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Electrostatic accelerators are an important and widespread subgroup within the broad spectrum of modern, large particle acceleration devices. They are specifically designed for applications that require high-quality ion beams in terms of energy stability and emittance at comparatively low energies (a few MeV). Their ability to accelerate virtually any kind of ion over a continuously tunable range of energies makes them a highly versatile tool for investigations in many research fields including, but not limited to, atomic and nuclear spectroscopy, heavy ion reactions, accelerator mass spectroscopy as well as ion-beam analysis and modification. The book is divided into three parts. The first part concisely introduces the field of accelerator technology and techniques that emphasize their major modern applications. The second part treats the electrostatic accelerator per se: its construction and operational principles as well as its maintenance. The third part covers all relevant applications in which electrostatic accelerators are the preferred tool for accelerator-based investigations. Since some topics are common to all types of accelerators, Electrostatic Accelerators will also be of value for those more familiar with other types of accelerators.
Particle Accelerator Physics covers the dynamics of relativistic particle beams, basics of particle guidance and focusing, lattice design, characteristics of beam transport systems and circular accelerators. Particle-beam optics is treated in the linear approximation including sextupoles to correct for chromatic aberrations. Perturbations to linear beam dynamics are analyzed in detail and correction measures are discussed, while basic lattice design features and building blocks leading to the design of more complicated beam transport systems and circular accelerators are studied. Characteristics of synchrotron radiation and quantum effects due to the statistical emission of photons on particle trajectories are derived and applied to determine particle-beam parameters. The discussions specifically concentrate on relativistic particle beams and the physics of beam optics in beam transport systems and circular accelerators such as synchrotrons and storage rings. This book forms a broad basis for further, more detailed studies of nonlinear beam dynamics and associated accelerator physics problems, discussed in the subsequent volume.
This thesis focuses on a cutting-edge area of research, which is aligned with CERN's mainstream research, the "AWAKE" project, dedicated to proving the capability of accelerating particles to the energy frontier by the high energy proton beam. The author participated in this project and has advanced the plasma wakefield theory and modelling significantly, especially concerning future plasma acceleration based collider design. The thesis addresses electron beam acceleration to high energy whilst preserving its high quality driven by a single short proton bunch in hollow plasma. It also demonstrates stable deceleration of multiple proton bunches in a nonlinear regime with strong resonant wakefield excitation in hollow plasma, and generation of high energy and high quality electron or positron bunches. Further work includes the assessment of transverse instabilities induced by misaligned beams in hollow plasma and enhancement of the wakefield amplitude driven by a self-modulated long proton bunch with a tapered plasma. This work has major potential to impact the next generation of linear colliders and also in the long-term may help develop compact accelerators for use in industrial and medical facilities.
The application horizon of particle accelerators has been widening significantly in recent decades. Where large accelerators have traditionally been the tools of the trade for high-energy nuclear and particle physics, applications in the last decade have grown to include large-scale accelerators like synchrotron light sources and spallation neutron sources. Applications like generation of rare isotopes, transmutation of nuclear reactor waste, sub-critical nuclear power, generation of neutrino beams etc. are next area of investigation for accelerator scientific community all over the world. Such applications require high beam power in the range of few mega-watts (MW). One such high intensity proton beam facility is proposed at Fermilab, Batavia, US, named as Project-X. Project-X facility is based on H- linear accelerator (linac), which will operate in continuous wave (CW) mode and accelerate H- ion beam with average current of 1 mA from kinetic energy of 2.5 MeV to 3 GeV to deliver 3MW beam power. One of the most challenging tasks of the Project-X facility is to have a robust design of the CW linac which can provide high quality beam to several experiments simultaneously. Hence a careful design of linac is important to achieve this objective.
Although particle accelerators are the book's main thrust, it offers a broad synoptic description of beams which applies to a wide range of other devices such as low-energy focusing and transport systems and high-power microwave sources. Develops material from first principles, basic equations and theorems in a systematic way. Assumptions and approximations are clearly indicated. Discusses underlying physics and validity of theoretical relationships, design formulas and scaling laws. Features a significant amount of recent work including image effects and the Boltzmann line charge density profiles in bunched beams.
After a historical consideration of the types and evolution of accelerators the physics of particle beams is provided in detail. Topics dealt with comprise linear and nonlinear beam dynamics, collective phenomena in beams, and interactions of beams with the surroundings. The design and principles of synchrotrons, circular and linear colliders, and of linear accelerators are discussed next. Also technological aspects of accelerators (magnets, RF cavities, cryogenics, power supply, vacuum, beam instrumentation, injection and extraction) are reviewed, as well as accelerator operation (parameter control, beam feedback system, orbit correction, luminosity optimization). After introducing the largest accelerators and colliders of their times the application of accelerators and storage rings in industry, medicine, basic science, and energy research is discussed, including also synchrotron radiation sources and spallation sources. Finally, cosmic accelerators and an outlook for the future are given.
This unique new book is a comprehensive review of the many current industrial applications of particle accelerators, written by experts in each of these fields. Readers will gain a broad understanding of the principles of these applications, the extent to which they are employed, and the accelerator technology utilized. The book also serves as a thorough introduction to these fields for non-experts and laymen. Due to the increased interest in industrial applications, there is a growing interest among accelerator physicists and many other scientists worldwide in understanding how accelerators are used in various applications. The government agencies that fund scientific research with accelerators are also seeking more information on the many commercial applications that have been or can be developed with the technology developments they are funding. Many industries are also doing more research on how they can improve their products or processes using particle beams
The first edition of Engines of Discovery celebrated in words, images and anecdotes the accelerators and their constructors that culminated in the discovery of the Higgs boson. But even before the Higgs was discovered, before the champagne corks popped and while the television producers brushed up their quantum mechanics, a new wave of enthusiasm for accelerators to be applied for more practical purposes was gaining momentum. Almost all fields of human endeavour will be enhanced by this trend: energy conservation, medical diagnostics and treatment, national security, as well as industrial processing. Accelerators have been used most spectacularly to reveal the structure of the complex molecules that determine our metabolism and life. For every accelerator chasing the Higgs, there are now ten thousand serving other purposes. It is high time to move from abstract mathematics and philosophy to the practical needs of humankind. It is the aim of this revised and expanded edition to describe this revolution in a manner which will attract the young, not only to apply their curiosity to the building blocks of matter but to help them contribute to the improvement of the quality of life itself on this planet. As always, the authors have tried to avoid lengthy mathematical description. In describing a field which reaches out to almost all of today's cutting edge technology, some detailed explanation cannot be avoided but this has been confined to sidebars. References guide experts to move on to the journal Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology and other publications for more information. But first we would urge every young physicist, teacher, journalist and politician to read this book. Contents: Electrostatic Accelerators; Cyclotrons; Linear Accelerators; Betatrons; Synchrotrons; Colliders; Neutrino Super Beams, Neutrino Factories and Muon Colliders; Detectors; High-Energy and Nuclear Physics; Synchrotron Radiation Sources; Isotope Production and Cancer Therapy Accelerators; Spallation Neutron Sources; Accelerators in Industry and Elsewhere; National Security; Energy and the Environment; A Final Word OCo Mainly to the Young. Readership: Scientists, research physicists, engineers and administrators at accelerator laboratories; general readers; undergraduates and graduates in physics, electrical engineering and the history of science."