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The cacophony of modern life can be deafening, leaving us feeling frazzled and uneasy. In this warm, wise book, Prem Rawat teaches us how to turn down the noise to "hear ourselves". Once we learn to truly "hear ourselves" and the voice of peace within, then we can hold that within us as we face all the noise of the world. The culmination of a lifetime of study, Swayam Ki Awaaz lays out the crucial steps we can use to focus on the voice within. With one straightforward yet deeply profound question, Prem Rawat helps us to focus, to be present: Am I conscious of where I am today and what I want to experience in this world? Packed with powerful insights and compelling stories, Swayam ki Awaaz introduces readers to an ancient line of practical wisdom that enlightens us to a simple way to listen. By doing so, Prem Rawat reveals, we can "profoundly change our understanding of ourselves, those around us, and our lives. "
New York Times Bestseller “Rawat’s deep wisdom is a breath of fresh air; Hear Yourself gives the gift of peace and gratitude in a time we sorely need it.”—Ian Morgan Cron, author of The Story of You and co-author of The Road Back to You “Hear Yourself invites us to take a journey from the outside world we live in everyday to the world of peace within us. I highly recommend this inspiring book to anyone ready to take that journey.”—Bill McCarthy, Founder and President of The Unity Foundation The renowned teacher and author of the internationally bestselling Peace Is Possible shows us how to quiet the noise of our busy lives to hear our own unique authentic voice—the source of peace. The cacophony of modern life can be deafening, leaving us feeling frazzled and uneasy. In this warm, wise book, Prem Rawat teaches us how to turn down the noise to “hear ourselves”—to listen to the subtle song of peace that sings inside each of us. Once we learn to truly “hear ourselves” and the voice of peace within, then we can hold on to that as we face all the noise of the world. The culmination of a lifetime of study, Hear Yourself lays out the crucial steps we can use to focus on the voice within. Take a walk in nature and listen for the sounds of harmony, Prem Rawat suggests, or set aside a few minutes each day to feel gratitude, which comes from the core of our being. He challenges us to embrace our thirst for peace and let go of expectations for how it should feel. With one straightforward yet deeply profound question, he helps us to focus—to be present: Am I conscious of where I am today and what I want to experience in this world?” If we allow ourselves to listen, what we hear is the extraordinary miracle of existence—an experience that transforms our relationship to life and everything in it. Packed with powerful insights and compelling stories, Hear Yourself introduces readers to an ancient line of practical wisdom that enlightens us to a simple way to listen. By doing so, Prem Rawat reveals, we can “profoundly change our understanding of ourselves, those around us, and our lives.”
A calming collection of allegories, and illustrations from a world-renowned peace ambassador. Global peace ambassador Prem Rawat has spent his entire life travelling the world to deliver one timeless message: Peace is Possible. Conflict, he explains, takes place at three levels: between countries, between people, and finally within each of us as individuals. These levels are all interconnected. Hence the conflict that rages within a person will lead them to seek out conflict with another. Similarly, conflict between people of one nation is likely to result in conflict between many nations. So the first step to world peace is a simple one: we must first find peace within ourselves. Peace is Possible draws together age-old stories which, as they have been passed down over generations, inspired and transformed the lives of millions. From the power of adaptability, to the importance of trust, to the sticking-place of courage, these are the messages that will change the world. For good.
Prem Rawat recommends living in the "moment called now", because that is where peace can be found. In this book, his words, taken from 21 of his talks from around the world, help the reader to understand that human beings are designed to enjoy life. He believes that anyone can know joy, no-one is excluded from that chance. He makes his case with a poetic edge, using his own particular brand of humour and inspiration.
Songs of Kabir Rabindranath Tagore - Kabir lived in the 15th Century (1440-1518); born to Mohammadan parents; he came under the influence of the famous Hindu saint; Sri Ramananda and delved deep into the mysteries of Hindu mysticism. A true worshipper of God; he emphasized the purity of mind and selfless devotion to God. He openly opposed the weaknesses of both Hinduism and Islam.During his life time he composed many poems. They are usually two line couplets; known as dohas; recited by many scholars even today to denote some deep philosophical truths.All these songs of Kabir were translated into English by none other than Rabindranath Tagore; the mystic poet and the Noble Laureate; the first edition; published by The Macmillan Company; 1915; New York.This book shall prove to be an asset for the Kabir lovers who can't enjoy his writings in Hindi.
