administration are evaluated and the services offered and charges therefore are listed.
Book one of this conference is divided into 3 sessions: Session I: Aqueous Reprocessing (9 papers); Session II: Auxiliary Processes (9 papers); and Session III: Disposal of Plant Effluents (6 papers). In Aqueous Reprocessing, typical chemical processes for dissolving and preparing relatively simple fuel elements (Al clad or canned) for solvent extraction treatment are discussed. Typical chemical and process flowsheets for solvent extraction separation and decontamination of U-- Pu in natural uranium, U233--Th from thorium, and enriched uranium from U-Al alloy are presented. Performance characteristics of packed columns in Redox Process, and pulse columns and mixer settlers in Purex Process are given. Auxiliary Processes are those dealing with unusual fuels, converting them to solutions amenable to solvent extraction. The most widely proposed diluents and claddings for these power reactor fuels are Zr and stainless steel, and the various methods for dissolving them are surveyed. Also described as auxiliary processes are methods for additional decontamination from Ru, Zr, and Nb, for concentrating dilute U233 and Pu, and for calcining UNH to UO3 and converting Pu(NO3)4 to metal. In Disposal of Plant Effluents the methods used for treatment, concentration, storage, and dispersal of gaseous, liquid, and solid wastes from radiochemical processing plants are summarized. After waste disposal problems are treated in general, the treatment of gaseous effluents, preparation of waste for liquid disposal, and the retention of high level radioactive wastes are discussed. The problems of ultimate disposal of radioactive waste to the environment are surveyed with consideration of the development of a nuclear power economy during the next fifty years. Unit costs and economic relationships for some of the better understood stages of the general scheme of waste disposal arc derived.
Book two of this conference has a single-focused session IV entitled Nonaqueous Processing, with 8 papers. The session deals with fluoride volatility processes and pyrometallurgical or pyrochemical processes. The latter involves either an oxide drossing or molten metal extraction or fused salt extraction technique and results in only partial decontamination. Fluoride volatility processes appear to be especially favorable for recovery of enriched uranium and decontamination factors of 107 to 108 would be achieved by simpler means than those employed in solvent extraction. Data from lab research on the BrF3 process and the ClF3 process are given and discussed and pilot plant experience is described, all in connection with natural uranium or slightly enriched uranium processing. Fluoride volatility processes for enriched or high alloy fuels are described step by step. The economic and engineering considerations of both types of nonaqueous processing are treated separately and as fully as present knowledge allows. A comprehensive review of the chemistry of pyrometallurgical processes is included.