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En un mundo lleno de buscadores espirituales y gurús autoproclamados, encontrar la verdadera sabiduría y la iluminación puede parecer una tarea imposible. Este libro, Superar el Samsara: El camino hacia la libertad espiritual y la paz interior, pretende abrirse paso entre el ruido y ofrecer una nueva perspectiva sobre el crecimiento espiritual, el desarrollo personal y la búsqueda de la conciencia superior. Basándose en toda una vida de experiencias, viajes y estudios en profundidad de diversas tradiciones religiosas y filosóficas, el autor presenta una combinación única de ideas prácticas y conocimientos esotéricos. Este libro desafía el pensamiento convencional sobre la espiritualidad, la religión y el crecimiento personal, animando a los lectores a cuestionar sus creencias y a ampliar su comprensión del mundo que les rodea. En estas páginas exploraremos - La naturaleza del crecimiento espiritual y la iluminación. - La complejidad de la interpretación religiosa y las limitaciones humanas. - La importancia del pensamiento crítico y la apertura mental en la búsqueda espiritual. - Enfoques prácticos para desarrollar las facultades mentales y la conciencia espiritual. - La interacción entre la práctica física, la expresión artística y el desarrollo espiritual. - Los retos de navegar por un mundo lleno de desinformación y pensamiento dogmático. Este libro no es para los pusilánimes ni para los que buscan respuestas fáciles. Exige que los lectores se comprometan críticamente con el material, cuestionen sus suposiciones y estén dispuestos a explorar verdades incómodas. El estilo directo y a veces provocador del autor puede suponer un reto para los lectores, pero tiene un propósito: sacudirles de la autocomplacencia e inspirarles un verdadero crecimiento espiritual e intelectual. Tanto si eres un experimentado buscador espiritual como si acabas de empezar a explorar las cuestiones más profundas de la vida, este libro te ofrece valiosas ideas y una guía práctica para tu viaje. Prepárate para que tus perspectivas sean desafiadas, tu mente expandida y tu espíritu despertado mientras nos embarcamos en esta exploración de la conciencia, la iluminación y la experiencia humana.
La sociedad venezolana es mezcla de aborígenes, afrodescendientes y europeos. La religión predominante es la católica. La Tierra de Gracia que describió Colon es hoy un país con grandes dificultades sociales y educativas a pesar del alto ingreso petrolero. La violencia en su forma de secuestro ha afectando a toda la sociedad. Como en todo grupo social allí se entrecruzan seres humanos con sus culturas, sus religiones y sus pasiones. Cada personaje tiene características propias basadas en experiencias personales del autor o referenciales de pacientes o amigos, en todos ellos hay características universales en las cuales el lector podrá reconocerse. El área geográfica donde se desarrolla corresponde al oriente venezolano en el Golfo de Paria, la salida del delta del Orinoco y la cercanía de Trinidad. Esta vecindad con Trinidad ha determinado una sociedad con con cierta influencia anglosajona. Las situaciones sociales son todas ficticias pero posibles en la realidad venezolana de la transición del siglo XX al siglo XXI. Las consideraciones filosóficas y religiosas son puramente de la creatividad del autor. El amor como el motor de las relaciones humanas con sus facetas pasionales, sensoriales, afectivas, emosionales e incluso platónicas se aprecia a lo largo de toda la ficción de esta novela.
From the author of What Makes You Not a Buddhist comes a fresh look at the foundations of Tibetan Buddhist practice, with practical advice and guidance for the modern practitioner Do you practice meditation because you want to feel good? Or to help you relax and be “happy”? Then frankly, according to Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse, you are far better off having a full-body massage than trying to practice the Dharma. Genuine spiritual practice, not least the Ngöndro preliminaries, will not bring the kind of comfort and ease most worldly people crave. Quite the opposite, in fact. But if your ultimate goal is enlightenment, Ngöndro practice is a must, and Not for Happiness your perfect guide, as it contains everything an aspiring practitioner needs to get started, including advice about: • Developing “renunciation mind” • Discipline, meditation and wisdom • Using your imagination in visualization practice • Why you need a guru
This new Pariyatti Edition of the classic Buddhism in a Nutshell is an excellent introductory overview of the fundamental principles of Buddhist doctrine. Topics covered include: the life of the Buddha, the Dhamma (Is it a philosophy? A religion? An ethical system?), the Four Noble Truths, the Law of Kamma, Rebirth, Dependent Origination, Anatta, and Nibbana. Recommended for beginners.