Shri Mataji writes that “India is a very ancient country and it has been blessed by many seers and saints who wrote treatises about reality and guidelines on how to achieve it.” This is just such a book. This book is both an introduction to Sahaja Yoga, describing the nature of the subtle reality within each of us, and a step-by-step handbook on how to be a good Sahaja Yogi, the nature of Sahaj culture, how to be a leader and how to raise children. “The knowledge of Sahaja Yoga cannot be described in a few sentences or one small book, but one should understand that all this great work of creation and evolution is done by some great subtle organization, which is in the great divine form.”
Kabir was a great iconoclastic-mystic poet of fifteenth-century North India; his poems were composed orally, written down by others in manuscripts and books, and transmitted through song. Scholars and translators usually attend to written collections, but these present only a partial picture of the Kabir who has remained vibrantly alive through the centuries mostly in oral forms. Entering the worlds of singers and listeners in rural Madhya Pradesh, Bodies of Song combines ethnographic and textual study in exploring how oral transmission and performance shape the content and interpretation of vernacular poetry in North India. The book investigates textual scholars' study of oral-performative traditions in a milieu where texts move simultaneously via oral, written, audio/video-recorded, and electronic pathways. As texts and performances are always socially embedded, Linda Hess brings readers into the lives of those who sing, hear, celebrate, revere, and dispute about Kabir. Bodies of Song is rich in stories of individuals and families, villages and towns, religious and secular organizations, castes and communities. Dialogue between religious/spiritual Kabir and social/political Kabir is a continuous theme throughout the book: ambiguously located between Hindu and Muslim cultures, Kabir rejected religious identities, pretentions, and hypocrisies. But even while satirizing the religious, he composed stunning poetry of religious experience and psychological insight. A weaver by trade, Kabir also criticized caste and other inequalities and today serves as an icon for Dalits and all who strive to remove caste prejudice and oppression.
What is Advaita Vedanta? What means or instruments does it utilize in its attempt to comprehend Reality? What is the nature of its aim? If we begin by answering these questions, we will be ready to follow with the right intelligence the message given by the great SANKARA in Vivekacudamani. The path which is outlined here is not for the majority, quite the contrary. It is for those who, having attained "maturity," tend towards full Awakening. It is for those who want to bring about a profound revolution within themselves; and this requires an act of courage, of steadfastness and, at the same time, of great humility. Advaita Vedanta is for those who, tired of a long pilgrimage, have finally stopped and in the silence of their own hearts have decided to launch a powerful attack on that terrible and treacherous enemy who lives not outside of us but right within us, and thus realize full liberation from all psycho-physical conflict and bondage. As darkness and its effects vanish when the sun rises, so, when realization of non-dual beatitude dawns, do bondage and suffering vanish without a trace (Vivekacudamani, sutra 319) SANKARA has been one of the greatest philosophers of India. He dedicated his brief and intense life (788-820) to re-establish the authority of the ruti, to codify the Advaita Vedanta, the doctrine of Non-duality, and to anchor the Metaphysical Tradition of the Veda through the foundation of monasteries (ma]ha) and monastic orders. With his bhasya (commentary) to the Upanisad, the Brahmasutra, and the Bhagavadgita, and with his own writings, Sankara has profoundly influenced not only India's philosophical development, but that of the entire world. RAPHAEL is author and Master in the Western Metaphysical Tradition as well as the Vedanta. For over 35 years, he has written a series of books on the pathway of Non-duality (Advaita). He has translated directly from the original Sanskrit and Edited a number of key Vedanta texts. His entire work is a conscious reunification of both Western and Eastern Traditions into Unity of Tradition.
Crimes against women have increased by 7.1 percent in the last three years. Child rape cases have increased 336 percent in and in the last 10 years. Crimes against women are increasing day by day and it can happen to you tomorrow. There is a spine-chilling rape or molestation case in the news almost everyday and many more that we don’t get to hear about but not much seems to have changed about this scenario. So what can you do to prepare and protect yourself? As a woman in today’s unsafe world, you can empower yourself, be alert, get fit, learn self defense techniques, equip yourself with vital information, anything little thing that can get you out of a dangerous situation and save your life. Vesna Jacob’s Fit to Fight is a timely book that is packed with real life survivor stories, life-saving information, and vital tips that every woman must know. So what are you waiting for, get fit to fight.