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In the course of the development of electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions, the concept of (internal) gauge invariance grew up and established itself as an unavoidable dynamical principle in particle physics. It is less known that the principle of equivalence, and the basic dynamical properties of the gravitational interaction can also be ex
This monograph provides an introduction to deformations of Poincaré symmetries focusing on models with a Lie group momentum space and associated non-commutative space-times. The emphasis is put on the emergence of such structures from quantum gravity, their mathematical features described in terms of Hopf algebras and applications to particle kinematics and field theory. Part I of this work focuses on the link between gravity and deformed symmetries in the case of 2+1 and 3+1 space-time dimensions. Part II is devoted to the description of classical particles with group valued momenta, their phase spaces and kinematics. The last part of these notes provides an introduction to the basic features of classical and quantum field theory on κ-Minkowski space-time, the prototypical example of non-commutative space-time exhibiting deformed Poincaré symmetry. The text, being the first providing a detailed overview of these topics, is primarily intended for researchers and graduate students interested in non-commutative field theories and quantum gravity phenomenology.
In the course of the development of electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions, the concept of (internal) gauge invariance grew up and established itself as an unavoidable dynamical principle in particle physics. It is less known that the principle of equivalence, and the basic dynamical properties of the gravitational interaction can also be ex
In the course of the development of electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions, the concept of (internal) gauge invariance grew up and established itself as an unavoidable dynamical principle in particle physics. It is less known that the principle of equivalence, and the basic dynamical properties of the gravitational interaction can also be expressed as a (spacetime) gauge symmetry. Gravitation and Gauge Symmetries sheds light on the connection between the intrinsic structure of gravity and the principle of gauge invariance, which may lead to a consistent unified field theory. The first part of the book gives a systematic account of the structure of gravity as a theory based on spacetime gauge symmetries. Some basic properties of space, time, and gravity are reviewed in the first, introductory chapter. The next chapter deals with elements of global Poincare and conformal symmetries, which are necessary for the exposition of their localizations; the structure of the corresponding gauge theories of gravity is explored in chapters 3 and 4. Then, in chapters 5 and 6, we present the basic features of the constrained Hamiltonian of Poincare gauge theory, discuss the relation between gauge symmetries and conservation laws, and introduce the concept of gravitational energy and other conserved quantities. The second part of the book explores the most promising attempts to build a unified field theory containing gravity, on the basis of the gauge principle. The author presents the possibility to constrict the theory of gravity as a nonlinear field theory in flat spacetime. The final chapters yield an exposition of the ideas of supersymmetry and supergravity, Kaluza-Klein theory, and string theory. Gravitation and Gauge Symmetries will be of interest to postgraduate students and researchers in gravitation, high energy physics and mathematical physics.
What is spacetime? General relativity and quantum field theory answer this question in different ways. This collection of essays looks at the problem of uniting these two fundamental theories of our world, focusing on the nature of space and time within this quantum framework.
Soon after the discovery of quantum mechanics, group theoretical methods were used extensively in order to exploit rotational symmetry and classify atomic spectra. And until recently it was thought that symmetries in quantum mechanics should be groups. But it is not so. There are more general algebras, equipped with suitable structure, which admit a perfectly conventional interpretation as a symmetry of a quantum mechanical system. In any case, a "trivial representation" of the algebra is defined, and a tensor product of representations. But in contrast with groups, this tensor product needs to be neither commutative nor associative. Quantum groups are special cases, in which associativity is preserved. The exploitation of such "Quantum Symmetries" was a central theme at the Ad vanced Study Institute. Introductory lectures were presented to familiarize the participants with the al gebras which can appear as symmetries and with their properties. Some models of local field theories were discussed in detail which have some such symmetries, in par ticular conformal field theories and their perturbations. Lattice models provide many examples of quantum theories with quantum symmetries. They were also covered at the school. Finally, the symmetries which are the cause of the solubility of inte grable models are also quantum symmetries of this kind. Some such models and their nonlocal conserved currents were discussed.
13. Space-time gauge identities and finite-loop renormalization. 13.1. Space-time (T4) gauge identities. 13.2. Space-time gauge identities and a general graviton propagator. 13.3. Gauge identities in quantum electrodynamics with a non-linear gauge condition. 13.4. The infinite continuous group of general coordinate transformations inflat space-time. 13.5. Remarks on ultraviolet divergences and finite-loop renormalization for gravity -- 14. A unified gravity-electroweak model. 14.1. The gauge covariant derivative and gauge curvatures of a unified gravity-electroweak model. 14.2. The Lagrangian in the gravielecweak model. 14.3. The equations of motion for quantum and classical particles. 14.4. Violations of U1 and SU2 gauge symmetries by gravity -- 15. A unified gravity-strong force model. 15.1. Unified gauge covariant derivatives and gauge curvatures. 15.2. The action of the unified model and violations of local SU3 gauge symmetry by gravity. 15.3. Effective curved space-time for motions of quarks and gluons in the classical limit. 15.4. Discussion -- 16. Outlook. 16.1. Taiji space-time - a basic framework for all physics. 16.2. The cosmic Lee-Yang force and a linear potential for the accelerated expansion of the universe. 16.3. Possible origins of mass in a unified model: constant vacuum field or Higgs field? 16.4. Finite quantum gravity and a possible departure from exact Lorentz invariance at high energies. 16.5. Toward a total unification of all interactions. 16.6. Conclusion
This open access book chronicles the rise of a new scientific paradigm offering novel insights into the age-old enigmas of existence. Over 300 years ago, the human mind discovered the machine code of reality: mathematics. By utilizing abstract thought systems, humans began to decode the workings of the cosmos. From this understanding, the current scientific paradigm emerged, ultimately discovering the gift of technology. Today, however, our island of knowledge is surrounded by ever longer shores of ignorance. Science appears to have hit a dead end when confronted with the nature of reality and consciousness. In this fascinating and accessible volume, James Glattfelder explores a radical paradigm shift uncovering the ontology of reality. It is found to be information-theoretic and participatory, yielding a computational and programmable universe.