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Humans and horses have been joined for thousands of years, and for much of that time, one thing has served as the primary point of physical contact between them: the saddle. However, for many horses and many riders, the saddle has been no less than a refined means of torture. Horses have long suffered from tree points impeding the movement of their shoulder blades; too narrow gullet channels damaging the muscles and nerves along the vertebrae; and too long panels putting harmful pressure on the reflex point in the loin area. Male riders saddle up despite riding-related pain and the potential for serious side effects, such as impotence, while female riders endure backache, slipped discs, and bladder infections, to name just a few common issues. We must ask ourselves: How much better could we ride and how much better could our horses perform if our saddles fit optimally? If they accommodated the horse’s unique conformation and natural asymmetry? If they were built for the differing anatomy of men and women? The answers to all these questions are right here, right now, in this book.
A gripping novel of men training to become Navy SEALs who are pushed to their physical and mental limits---and what happens when those thresholds are crossed... in David Reid's Suffer in Silence It's the pivotal test faced by every Navy SEAL: one hundred twenty sleepless hours of relentless physical punishment, interrupted only by hypothermia-inducing surf torture. Ensign Grey thought he knew what to expect, but when Seaman Murray attempts to blackmail an instructor who is determined to see him fail, Hell Week takes on a new meaning. With deteriorating health and a dangerous enemy in hot pursuit, the two unlikely friends struggle to survive. What happens in the darkness at the edge of the Pacific will change their lives forever.
Dale Horth climbed to the top of the logging industry—and just as fast, it was all taken away. In his silent battle against depression, he drank, did drugs, and slept whole days away. The hyper-masculine culture of his industry meant that he was hardwired against anything spiritual. Rehab and therapy were ‘hippie shit,’ and only the weak needed help. It took great strength for Dale to break out of that cycle, but he found the courage to seek recovery and rebuild his life. So many men are taught not to reach out, not to seek help. Why Men Suffer in Silence: A Story of Hope and Recovery is the true story of one man’s journey through PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Full of real tips and techniques for overcoming and prevailing against mental health challenges, it shows the reader that there is hope for us all.
In this book, Dr. Jessica Houston utilizes her past experiences and her passion for helping others to develop a powerful roadmap for women who are seeking to live an extraordinary life. There are issues such as intimate partner violence, child sexual abuse, low self-confidence and depression that affect millions of women daily. However, instead of verbalizing these issues, women are keeping them to themselves and suffering in silence. This book encourages women to stop masking and suppressing their pain. Suppression is not a viable solution, because it does not address the presenting issue at its core. Subsequently, suppression can only serve as a temporary coping mechanism. This book provides an opportunity for women to come to terms with their painful experiences. Moreover, it prompts women to initiate the process of healing and live the victorious life that they were designed to live. After reading this book, women will be empowered to discover and walk in their purpose. Finally, women will be equipped with the knowledge, power, and resources needed to transition from a place of self doubt and pain, to a place of confidence and restoration.
Internationally renowned artist Makoto Fujimura reflects on Shusaku Endo's novel Silence and grapples with the nature of art, pain and culture. Showing that light is yet present in darkness, he uncovers deep layers of meaning in Japanese history and finds connections to how faith is lived in contexts of trauma.
A story of a dysfunctional family's painful journey in coping with life's hardships, including alcoholism, a family rape, an incarceration, abandonment, and abuse. How can this family survive and heal? Can forgiveness and peace replace the years of anger and resentment? Truly an inspirational book dealing with forgiveness, healing, inner peace, and a familys final journey.
With Beautifully Brave, foster your inner light through authentic self-love exercises and practices that are easy to use in the real world.
Painful circumstances may be plaguing your life. You may be struggling with secrets you never thought were possible to break free from; things you feel too embarrassed to share with others, so you choose to keep silent. You may believe that physical, sexual, psychological, bullying or any other tragic abuse is too difficult to discuss. But, pain un-dealt with can cause one to become angry and bitter in life, leading you to become secluded and shut off from others. Private Pain was written to encourage those who may be suffering in silence and feel emotionally paralyzed due to past and present traumas. Holding onto painful secrets might have you grappling with overwhelming discomfort to the point of you feeling hopeless, unlovable, or as if no one understands your pain. Experiencing abusive behaviors or struggling with being bullied can cause you to feel isolated, but you're not alone. It may seem like you are stuck in your situation, but there is hope. Regardless of the obstacles and adversities that you've experienced, you can break free from the pain that has silenced you throughout your life. I hope that this book helps you to recognize that no matter how distraught you may feel or how horrendous the circumstances that you have faced, you are valuable. You are one step closer to experiencing a life of freedom and wholeness.
Bitterness is a destructive poison, yet we all struggle with it sometimes due to circumstances our sovereign God has allowed. In a world full of struggle, we must take care that difficult circumstances do not feed a bitter spirit within us. In this honest and hopeful book, pastor and counselor Stephen Viars shows you how to avoid the pitfalls of a bitter heart as you walk through our fallen world. When we learn to process bitterness biblically and effectively, we can move from life's greatest hurts to a life filled with joy.
Many people live their lives suffering in silence they walk around with their mouths smothered, never speaking about their past or current pain because fear has paralyzed them from speaking..They walk through life with hurt and brokenness in their heart, carrying the burden of their pain and all along they are suffering in silence.The reason people suffer in silence is because they don't speak on their pain, they may feel the guilt ofshame and embarrassment of their past so they cover up their pain by finding a coping mechanism suchas drugs, alcohol, sex and more. They also mask their pain with pretend trying to distinguish betweenwhat's reality and what is fictional and yet suffering in silence.What does it mean to suffer in silence? It means to be unhappy without saying anything, however, whatcauses a person to suffer in silence could be depression, grief, abuse and much more. It's a pain that isunspoken of that can eat you up if it's not dealt with; your outward appearance look good, but yourinner self is Suffering In Silence. Don't allow the enemy to use fear to paralyze you from speaking? Youhave a voice, break your silence and speak be healed and be free?