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This publication provides an outline of the similarities and differences between Sweden and Canada. It also reviews Sweden's economy and industry from an historical perspective, covering the hundred or so years since the country's industrialization in the early 1870s. In addition, it describes the main factors in the crisis of the late 1970s, analyzes events in the Swedish economy up to 1982, and presents alternative interpretations of whether Sweden's crisis reflected disturbances in the world economy or was intensified by policies and developments within Sweden itself. It also looks at industrial policies, and developments in Sweden since 1982.
In The Swedish Experiment Assar Lindbeck characterizes the economic and social system in Sweden in terms of a number of institutional features by which Sweden has differed from most other developed countries. They refer mainly to the division of responsibilities between the private and the government sector, in particular with respect to economic security, employment, income distribution, consumption and investment. The book concludes by asking whether the Swedish experiment is gradually unwinding and, if so, why. The Swedish Experiment is written in a nontechnical fashion and should be of great interest not only to professional economists, but also to students of economics and other social sciences as well as to general readers.
Tommy Bengtsson The Swedish welfare model of the 1960s and 1970s excited great interest among many other countries. Today it still is an ideal image for some but a warning for many others. The reason why opinion about the Swedish welfare model has changed is primarily Sweden's financial problems, which are associated with a badly financed and excessively large public sector. It is argued that the size of the budget deficit is a great problem in itself, but also, and perhaps more importantly, that the large public sector has negative effects on the entire economy since it lead to inefficient allocation of resources. A first step in order to solve these problems is to examine how they arose. The questions then are to what extent the large public sector which Sweden has today results from social entitlements which have come into existence since the 1960s, from the maturing of welfare systems decided upon earlier, from unfavourable demographic developments, or from economic stagnation, and how these factors are interlinked. What is quite clear is that Sweden has had very low economic growth during the 1970s and 1980s compared with the preceding period. But so have many other industrial countries, without their having in consequence found themselves in diffi culties as great as Sweden's. Therefore economic stagnation alone cannot explain Sweden's situation.
This set reprints works by, and about, Swedish economists working between the turn of the century and 1960. The editor provides an overview of Swedish economics, as well as growth and specialization within the discipline.
This books examines economic conditions and policies in Sweden. Topics include adjusting to slower economic growth, labor markets, taxation, the public sector, and Swedish political foundations.
This book represents the first recent attempt to provide a comprehensive treatment of Sweden's economic development since the middle of the 18th century. It traces the rapid industrialisation, the political currents and the social ambitions, that transformed Sweden from a backward agrarian economy into what is now regarded by many as a model welfar
The Handbook provides a broad introduction to Swedish politics, and how Sweden's political system and policies have evolved over the past few decades.