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For more than three decades investment in the transport sector has been a priority for developing country governments. With a few exceptions, roads have accounted for the major part of these investments. The explicit, and often articulated, assumption upon which the decision to allocate such large sums of money to road transport has been made is that road transport and development are inextricably linked. The implicit, and rarely articulated assumption is that the provision of suitable roads will lead to the operation of an adequate level of road transport services. If roads do not actually produce economic development, it has been argued, they certainly play a major role. This belief in the ben-eficial effects of roads is not wholly unsubstantiated. Clearly the provision of some form of access is vital for the development of the rural economy. Nevertheless, the studies carried out over the last 10-15 years on the impact of highway investment have sounded a cautionary note. George W. Wilson, writing in the concluding chapter of the Brookings Institution studies on transport and development, suggested that* 'A much more sceptical attitude towards transport appears essential and far more attention needs to be devoted to the set of circumstances surrounding expansion of transport capacity'. 1 The suggestion of a more restrained attitude reflected a growing concern that transport, and in particular roads, was only one factor amongst a large number that needed to be integrated for effective development. The concern to see road transport in a wider context partly explains the move towards the evaluation of the social, as well as strictly economic, benefits of road construction.
Guide, road transport, rural areas, development projects, developing countries - decision making, planning, evaluation techniques, infrastructure, choice of technology for road construction, maintenance, administrative aspects, cost accounting, storage of agricultural products, economic analysis. Bibliography, diagrams, tables.
Printed on Demand. Limited stock is held for this title. If you would like to order 30 copies or more please contact [email protected] Contact [email protected], if currently unavailable. This paper is part of a four-volume series of publications on rural transport promoted by the World Bank's Rural Transport Thematic Group under the aegis of its knowledge management activities. The four volumes are Options for Managing and Financing Rural Transport Infrastructure, Improving Rural Mobility, Developing Rural Transport Policies and Strategies, and this paper on Design and Appraisal of Rural Transport Infrastructure.
Many inhabitants of rural areas in developing countries lack adequate and affordable access to transport infrastructure services, and this lack of transport opportunities constrains economic and social development. This report looks at the role of rural transport in reducing poverty and considers a range of issues affecting rural mobility including costs, stakeholders involved, population densities and competing services. It examines policies for promoting rural mobility including financial and regulatory considerations.
This book reveals how rural and urban gap can be reduced using transportation service as a stimulant with special reference to Ghana. The book focuses on traditional markets, institutions, agricultural production centers, spatial linkages and their interaction to produce maximum output for improved rural life's. This book therefore serves as a masterwork for stakeholders interested in rural development
A change in the transport sector's current approach to selecting rural road investments is warranted. A proposed approach builds on some of the poverty-focused "hybrid" methods found in recent rural road appraisals, recognizing that an important share of the benefits to the poor from rural roads cannot be measured in monetary terms.