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The T2K experiment studies the properties of neutrinos, particularly neutrino oscillations. It takes place in Japan and uses a muonic neutrino beam produced by the J-PARC accelerator complex, a near detector, ND280 on the J-PARC site in order to characterise the beam, and a far detector, Super-Kamiokande 295 km away in order to measure the neutrino oscillations. The near detector is also used to study the neutrino interactions and the goal of this thesis is the measurement of muonic neutrino deep inelastic scattering cross sections.The thesis first introduces neutrino physics, then the T2K experiment and more particularly the time projection chambers of the near detector, and its data quality checking that I was in charge of. The analysis is based on the T2K data recorded until 2013. The selection of charged current muonic neutrino interactions is then presented, as well as a preliminary study of the selection of charged current muonic neutrino interactions with the production of a neutral pion. A criterion on track multiplicity allows enriching the former sample in interactions corresponding to a neutrino deep inelastic scattering. Finally a fit, first validated on simulated data, allows the extraction of the muonic neutrino deep inelastic scattering cross sections.
This book is based on the author's work in the T2K long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment, in which neutrinos are generated by a proton beam and are detected by near and far neutrino detectors. In order to achieve the precise measurement of the neutrino oscillation, an accurate understanding of the neutrino beam and the neutrino interaction is essential. Thus, the author measured the neutrino beam properties and the neutrino interaction cross sections using a near neutrino detector called INGRID and promoted a better understanding of them. Then, the author performed a neutrino oscillation analysis using the neutrino beam and neutrino interaction models verified by the INGRID measurements. As a result, some values of the neutrino CP phase are disfavored at the 90% confidence level. If the measurement precision is further improved, we may be able to discover the finite CP phase which involves the CP violation. Thus, this result is an important step towards the discovery of CP violation in the lepton sector, which may be the key to understanding the origin of the matter–antimatter asymmetry in the universe.
This thesis is devoted to the measurement of the electron neutrino appearance with the T2K experiment. T2K is a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment that is taking data in Japan. The neutrino beam is produced by an accelerator in JPARC and neutrinos are observed in a Near Detector, ND280, before the oscillation and in the far detector, SuperKamiokande, after the oscillation. The aim of this thesis is the measurement of the intrinsic electron neutrino component of the beam with the Near Detector. The main detector used in this measurement is the ND280 TPC. The first part of the thesis describes the method developed for the particle identification in the TPCs: the PID method is based on the measurement of the truncated mean of the charge deposited by the particles crossing the gas. The PID capabilities of the TPCs have been tested analyzing the beam test data: these data have been taken at TRIUMF where we had a beam composed by electrons, muons and pions with momenta up to 400 MeV/c: the analysis of these data confirmed that the resolution on the deposited energy in the TPCs was of the order of 7%. When the first data of the T2K experiment were available, a first measurement of the electron neutrino component in the near detector has been done. To perform the analysis, a sample of neutrino interactions in ND280 was selected: this sample was mainly composed by muon neutrino interactions as the electron neutrino is expected to be 1 % of the total number of neutrinos in the beam. The selection of both, electron and muon neutrinos, allowed a first measurement of the electron neutrino component in the T2K beam.
This thesis reports the measurement of muon neutrino and antineutrino disappearance and electron neutrino and antineutrino appearance in a muon neutrino and antineutrino beam using the T2K experiment. It describes a result in neutrino physics that is a pioneering indication of charge-parity (CP) violation in neutrino oscillation; the first to be obtained from a single experiment. Neutrinos are some of the most abundant—but elusive—particles in the universe, and may provide a promising place to look for a potential solution to the puzzle of matter/antimatter imbalance in the observable universe. It has been firmly established that neutrinos can change flavour (or ‘oscillate’), as recognised by the 2015 Nobel Prize. The theory of neutrino oscillation allows for neutrinos and antineutrinos to oscillate differently (CP violation), and may provide insights into why our universe is matter-dominated. Bayesian statistical methods, including the Markov Chain Monte Carlo fitting technique, are used to simultaneously optimise several hundred systematic parameters describing detector, beam, and neutrino interaction uncertainties as well as the six oscillation parameters.