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Franz Kafka is by far the Prague author most widely read and admired internationally. However, his reception in Czechoslovakia, launched by the Liblice conference in 1963, has been conflicted. While rescuing Kafka from years of censorship and neglect, Czech critics of the 1960s “overwrote” his German and Jewish literary and cultural contexts in order to focus on his Czech cultural connections. Seeking to rediscover Kafka’s multiple backgrounds, in Franz Kafka and His Prague Contexts Marek Nekula focuses on Kafka’s Jewish social and literary networks in Prague, his German and Czech bilingualism, and his knowledge of Yiddish and Hebrew. Kafka’s bilingualism is discussed in the context of contemporary essentialist views of a writer’s organic language and identity. Nekula also pays particular attention to Kafka’s education, examining his studies of Czech language and literature as well as its role in his intellectual life. The book concludes by asking how Kafka read his urban environment, looking at the readings of Prague encoded in his fictional and nonfictional texts. ‘Nekula’s work has had a major impact on our understanding of Kafka’s relation to the complex social, cultural and linguistic environment of early twentieth‑century Prague. While little of this work has been available in English until now, the present volume translates many of his most important studies, and includes revisions and expansions appearing now for the first time. Nekula challenges stubborn clichés and opens important new perspectives: readers interested in questions relating to Kafka and Prague will find this an essential and richly rewarding book.’ – Peter Zusi, University College London ‘Marek Nekula’s important book originally situates Franz Kafka within his Pragueand Czech contexts. It critically examines numerous distortions that accompanied the reception of Kafka, starting with the central issue of Kafka’s languages(Kafka’s Czech, Prague German), and the ideological discourse surrounding the author in communist Czechoslovakia. Astute and carefully argued, Franz Kafka and his Prague Contexts offers new perspectives on the writings of the Prague author. This book will benefit readers in German and Slavic Studies, in Comparative Literature, and History of Ideas.’ – Veronika Tuckerová, Harvard University Marek Nekula připravil soubor studií o tom, jak Praha formovala Kafkovu osobnost a dílo. Kniha začíná kritickou diskuzí o problematickém přijímání Franze Kafky v Československu, které začalo na konferenci v Liblici v roce 1963. Zde byl Kafka zachráněn před cenzurou za cenu "přepsání" jeho německého a židovského literárního a kulturního kontextu s cílem vyzdvihnout český vliv na jeho tvorbu. Studie se zaměřují na židovské sociální a literární prostředí v Praze, Kafkovu německo-českou dvojjazyčnost a jeho znalost jidiš a hebrejštiny. Kafkův bilingvismus je probírán v kontextu současných esencialistických názorů na spisovatelův jazyk a identitu. Nekula také věnuje zvláštní pozornost Kafkovu vzdělání, zkoumá jeho studia českého jazyka a literatury, jakož i jeho českou četbu a její roli v jeho intelektuálním životě. Knihu uzavírá otázkou, jak Kafka „četl“ své městské prostředí.
Linguistics and Literature is the first book to offer an overview of how linguistic theory can be applied to the oral and written literatures of the world
Journal of Critical Studies in Language and Literature (JCSLL) is a bimonthly double-blind peer-reviewed "Premier" open access journal that represents an interdisciplinary and critical forum for analysing and discussing the various dimensions in the interplay between language, literature, and translation. It locates at the intersection of disciplines including linguistics, discourse studies, stylistic analysis, linguistic analysis of literature, comparative literature, literary criticism, translation studies, literary translation and related areas. It focuses mainly on the empirically and critically founded research on the role of language, literature, and translation in all social processes and dynamics. Articles submitted to JCSLL should bring together critical theories and concepts and in-depth, empirical, language- and literary-oriented analysis. They have to be problem-oriented and rely on well-informed contemporary as well as historical contextualisation of the analysed texts and contexts. Methodologies can be qualitative, quantitative or mixed, but must in any case be systematic and anchored in relevant linguistic, literary, and translation disciplines.
Language and literature teaching are a keystone in the age of STEM, especially when dealing with minority communities. Practical methodologies for language learning are essential for bridging the cultural gap. Teaching Language and Literature On and Off-Canon is a critical research publication that provides a multidisciplinary, multimodal, and heterogenous perspectives on the applications of language learning and teaching practices for commonly studied languages, such as Spanish, English, and French, and less-studied languages, such as Latin, Gaelic, and ancient Semitic languages. Highlighting topics such as language acquisition, artistic literature, and minority languages, this book is essential for language teachers, linguists, academicians, curriculum designers, policymakers, administrators, researchers, and students.