This book is an instance of the creative activity of critics of Joyce in the Spanish academic community to be seen in the revisions of the themes already dealt with as well as in new insights into de work of the Irish writer and the analysis of his influence on other artists, Scholarly essays by well-known specialist are included as is an example of the best criticism from new generations whose fresh interpretations give evidence of the vitality of Spanish Joycean studies.
“El Eternauta, Daytripper, and Beyond examines the graphic narrative tradition in the two South American countries that have produced the medium’s most significant and copious output. Argentine graphic narrative emerged in the 1980s, awakened by Héctor Oesterheld’s groundbreaking 1950s serial El Eternauta. After Oesterheld was “disappeared” under the military dictatorship, El Eternauta became one of the most important cultural texts of turbulent mid-twentieth-century Argentina. Today its story, set in motion by an extraterrestrial invasion of Buenos Aires, is read as a parable foretelling the “invasion” of Argentine society by a murderous tyranny. Because of El Eternauta, graphic narrative became a major platform for the country’s cultural redemocratization. In contrast, Brazil, which returned to democracy in 1985 after decades of dictatorship, produced considerably less analysis of the period of repression in its graphic narratives. In Brazil, serious graphic narratives such as Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá’s Daytripper, which explores issues of modernity, globalization, and cross-cultural identity, developed only in recent decades, reflecting Brazilian society’s current and ongoing challenges. Besides discussing El Eternauta and Daytripper, David William Foster utilizes case studies of influential works—such as Alberto Breccia and Juan Sasturain’s Perramus series, Angélica Freitas and Odyr Bernardi’s Guadalupe, and others—to compare the role of graphic narratives in the cultures of both countries, highlighting the importance of Argentina and Brazil as anchors of the production of world-class graphic narrative.
An innovative meditation master cuts through common misconceptions about Buddhism, revealing what it truly means to walk the path of the Buddha So you think you’re a Buddhist? Think again. Tibetan Buddhist master Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse, one of the most creative and innovative lamas teaching today, throws down the gauntlet to the Buddhist world, challenging common misconceptions, stereotypes, and fantasies. In What Makes You Not a Buddhist, Khyentse reviews the four core truths of the tradition, using them as a lens through which readers can examine their everyday lives. With wit and irony, he urges readers to move beyond the superficial trappings of Buddhism—beyond the romance with beads, incense, or exotic robes—straight to the heart of what the Buddha taught. Khyentse’s provocative, non-traditional approach to Buddhism will resonate with students of all stripes and anyone eager to bring this ancient religious tradition into their twenty-first-century lives.
Immigrant Families aims to capture the richness, complexity, and diversity that characterize contemporary immigrant families in the United States. In doing so, it reaffirms that the vast majority of people do not migrate as isolated individuals, but are members of families. There is no quintessential immigrant experience, as immigrants and their families arrive with different levels of economic, social, and cultural resources, and must navigate various social structures that shape how they fare. Immigrant Families highlights the hierarchies and inequities between and within immigrant families created by key axes of inequality such as legal status, social class, gender, and generation. Drawing on ethnographic, demographic, and historical scholarship, the authors highlight the transnational context in which many contemporary immigrant families live, exploring how families navigate care, resources, expectations, and aspirations across borders. Ultimately, the book analyzes how dynamics at the individual, family, and community levels shape the life chances and wellbeing of immigrants and their families. As the United States turns its attention to immigration as a critical social issue, Immigrant Families encourages students, scholars, and policy makers to center family in their discussions, thereby prioritizing the human and relational element of human mobility.
Gnosis means knowledge. But we are not referring to just any knowledge. Gnosis is knowledge which produces a great transformation in those who receive it. Knowledge capable of nothing less than waking up man and helping him to escape from the prison in which he finds himself. That is why Gnosis has been so persecuted throughout the course of history, because it is knowledge considered dangerous for the religious and political authorities who govern mankind from the shadows. Every time this religion, absolutely different from the rest, appears before man, the other religions unite to try to destroy or hide it again. Primordial Gnosis is the original Gnosis, true Gnosis, eternal Gnosis, Gnostic knowledge in its pure form. Due to multiple persecutions, Primordial Gnosis has been fragmented, distorted and hidden.