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Supersymmetric theories generally have new flavor violation sources in the squark and slepton mass matrices. If significant lepton flavor violation exists, selectron and smuon should be nearly degenerate. This leads to the phenomenon of slepton oscillations, which is analogous to neutrino oscillations, if sleptons are produced at the Next Linear Collider. The direct slepton production at the Next Linear Collider provides a much more powerful probe of lepton flavor violation than the current bounds from rare processes, such as[mu][r-arrow] e[gamma]. 4 refs., 1 fig.
At present, two fundamental mysteries in particle physics are the origins of electroweak symmetry breaking and the fermion mass matrices. The experimental discovery of superpartners would represent enormous progress in the understanding of electroweak symmetry breaking, but would it also allow progress on the flavor problem? To date, nearly all experimental studies of supersymmetry have ignored the possibility of flavor mixings in the sfermion sector. However, since all superpartners must be given masses, all supersymmetric theories necessarily allow for the possibility of new flavor mixings beyond the standard model. In addition, there are now many supersymmetric theories of flavor, which predict a wide variety of superpartner flavor mixings. In this study, the author examines the possibility of measuring these mixings at LEP II and the Next Linear Collider (NLC). Rare flavor changing processes, such as [mu] → e[gamma], [tau] → [mu][gamma], [tau] → e[gamma], b → s[gamma], and neutral meson mixing, already provide important constraints on the sfermion flavor mixings through the virtual effects of superpartners. However, as will be seen below, once superpartners are discovered, it will be possible to probe these mixings much more powerfully by directly observing the change in flavor occurring at the superpartner production and decay vertices.
Partial differential equations form an essential part of the core mathematics syllabus for undergraduate scientists and engineers. The origins and applications of such equations occur in a variety of different fields, ranging from fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, heat conduction and diffusion, to quantum mechanics, wave propagation and general relativity.This volume introduces the important methods used in the solution of partial differential equations. Written primarily for second-year and final-year students taking physics and engineering courses, it will also be of value to mathematicians studying mathematical methods as part of their course. The text, which assumes only that the reader has followed a good basic first-year ancillary mathematics course, is self-contained and is an unabridged republication of the third edition published by Longman in 1985.
The book is a fairly non-technical introduction to modern supersymmetry phenomenology, approaching the subject in new and unique ways. It is suitable both for theorists and experimentalists, and emphasizes an intuitive grasp of the subject. Theoretical and experimental motivations, and the status and prospects of low-energy supersymmetry are discussed. It is shown by explicit construction that the stabilization of any perturbative theory which contains fundamental scalar bosons naturally leads to the notion of supersymmetry. The minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model is then pedagogically defined and its experimental status is summarized. Renormalization of the models, including unificaiton, is discussed and the linkage between high and low energies is demonstrated, providing a potential probe of Planck-scale physics, such as unified theories. Besides a host of other phenomena, Higgs physics is discussed and the Higgs mass is shown to provide a crucial test of nearly all supersymmetric theories.
The 28th conference from the Rochester series was the major high energy physics conference in 1996. Volume one contains short reports on new theoretical and experimental results. Volume two consists of the review talks presented in the plenary sessions.