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This is the extended and annotated edition including * an extensive biographical annotation about the author and his life The Summa Theologiæ (Latin: Compendium of Theology or Theological Compendium; also subsequently called the Summa Theologica or simply the Summa, written 1265–1274) is the best-known work of Thomas Aquinas (c.1225–1274), and although unfinished, "one of the classics of the history of philosophy and one of the most influential works of Western literature." It is intended as a manual for beginners in theology and a compendium of all of the main theological teachings of the Church. It presents the reasoning for almost all points of Christian theology in the West. The Summa's topics follow a cycle: the existence of God; Creation, Man; Man's purpose; Christ; the Sacraments; and back to God. (courtesy of This is part 3, 'Tertia Pars'. The way which leads to God is Christ, the theme of part III. It can be asserted that the incarnation was absolutely necessary. The Unio between the Logos and the human nature is a "relation" between the divine and the human nature which comes about by both natures being brought together in the one person of the Logos. An incarnation can be spoken of only in the sense that the human nature began to be in the eternal hypostasis of the divine nature. So Christ is unum since his human nature lacks the hypostasis. The person of the Logos, accordingly, has assumed the impersonal human nature, and in such way that the assumption of the soul became the means for the assumption of the body. This union with the human soul is the gratia unionis which leads to the impartation of the gratia habitualis from the Logos to the human nature. Thereby all human potentialities are made perfect in Jesus. Besides the perfections given by the vision of God, which Jesus enjoyed from the beginning, he receives all others by the gratia habitualis. In so far, however, as it is the limited human nature which receives these perfections, they are finite. This holds both of the knowledge and the will of Christ. The Logos impresses the species intelligibiles of all created things on the soul, but the intellectus agens transforms them gradually into the impressions of sense. On another side the soul of Christ works miracles only as instrument of the Logos, since omnipotence in no way appertains to this human soul in itself. Concerning redemption, Aquinas teaches that Christ is to be regarded as redeemer after his human nature but in such way that the human nature produces divine effects as organ of divinity. The one side of the work of redemption consists herein, that Christ as head of humanity imparts ordo, perfectio, and virtus to his members. He is the teacher and example of humanity; his whole life and suffering as well as his work after he is exalted serve this end. The love wrought hereby in men effects, according to Luke vii. 47, the forgiveness of sins.
Aquinas Saint Thomas' Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars). From the Complete American Edition is a monumental theological work that delves into various aspects of Christian doctrine and philosophy. Written in a scholastic style, the book explores topics such as the nature of God, the virtues, and the sacraments. Aquinas' meticulous approach to reasoning and argumentation sets this work apart as a cornerstone of medieval theology. The book is structured in a question-and-answer format, making it both comprehensive and accessible to readers. It serves as a valuable resource for students of theology, philosophy, and history. Aquinas Saint Thomas' Summa Theologica is a timeless classic that continues to influence theological thought to this day. Known as one of the greatest theologians in Christian history, Aquinas drew on his extensive knowledge of philosophy and theology to create this magnum opus. His dedication to the pursuit of truth and understanding is evident in every page of the Summa Theologica. This book is recommended for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of Christian theology and philosophy.
Die Summa Theologica (übersetzt "Zusammenfassung der Theologie"), oft einfach als Summa bezeichnet, ist das bekannteste Werk von Thomas von Aquin (1225-1274), einem scholastischen Theologen und Kirchendoktor. Sie stellt ein Kompendium der wichtigsten theologischen Lehren der katholischen Kirche dar, das als Leitfaden für Theologiestudenten, Seminaristen und Laien dienen soll. Die Themen der "Summa", in denen die Argumentation für fast alle Inhalte der christlichen Theologie im Abendland dargelegt wird, folgen dem folgenden Zyklus: Gott, die Schöpfung, der Mensch, die Bestimmung des Menschen, Christus, die Sakramente und zurück zu Gott. Obwohl sie unvollendet ist, gehört die "Summa" nicht nur zu den Klassikern der Philosophiegeschichte, sondern ist eines der einflussreichsten Werke der abendländischen Literatur und bleibt Aquins vollkommenste Schrift, die Frucht seiner reifen Jahre, in der sich das Denken seines ganzen Lebens verdichtet. Der Autor zitiert immer wieder christliche, muslimische, hebräische und heidnische Quellen, darunter die Heilige Schrift, Aristoteles, Augustinus von Hippo, Avicenna, Averroes, Al-Ghazali, Boethius, Johannes von Damaskus, Paulus der Apostel, Pseudo-Dionysius, Maimonides, Anselm von Canterbury, Platon, Cicero und einige andere. Dies ist Band zehn von zehn mit den Quaestiones 50 - 90 der Tertia Pars.
Stefan Lindholm examines the Christology of Jerome Zanchi (1516–90), a leading 16th century reformed scholastic theologian. The study as a whole is bound together by doctrinal topics, themes and trajectories important to the 16th century, Christological debates as well as by philosophical issues and arguments. The first part is concerned with research in reformed scholasticism and Christological method, the second part with the hypostatic union and the third part with the consequences of the union.
What are emotions? How do they arise? How do they relate to other mental and bodily states? And what is their specific structure? The book discusses these questions, focusing on medieval and early modern theories. It looks at a great number of authors, ranging from Aquinas to Spinoza, and shows that they gave sophisticated accounts of human emotions. They were particularly interested in the way we cope with our emotions: how we can change or perhaps even overcome them? To answer this question, medieval and early modern philosophers looked at the cognitive content of emotions, for they were all convinced that we need to work on that content if we want to change them. The book therefore pays particular attention to the intimate relationship between theories of emotions and theories of cognition. Moreover, the book emphasizes the importance of the metaphysical framework for medieval and early modern theories of emotions. It was a transformation of this framework that made new theories possible. Starting with an analysis of the Aristotelian framework, the book then looks at skeptical, dualist and monist frameworks, and it examines how the nature of emotions was explained in each of them. The discussion also takes the theological and scientific context into account, for changes in this context quite often gave rise to new problems - problems that concerned the love of God, the joy of resurrected souls, or the fear arising in a soul that is present in a body. All of these problems are examined on the basis of close textual analysis.