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This Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) evaluates potential direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts of standard targetry replacement and alternatives on environmental and land use resources. The Army believes that the majority of typical and recurring actions associated with standard targetry replacement can be best and most efficiently addressed in this PEA, instead of a separate environmental assessment (EA) for every action, as normally or historically required. To insure proper utilization of this PEA, as well as compliance with the President's Council for Environmental Quality (CEQ) recommendations, a specific Record of Environmental Consideration (RE CEQ) is developed as part of these analyses for use in subsequent or "tiered" documents supplemental analyses requirements are specified, and certification requirements by each individual project proponent are required. The purpose of this PEA is to facilitate a specific Army installation's compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA); providing (1) a framework to address the impacts of this type of actions, (2) a procedure to certify a complete understanding and mitigation plan (when required) for all impacts addressed in this PEA through the use of a specific REC, and (3) a procedure to insure the preparation of a focused, supplemental EA or Environmental Impact Statement (ElS), as required when site specific (tiered) analyses identify the need. This PEA provides the public and decision-makers with the information required to understand and evaluate the potential environmental consequences of targetry replacement actions, comprehend the need for required mitigations and certify their viability, and realize when supplemental analyses are required. This PEA can be used to evaluate the potential environmental effects of standard targetry replacement and determine if any site-specific requirements require more detailed, focused, analyses.