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Relive dozens of terrifying "close encounters." Back-up witnesses, imprints in the ground, artifacts, photographs, and other forms of objective evidence lend substance to the stories. "Noted author and UFO researcher Jenny Randles compares and contrasts documented cases of alien contact and abductions of the past century...the whole alien abduction pattern ultimately offers a meaningful clue to what is really going on."-- "FATE . 196 pages, 24 b/w illus., 6 x 9.
Although often dismissed as the stuff of tabloids, there are those who maintain that alien abduction is a real danger that many on Earth have already faced. In this volume, two dedicated UFO researchers partner up to present the mysterious alien encounters experienced by their families and others like them, pointing to gaps in government reporting and highlighting as yet unexplained phenomena related to their experiences. The authors encourage readers to keep an open mind as they seek to dispel the skepticism and stigma surrounding the reporting of such incidences while encouraging others to share their stories.
Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: cases in which personal contact between an individual or individuals is initiated by the “occupants” of the spacecraft. Such contact may involve the transportation of the individual from his or her terrestrial surroundings into the spacecraft, where the individual is communicated with and/or subjected to an examination before being returned. One might expect that a “scientific conference” devoted to people who have reported being kidnapped by “little green men” would be dismissed out of hand. But C.D.B. Bryan, the greatly admired journalist and author of Friendly Fire, did not dismiss it: the conference was to be held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and would have as its chairmen a Pulitzer Prize-winning Harvard psychiatry professor and a professor of physics from M.I.T. Bryan attended the conference throughout its five days. He approached the subject with no prior stand, no agenda, and an open (if slightly skeptical) mind. As the conference progressed, he was astonished by the quality of the stories told by the hundreds of men and women who came forward hesitantly and reluctantly with their utterly amazing—and utterly convincing—accounts of having been abducted and then examined aboard extraterrestrial spacecraft by spindly limbed, telepathic gray creatures with outsized foreheads dominated by huge, compelling, tear-shaped black eyes. What most astonished Bryan were the similarities found again and again in these accounts and the consistency of their details. It is here that the heart of the mystery lies: as the Harvard professor John E. Mack asked at the conference, “If what the abductees are saying isn’t happening to them, then what is?” This question—and the possible answers—are at the center of this richly explicit, serious, and riveting book. Bryan recreates the conference. He interviews ufology’s most prominent psychiatrists, psychologists, hypnotherapists, researchers, physicists, physicians, and folklorists. He interweaves throughout the testimony of the abductees themselves, who tell us their stories in chilling detail. He presents, in depth, the Close Encounter experiences of two women whose stories he tells on the basis of both their spontaneous recollections of the events and their memories that were retrieved through sessions of hypnosis of which Bryan himself was a witness. Finally, Bryan examines the current theories—psychological, psychiatric, medical, parapsychological—that have been put forward by the unconvinced to explain the abduction phenomenon. Are the abductees suffering from some sort of false memory syndrome? . . . a multiple or dissociative personality disorder? . . . Are they fantasy-prone? Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind is a detailed, objective exploration—the most concrete to date—of one of the enduring and amazing mysteries of our time. It is a book that will equally fascinate believers and nonbelievers.
Resistance is Your Prime Directive Have you ever experienced a sensation of missing time? Have you ever found a metallic implant somewhere in your body? It's likely that you're a victim of alien abduction, and you don't even know it. Aliens are among us. While the true intentions of these mysterious intruders from outer space are unknown, there's no doubt that their actions are nefarious. It's your right - your civic responsibility - to learn the skills necessary to protect yourself, your loved ones and ultimately your planet. Aliens want to whisk you away in the night to perform terrifying experiments on you. Isn't it time you learn how use your MP3 player to defend yourself from their paralyzing powers? Shouldn't you know how to evade the pursuit of a flying saucer? Wouldn't you sleep better at night knowing some proven hand-to-hand combat techniques guaranteed to stop your extraterrestrial foe in its tracks? Make no mistake - our world is under attack and this handbook may be the only thing standing between the human race and total annihilation. Read it and join the resistance.
The Believer is the weird and chilling true story of Dr. John Mack. This eminent Harvard psychiatrist and Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer risked his career to investigate the phenomenon of human encounters with aliens and to give credibility to the stupefying tales shared by people who were utterly convinced they had happened. Nothing in Mack's four decades of psychiatry had prepared him for the otherworldly accounts of a cross section of humanity including young children who reported being taken against their wills by alien beings. Over the course of his career his interest in alien abduction grew from curiosity to wonder, ultimately developing into a limitless, unwavering passion. Based on exclusive access to Mack's archives, journals, and psychiatric notes and interviews with his family and closest associates, The Believer reveals the life and work of a man who explored the deepest of scientific conundrums and further leads us to the hidden dimensions and alternate realities that captivated Mack until the end of his life.
Based on in-depth interviews with 60 people and more than 300 independently corroborated accounts, this book presents the most complete and accurate portrait of alien abductions ever compiled. Using hypnosis to overcome the amnesia suffered by often severely traumatized subjects, the author recreates the deeply disturbing experiences of abduction, which include physical examination, gynaecological procedures, enforced sexual intercourse and contact with strange hybrid babies.
The arrival of extraterrestrial visitors is one of the most momentous events of our time. In INTRUDERS Budd Hopkins explored the shocking truth about the contact between earthling and alien: that human beings are temporarily abducted and taken aboard UFOs. But Hopkins could not have told the stories of those victims without first having discovered the one experience common to all who report alien encounters -- the phenomenon known as "missing time." MISSING TIME tells how the people who have experienced abductions retained no memory of them -- all traces of the trauma were effectively erased from their memory. Yet, under hypnosis, many abductees were able to recall in vivid, convincing detail, the harrowing experiments that left mysterious scars on their bodies, the eerie interiors of UFOs where they were held captive, and the astonishing faces of their alien hosts. The stories of seven victims of these otherworldly intruders are told here -- in detail at once dispassionate and dramatic, fully supported by scientific documentation. They are stories that could belong to anyone: your neighbors, your loved ones, even you.